We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Killers unironocally need further buffs

Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

*takes a deep breath and mumbles to oneself*

Okay Aku, calm down. You can do this

*straightens himself*

Hello everyone.

So, the last patch brought some big changes and buffs to killers... Or so it seemed, did it? Then why do I still escape 90% of my time? I'll tell you why: because the so calles killer buffs did literally nothing to the real problems of the game.

I can still loop nearly every killer for several gens at a time, their fabled 10% faster wiping speed does nothing when they don't hit me in the first place.

And 10% faster palette breaking speed means nothing when I still can greed palettes at short, safe loops because of my agile hitbox compared to the killers big, thunderous one, and they barely gain 4s over the course of a whole match by faster smashing wood.

Seriously, its getting boring at this point and I have to use meme builds just to challenge me a little bit. Killer mains want to be respected and feared, but that's quite hard when the game plays out less then a slasher film and more like a Benny Hill sketch.

Me and my mates can still bully the killer without any real danger to ourselves, and if the killer catches us they are often visibly shaken, while we laugh our asses off.

So please, BHVR, give killers some SUBSTANTIAL and MEANINGFUL buffs and not this sad excuse of alibi increase of numbers that do nothing to actually help them to become more killy and so that the game regains a little bit of its horror and slasher ancestors.



An anonymous and concerned survivor main 

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited August 2022

    I'd rather the devs take back the buffs (and nerfs, basically revert everything except the Perk changes) and add different base-kit changes. Like both an incentive to leave a Hook, and a disincentive to camping. An incentive to hook different Survivors, and a disincentive for tunneling a Survivor.

    Basically give Killers a reason to play "nice" by rewarding them and punishing not "playing nice".

    Survivors just need an incentive to leave Generators that makes them less boring by making Survivors work on them for less at a time.

    Generators could still take 80 seconds, but Survivors would have to leave them and search for parts. This would lead to more interaction with the Killer, slower Generator speeds and also making Generators less boring by working on them in multiple, shorter time intervals

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    better yet.....just practice and get better. than you wont need any buffs

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Map design rears its ugly head again. Sure you can buff base killer stats but it means nothing if fractured cowshed still exists

  • botany_nerd
    botany_nerd Member Posts: 123

    alot of pallets besides the ones on new maps have become 50/50 pallets and the bloodlust buff easily makes these dangerous.

    map sizes are a problem on they're own that doesn't really have anything to do with buffs but i agree they need to be looked at.

    loops sure could use a look at but again that bloodlust buff really helps with it.

    as a solo player i can't really throw my hat in on the swf problem so i'll leave it at that.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Killers don’t need buffs, the real problem is map design

  • Cameragosha
    Cameragosha Member Posts: 630

    Just give M1 killer move 4.8 m/s or 120 %

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,046

    Cleaned up some comments in here, let's keep the discussion civil, please. There is no need to point out people's post counts, and also a reminder that someone having a strong, different opinion that does not reflect your own, doesn't mean they are being a "troll". Thank you.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,248

    Tbh, the post was partially over the top, but it was truthfully inspired by the quite tough and taxing matches I face as a killerband the overly strong opinion that playing killer right now is somehow easy mode and that its akin to a walk in the park.

    What the responses show, though, is that I am not alone with this perception. But rather then blanket buffs or debuffs I think that we need some kind of MMR bracket modifiers.

    It seems pretty obvious that beginner survivors are having a very hard time with gaining any kind of stable footing, which has always been the case, but is now even increased.

    On the same vein, in higher skill play very few changed at all. The most important thing is that the utter dominance of DH. That perks nerf alone made playing killer fun again. The 10% buffs also helps and award you some if the tighter chases, but the overall feeling is the same: gens get slammed left and right and some survivors run circles around you and give you their best "you can't touch this" impression.

    So you can't honestly buff all killers across all skill levels, it just will always leave one end of the metric in the dust. So I think we might need MMR bracket adjustments.

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 574

    “Me and my mates”

    That explains why you escape 90% of the time, now play solo and tell me how often you escape. If you play in a 4 man team with voice chat the game will obviously be in your favor

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    edited August 2022

    The easy fix: buff killers vs SWF to an ascending degree for how many teamed players there are.

    The hard fix: change every map to correct all the absurdity of 30+ pallets, 5+ godpallets, and endlessly safe, closely clustered loops.

    The actual fix: do nothing and eventually only the good players will remain so the devs won't have to do any actual balance fixes..

  • RMT
    RMT Member Posts: 32

    Ofc you guys gonna escape a lot. BHVR cant nerf the most broken perk of the game: Discord

    On a serious note: the buff to the regular killers should come with nurse/blight addons nerf. Thats a fact

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,463

    So you can't honestly buff all killers across all skill levels, it just will always leave one end of the metric in the dust. So I think we might need MMR bracket adjustments.

    that is what I was saying regards to skill-levels in dbd. improving base-stats of the killer affects survivors that have trouble looping normal killers. it just made it harder for lesser experienced survivors to loop while experienced players still loop just fine. In essence, killer's skill expression in regard to m1 at most loops is non-existed for the vast majority of maps.

    killer's gain skill expression through their abilities and killer power. Since like 80% of the killer powers are ineffective against better players, they have little impact on the outcome of the match and big part of outcome of the match for killer is relied on survivor's skill-level. killer would need have some majorly game-changing add-on that improve the base-kit of their power to really be competitive against stronger players.

    Survivor can finish the generator objective in 450 seconds which sounds ok in practice where it takes 7 minutes and 20 seconds for a single survivor to finish all generators, but the game is 4vs1 where 1 survivor is getting chased by the killer and 3 survivors are on generators. If you divide their objective by 3, it takes 150 seconds to finish the objective. that is roughly 2 minutes and 30 seconds. now survivor don't finish the game in 2 minutes and 30 seconds because of walking distance and killer game pressure but for strong swf, their typical objective time ranges between 5-6 minutes, sometimes 4 minutes.

    Killers simply do not win in 5 minutes. like what killers really get 6-7 hooks in 5 minutes? Nurse starstruck maybe? Like in order for killer to win in 5-6 minutes, they practically need to 4 man slug the survivors and skip entire hook aspect of the game. 4 man slugging for the killer simply is not realistic for the killer.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    If they would cut this off, this game would lose thousands of players.

    Solo-Q is always bad, because u have to rely on noob-comrates.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Not just solo queue. Any S tier and A tier killer that is played by a main (meaning an individual that specializes with that killer) are winning the majority of their games. I get that trapper and pig may feel bad to play still, but giving global buffs to all killers is not the way to address that.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542
    edited August 2022

    If your running killers for 5 gen loops then that says way more about the killer then you. Its one thing to say that killers cannot keep up with the gen speeds, but you seem to apply that you are looping the killer for minutes at a time. That should not be happening, and certainly not regularly. Its hard to give precise critique without many details of these matches you are talking about, but I have to genuinely wonder, are these killers you versing, do they deserve these downs? Howe effective ae they using their power, and what addons are they using? How are you bullying these killers?

    Killer is so much harder back in the early years and yet despite these massive changes killers seem to think the game is still too hard. The truth is most killers who are struggling are struggling due to their own inabilities. With enough practice the majority of killers are viable and this has been demonstrated by most content creators. When you play killer are you regularly getting curb stomped? If the answer is no, then you seem to imply that you are above the average player who just plays for fun, and maybe you should have relax more, and if the answer is yes, then why are you getting beaten so badly frequently when many others who are not?

  • MegalodonYT
    MegalodonYT Member Posts: 5

    I guess you’re kinda right, but as a killer main, I think it’s pretty balanced and doesn’t need anymore buffs. I consider myself as a really good killer and it’s not that hard to mindgame even good-at-looping survivors. I get at least a 3K in 70% of my games, so maybe you were against a bunch of noobs who can’t mindgame/chase for sh&* ?

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    I play only soloq, with the occasional swf whenever my feel like it, aka every blue moon. I can tell you I do not share your experience. I am lucky if I escape once or twice every 10-20 games. It's miserable playing DbD.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,132
    edited August 2022

    I think killer is in a nice spot when speed up slow down and bad map design is not considered. I don't think they need buffs, I think the bad map design needs looked at and the Speed up/Slow down perks/addons maybe need looked at.

    Anymore passive buffs will skyrocket the already dominating killers already higher, plus still nothing has been done to STBFL.

    Also if anything I feel hits on healthy survivors should be reverted back to the full dash distance and endurance hits should be the ones with shortened distance tbh.