Let Survivors rule out Killers from their matchmaking

Survivors are given the option to remove up to 3 Killers from their matchmaking.
If a Survivor removes, Trickster, Huntress and Blight for instance, these Killers will never show up in the Survivor's matchmaking until changed.
This will reduce disconnections and hook suicides when Survivors go against Killers they find unfun to go against.
Goodbye Nurses, Blight and Spirits/Bubbas, you'll never get to play a single match ever again.
Bad idea, get good
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You will not believe, but I don't really mind going against Nurses, Blights and especially Spirits.
I instead would remove Artist, Clown and Doctor from my matchmaking.
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Doesn’t matter, the vast majority will abuse such a feature to avoid the strongest killers.
also could be easily abused by SWF to ban even more killers.. plus it would make matchmaking waiting times hell..
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Its a bad idea. It makes waiting times worse.
I mean should i be able to block all megs bc i think they are bad teammates? Or killer/survivor with a specific perk?
I heard from people that they cant deal with doctors shocks or plagues puking sound and they should have an option. But other people will just abuse it and ban the strongest killer.
So they should try to fix problematic killer, they could add a question about least wanted killer in their next survey and the reasoning behind it. Then they could fix it. It will take longer and is more work, but its the far better solution.
And about the problem you mentioned with dc/suiciding: most people in my matches dc bc they got downed fast, not bc of a specific killer.
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I agree with the above posters. This idea would make queue times worse to the point some people might be waiting 40 minutes to an hour for a match. That in essence is not fun. Maybe a map ban mechanic would work better?
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Only if you have faced that killer match before so I think would be fair to you disable him for one match. Nobody wants to see same killer two games a row. Some killers are also far too common. But better change would be to nerf popular killers and buff the least popular ones.
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That'd be really bad cause you'd almost get no games as any killer that Survivors hate when they're blocked. If anything ques would be worst for both sides.
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I'd love this because I could remove all the mega boring pinheads with full passive builds from my matchmaking (Pain res, DMS, Dead Lock and whatever else) then they just sit and tunnel all game. As if this killer didn't have enough passive stuff as it is lol
And I'd remove Legion tbh, mend simulator byeeee
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You know what should be allowed to be ruled out? Maps. Give a realm or two to rule out. Map offerings can override.
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Honestly I'd be okay with this but it'd be a mess in solo Q so would the killer ban idea, maybe they could add a draft mode similliar to mobas?
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This would be less of a mess tbh, cause it doesn't limit matchmaking. Although there's a high possibility you would never see some realms ever again.
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Yeah and even some killers, but it may force the devs hand to balance things better as it'd give as if some kind of user feedback that isn't just in game stats.
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If killers can ban 3 perks/items in return, then I'd accept that
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this is the 50th time this has been suggested and it still isnt a good idea.
people pay money for characters and just cant play them because enough survivors ticked a box that they didnt want to play against them.
this would increase queue times for both killers and survivors
a really unnecessary change that just makes the game objectively worse
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Your idea would just instantly kill the game and the killer role in general.
Most survivors are just gonna ban the strongest killers AKA Nurse Blight maybe Pinhead not because of his strength but bcs of his passive box and chain hunt that most players find really painful to deal with in SoloQ.
Basically with your suggestion you're just gonna force people to play weaker killers and have some miserable time against decent survivors.
Trust me if this ever get added in the game Nurse and Blight players will never find a game and forcing your killer playerbase to play others killers is bad and unhealthy for the game.
if this goes live I will instantly ban Plague from my matchmaking bcs fuk her I hate Plague.
But yes just learn to adapt I guess I know it can be hard sometimes in SoloQ rn but well try your best !
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So Survivor A rules out: Nurse, Blight, Pinhead.
Survivor B rules out: Huntress, Bubba, Billy.
Survivor C rules out: Wraith, Spirit, Pyramid Head.
Survivor D rules out: Legion, Nemesis, Hag.
Congratulations, now you get hour long matchmaking queues.
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Easy wins are fantastic?
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Confidential information
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This is just a bad idea. It's plain cherry picking and would easily be abused.
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I can see the appeal of something like this but it is entirely impractical.
It would be nice if matchmaking made you not match with the same type of killer twice in a row, but I bet that would be impractical too, especially for BHVR.
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Perks? Sure. There is enough of those. But Items? Common. Ban toolbox, flashlight and medkit. What is left? A (totally useless) key? Or 4x map? :D
But if we limit it to survivors can ban 3 killers (swf as a group or each solo as they are matched (but they are matched together with killer so that it would work)) and killers can ban 3 perks - that would actually work. It would also give feedback as to what killers/surv perks need adjustment. I would appreciate it.
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Or you could adjust matchmaking so, that those 4 will not get into 1 lobby ;) Done deal
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You want to add further layers to matchmaking?
You realise the more complicated you make it the longer it takes, right?
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Yes. You are right. It will get a little longer (but not by much if you don't pick something that is clearly broken and everyone wants to play/ban it). But it is still not that hard to do. For most killers it will add maybe 1-5% waiting time. The only exception would be some unhealthy strong killers in their bracket (e.g. nurse/blight in highest MMR) - which highlights the problem.
Also as was stated above - I would be willing to add similar ban mechanism to killer for survivor's perks (this would mean survivors would need to select their build before they are matched) - which would also highlight some problematic perks (e.g. boons)
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You got a source for those figures?
If you have survivors being able to ban even one killer each (four killers per lobby), combined with killers being able to ban perks (even just DH), then matchmaking will not increase by 1-5%, it will grind to a halt.
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I stated it before. Solo has 3 bans - but they can be matched together so that they will overlap to some degree (if it is even needed) so that there is a game. SWF would get 3 bans as a group (so if it's 4-man swf - one of them will not get a ban)
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Yeah you can't have a ban system for a game like this, even if it were to be just one. The entire community would ban nurse, and you would never be able to play her until she got nerfed to a point where people would swap to blight. And then the same scenario would have to exist to bring blight out of the shadow realm.
There are people who play this game and only ever play that one killer, you would be essentially killing the game for them. As a survivor main, I would love it, I already know my ban order. But, I also understand it wouldn't be good for the games health.
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Survivors banning 3 different killers would be far worse than killers banning 3 items, since you can still nab them outta chests
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I’m going to blow your mind. Unfun means squat. Get over it. Fun is irrelevant to balance, because it's an entirely subjective standard that cannot be objectively designed around. What some find fun, others will find unfun and vice-versa, and neither side's opinion is relevant. If something is balanced, it doesn't matter if it's unfun.
Post edited by SuzuKR on2 -
Since we're making unreasonable wishlists, how about:
- Let killers rule out survivor groups with multiple of the same character
- Prevent survivors from swapping out which character they're playing as once they're in the lobby
- Let killers rule out survivors who are equipped with boons
- Let killers rule out survivors using "chase me" taunting cosmetics
- Let killers rule out survivors with TTV in their name
Coming up with a whole bunch of random nonsense is fun.
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Are you trying to say that we have unbalanced killers? Well. I mean... That might suggest we want to rebalance them. Right? And it should go both ways - if some killer is never picked... We should rebalance him. I mean... That's actually healthy for the game and promotes diversity. Is that not correct?
Sure. But you could always get key without any addons... And loosing time with chests is usually not a good idea. Anyway - perks make much more sense as there is by far much higher diversity (also if you consider you don't want flash saves and u ban 2 firecrackers and flashlight only to be flashbanged by someone).
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What? I mean.... If games are not about fun. Then why do you play it? Makes absolutely 0 sense to me. The game SHOULD be fun. Ideally for everyone and as much as possible.
Nah. Last 2 are unreasonable to me, but all other items seems legit. I would go for it
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Fun is an arbitrary and subjective standard. That is why it's irrelevant. Fun has nothing to do with balance. If something is balanced, it does not matter if some find it unfun. Others find it fun, and neither side's opinion on it matters, because it is balanced. If something is unbalanced, there are objective changes that can be made to balance it further. For instance, changing numbers or adding/removing features. That is not possible for "fun", because everyone has their own opinion and it is not some objective statistic like performance. You will never ever get a situation that is fun for all players all the time. One person's sense of unfun does not trump another's sense of fun, nor vice-versa, which is why balance is the only relevant statistic. Don't like a particular thing? Tough, get over it. Others do. Like a particular thing? Cool, don't care, others don't. Which is why it's not a reason to make changes.
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Don't know I get what ppl are saying, it's a bad idea it probably would make things worse. But I wish they would do something to help cut down DCing. I will be honest I would rather have a long queue time as a legion than having more than 50% of my match end up with someone DCing bc they find legion boring. Like waiting in queues isn't fun but having someone dc at the beginning of a match isn't fun either. Just giving me a free win or I feel bad and just sit there farming with the other 3 survivors which is as boring and unfun also. I get it I know some nights when I play survivor there are killers I just don't feel like going up against. Either way I don't think they do anything like this since like others said it would just lead to bad queue times.
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If i want to avoid flashie users i slap my sunglasses on, i just get annoyed at the souped up medkits and toolboxes
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Balancing killers and banning killers are two very different things. People also do whatever streamers tell them to do, so if streamers started saying Myer's was busted, suddenly everyone is banning Myer's.
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a bad, and quite honestly very idiotic idea. Not only this will surely begin a trend to "ban" certain killers and abuse the system (like survivors always do with anything they can abuse), but will also make match making hell. Wtih this system the survivors could potentially band 12 killers wich would already be ridiculous as it would cut out a lot of people from playing, it that wasnt dumb enought the system would have to check out person by person what killer they are using thus increasing the timer it takes to find a match, but if that wasnt bad enought if for watever reason any player disconects it reestarts the whole thing all over again. If that wasnt dumb enought imagine this also its added on the killer side, meaning that certain perks are banned...i tink you get the picture...if match making its already slow imagine it with this "thing"...just no, this us dumb beyond belief
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From a personal perspective, this would be great. From a game health perspective, it would be not so great.
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Maybe change it so that you cant get matched the same Killer twice, lets say every... 2h so if you have to face that one killer you cant stand at least you know you will have peace of mind for a little time.
Alternatively show us the killer. Killers can see the Items of survs, so they know what to do. Problem is killers cant change their specific powers.
Sidenote... What if Michael gives his Mask to freddy.... stalking nightmare? hummmmm