Nurse Nerf


lots of ppl talk about the need for a nerf to Nurse given her dominance at the highest levels.

i'm just curious what the community thinks. do you think it would be enough of a nerf to her to change her blink strikes to a Special Ability Attack and not a Basic Attack? this would remove many synergies.

i ask because i was thinking about what the new Jolt without cooldown will be like on Nurse.


  • ziEr
    ziEr Member Posts: 3

    Already nerfed, although they could have nerfed her a little more:

    • - Heavy Panting - increased the blink duration by 20%
    • - Kavanaghs Last Breath - increased the blink duration by 30%

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    She still needs more done. I'd like to see:

    • Make any attack where she uses 2 or more blinks count as a special attack.
    • Make it so if she blinks through a falling pallet she gets intercepted and pallet stunned.
    • Make it so that if she gets hit with a pallet during her fatigue the fatigue is interrupted and she gets pallet stunned.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Range addons can be reworked once bigger maps get size reduced. Torn Bookmark should be reworked again. But she’s perfectly balanced otherwise.

  • colley94
    colley94 Member Posts: 100

    Given her dominance at most levels really. It is amazing to see that this is still a thing despite hundreds of forum posts calling for a nerf. The fact that people can easily get 50+ win streaks as her should say enough really. Fascinated to know why Behaviour don't address it.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 932

    Nurse is fine she dont need a nerf