The biggest problem with SWF

The game is balanced around survivors not having information or not being able to communicate. This becomes abundantly clear once you see how many perks simply give survivors information that SWF effectively get for free. I looked through all the survivor perks, and here are the ones that survivors get for free.
1 Point means 1 perk, some perks they get partial credit for due to them doing multiple effects. But here is the list:
- Boon: Circle of Healing (.5 points) [They know where each other is, so they get the effect of knowing where other survivors are and don't need a "go here" location to heal]
- Kindred (1 point) [They always know where everyone is and where the killer is]
- Windows of Opportunity (.5 points) [They communicate where pallets are at, but it isn't perfect so half a point]
- After care (1 point) [They know where every survivor is at all times]
- Inner Focus (1 point) [They know where every survivor is at all times]
- Bond (1 point) [They know where every survivor is at all times]
- Empathic Connection (1 point) [They know where every survivor is at all times]
- Empathy (1 point) [They know where every survivor is at all times]
- Open-Handed (.5 points) [They know where every survivor is at all times and know where the killer is anytime they are spotted by a single survivor, half a point]
- Wake up! (1 point) [They know where every survivor is at all times]
- Alert (1 point) [When the killer is chasing a survior, all other survivors know where the killer is]
- Situational Awareness [They know where every survivor is at all times]
- Detective's Hunch (.5 points) [They can communicate out where each totem is, so they already have a much easier time finding totems, if 1 survivor spots it, they all know where it is]
- Counterforce (.25 points) [They can communicate out where totems are, they don't get the cleansing speed and the initial finding of all totems though, quarter point]
- Dark Sense (1 point) [They generally will almost always know where the killer is unless it is a stealth killer, in which case this perk wouldn't work on that killer anyway]
- Rookie spirit (.75 points) [Unless the killer kicks a gen out of sight of a survivor, which should be rare, they always know which gens are regressing]
- Deja Vu (1 point) [They easily know the location of every generator very quickly and can call it out to each other]
- Plunderer's Instinct (.5 points) [They easily know the location of every chest and can communicate it out, they don't get the rarer item though, half point]
- Small Game (.75 points) [They can easily communicate out where every totem is, and barring a really hard to find one, probably know where every totem is most of the time, 3 quarter points]
- Object of Obsession (1 point) [They generally always know where the killer is, they don't get the action speed buff, but they also don't have the killer seeing where they are as the downside, 1 point]
- Clairvoyance (.5 points) [Once seen, they already know where everything is and can communciate it out to each other]
- Visionary (1 point) [They already know where all the gens are once one survivor sees them]
This means in total they get 16.75 perks for free on each of them, meaning in total the team gets 67 perks for free. Normally they are allotted 16. Additionally, there are many abilities that SWF gain that even perks can't tell you. They can communicate and coordinate body blocks, hook saves, adrenaline plays, the actual repair % of a gen, as well as what kill it is as soon as one of them spots the killer.
While I appreciate the effort you made to be thorough on your arguments, I cannot agree with you.
I do not think there is a problem with 90% of SWFs. I do not think they are, as a whole, overpowered, or that the game is deeply balanced around not having information.
You would be surprised how many SWFs : Don't communicate (playing together not on comms) / Are beginners / Have a bad sense of orientation and can't communicate where stuff is / Don't keep an eye on which gens are regressing / Don't check in every single second to know where everyone is at all time / Still struggle to find gens on dark or convoluted maps / Don't have a lot of game knowledge
I only play in SWF (generally duo, occasionally trio). We're still not that good at the game. We don't communicate our position at all time, because we still need to hear the game and be alert, and we generally don't talk that much when one of us is in chase to not break their concentration. We still get surprised leading the killer to someone accidentally, because we moved and the others didn't know. We still struggle to find chests, totems, even gens on some maps. We still struggle escaping.
That 16.5 free perks is a statistical illusion. No casual SWF has the brainpower to quickly update everyone on all of these infos at all time, and still play the game well.
Do SWF do better because of some info exchange ? Yes. Is Solo queue underpowered ? Also yes. Are some of the strategies encouraged by the game (protection hits, sabo plays, tricky hook saves) almost only do-able as SWF ? A third yes.
All of these things you listed apply to 4-man SWF comp teams. Not casual players trying to enjoy the game with their friends. Most SWFs are not 4-men SWF (that's 6% of survivors), and most SWFs are not gods at the game with superior awareness or game knowledge.
There is no problem with 90% of SWFs, and top tier killers won't have too much trouble even facing 4-man SWFs.
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What you are talking about here is SEAL squad levels of Swiffer play.
90% of swiffers won't communicate everything perfectly. They won't have kindred or windows of opportunity or bond or deja vu at all times because 90% of swiffers don't communicate that. They might use major landmarks, but minor ones are procedurally generated and thereby usually difficult, if not impossible, to call out.
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They say the game is balanced around not being able to have information but solo queue indicates the exact opposite. It's unbalanced due to the lack of information
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Everyone knows that. BHVR refuses to apply any changes to SWF even though SWF is the most unbalanced thing in the game
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Can we apply the 90% of survivors cant use the swf optimally excuse for nurse too?
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This is another argument i see, and the reality is this. There are 2 possible statements you can make:
- We SHOULD balance the game around the top level players
- We SHOULD NOT balance the game around top level players, and should instead balance around the AVERAGE player.
If you believe 1 is true, then you must agree that at top level Survivors are far too powerful, especially when playing SWF.
If you believe 2 is true, then you must agree that nurse is fine, because she often has the lowest kill rate in the game.
You cannot believe 1 is true, and that nurse should not be nerfed.
You cannot believe 2 is true, and that nurse should be nerfed.
If you do, then you are biased.
Either this is ok or it's not:
If it IS ok, then we probably should buff nurse. If it is not ok, then we talk about nerfing nurse after we nerf this.
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Well it's about balancing but also limiting. You can balance for the average player while also limiting the top level. This is sometimes easier, sometimes harder, because top level players will exploit things average players will never think of, so you can just nerf or limit those, while other things are intrinsic to the play style and can't easily be changed.
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Ok then, let's nerf SWF and nurse. You cannot think that this is fine.
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That 16.5 free perks is a statistical illusion.
This is especially true for a lot of those overlapping aura perks. Kindred, Aftercare, Bond, Empathic Connection and Empathy are all survivor aura revealing perks that account for 5 points in your list. The complete information these perks provide is not perfectly reproduced SWFs, even the most optimal SWFs can't convey their exact location to their teem mates all the time, so saying they have 5 perks is incorrect.
The same logic applies to killer, totem and generator aura revealing perks.
Wake up! makes that survivor open the gate faster, they don't get that benefit.
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Who brought nurse into the discussion ? I am very confused.
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There is a reason a large part of the community doesn't think SWF's are a problem and it really just boils down to numbers. 4 man SWFs are actually pretty uncommon, you may play for 8 hours and only come across one. In your head you only lost one game so you think "wow this game is easy SWFs don't have a chance either". But, if you were to visualize a chart of just SWF games you've played, it would show that most games against them are losses. If you were to play against only SWFs for a day, you would be on the forums after the second game.
TLDR: The reason people don't think SWFs are a problem, are because of how few of them there are, but they still consistently lose to them. It just isn't enough loses to create significance.
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Ok, so, if you feel that SWF are fine because they are rare. You must therefor believe we should balance the game around the "average" player. If so, that means we have to do the following:
- Nerf plague
- Nerf Pig
- Nerf Pinhead
- Buff nurse
- Buff twins
When looking at kill rates average out amongst all players, those 3 are way above the rest, and nurse and twins are all the way at the bottom.
Do you believe that this is true?
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I am not sure if you read through my post, I am definitely in the boat for the game to be balanced around SoloQ and not SWFs. I would much rather they compensate killers for playing against SWFs, than to kill half the player base by balancing around SWFs.
There are also perks that work very well against SWFs and giving the killer that information in the lobby could be enough to give them wins on it's own. I think the lobby should show if it's a SWF and in doing that you should also see that you get double blood points and easier PIPs for that game.
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Then you think SWF should be nerfed. Thanks for agreeing.
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Voice software = cheat software, cheater > they must be banned.
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I'm just here to laugh at all the comments defending swf by saying its rare. High mmr is high mmr. Its that fact that it exists not that it is always encountered.
I'm a firm believer that devs dont care about how op a swf can be at this point. Making valid cases on these forums is like yelling truths out into the ether expecting something to change and instead you get a bunch of people who play swf at high level poking you in the eye with sticks and bad arguments.
I've had people unironically state that the communication that swf is capable of is a non issue. They are in an echo chamber too just more people who most likely play in these swfs trying to not get their toy taken away from them.
Then the devs never acknowledge any of these kinds of arguments. Instead they swear to boost up soloq only to backpedal and make changes that poo on soloq. Waste of time imo swf will not change
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But my favorite content creators say SWF isn't a problem and doesn't give any advantages! Me and my solo queue mates run the killer into Head On stuns and double locker flashlight saves ALL the time. My solo queue mates also always stop that gen I had 90% done in the corner from regressing too much after the killer kicks it when he pressures me off it. My solo queue teammates are always on the ball and get right over to that hex that I ran by in chase. I communicate telepathically with my solo queue teammates telling them not to come save me and just rush gens while the killer proxy camps me and I have Deliverance/DS
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well that post is good description of why those information perk are unhealthy for dbd. just divides solo and swf.
Its unlikely they'll ever nerf swf. survivor will say your punishing them for playing with their friends and you certainly do not want remove it either. so its just better to make solo more closer to swf. its not to say that solo will ever be as good as swf, like perfectly 1:1 but if its close. its acceptable.
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The only way to make solo like SWF is to provide voice chat, and they never will do that. The best solution is to create a separate queue of solo and SWF. SWF will be balanced differently, either through base mechanics or perks. Perhaps in the SWF group generators take 100 seconds, or they have to repair 6 generators, or w/e other balancing tweaks need to happen to make it fair in that mode.
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If a SWF is communicating and coordinating at the level OP is describing, then their MMR should be high enough that they're facing killer players that don't have any issue against that. Comms are a relative non-factor against a high level killer. If an optimal SWF is being matched against a killer that doesn't know how to play as if survivors are communicating, then it's a matchmaking issue.
I don't care if my totems are being called out because I'm never running naked Ruin/risk free totems. Feel free to proc Haunted. I don't care if someone calls out that I'm camping because I'm camping for a reason and it's up to them to make a play or lose. If they want to call out my patrols, it's whatever. I'm patrolling to where they should be anyway.
If you're used to playing against it and know how to play around it, it doesn't make a huge difference
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i do not think that would happen. they would simply remove the ability to swf from the game. note I do not believe that swf is inherently imbalanced, but I do think that killer(s) themselves are not balanced around SWF game efficiency. if you had global bond for example, you wouldn't as strong as swf 1:1 but it would be closer, close enough to be acceptable level.
I agree with your post more. Killer that are skilled at the game should be able to handle SWF though I'm not certain how you expect wraith to reach high mmr or reach high mmr. that is one of marginal problems. you get reduced killer variety as survivor from a bunch of killers not being too effective.
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That's not true, MMR caps at 1900. Which is extremely low. If we equate that to the chess world (MMR for any online game is just a variation on Elo, the ranking system for chess) the top 100 chess players have a rating above 2650, and in most games where elo can't inflate (for example DotA 2 has inflation problems) the top of the top players generally hover around 2400-2500 (chess in the modern era is a bit inflationary now due to engines making most top level games draws).
Those survivors are not always facing the best killers, they are facing 7-8/10 killers.
Additionally, matchmaking tries to not make you wait long. So you end up in matches where they are heavily skewed.
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As a solo q survivor with no friends I can understand your pain. Any nerf to SWF is a massive nerf to solo q. IMO if you were to add the action that a survivor is undertaking under their name in solo q you could potentially look at nerfing SWF, but I think this would reshape the game and countless perks.
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dbd is not a competitive game though despite having MMR. MMR is more for matchmaking purposes. Dota 2 is competitive game, it literally has tournaments that feature incredible price pools like $1.600,000. you also have to understand that the mmr number is not exact value for how good you are at the game. Like someone that has 1000 MMR vs 2000 MMR is not 2x better even though math suggests that. the MMR number is an order list. its suppose suggest worst player to the best player but dbd is not looking to make truly competitive system. The MMR number for DBD is more vague approximation for survivor and killer.
For example, you can have a killer that has 5000 MMR and he is number 1. If you set his MMR to 1900. He is still number 1. Its same for survivor. you can have a survivor that is 1500 MMR and let's say that is highest. He is still number 1. this is what i mean in regards to MMR being an ordered list of approximate skill-level. not the exact skill-level.
in order to make a system that captures the true nuances to see like an accurate rating with leaderboards, you need to host a tournament and participate with set pool of players. based off how well you do on tournament, you will be placed in standings just like hotkey. its just that dbd is not competitive game, so it has no need for that. some games do this for their competitive system. Like league of legends, you have 9 tiers of ranking and each one compromises pool of players, so its like having 1000's of mini-tournaments in the game that try rank you based off how often you win, but again, that's because league of legend is competitive game. it has competitive esport, competitive tournament etc.
What I will say is that tournament ranking type matchmaking system are not that good because casual gamers do not really care about how well you place. the primary objective in games for casual audience is fun. the competitive aspect? that is just more of side-quest for matchmaking to get games.
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No, it balanced very well for killers. They loves stomp solo suvivors every game. This is real balance, so please nerf SWFs to this level. With those changes killers can win 99% of games, this should be real balance.
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So if MMR is not fine, then it needs to be dealt with. The person i was responding to said "its fine because MMR means they only go against top killers" but they literally do not because MMR is not fine.
And don't give me "it's not a competitive game" that is the purpose of ranks and MMR. If it wasn't competitive then they should just match people with anyone because after all, "it's just a party game"
And my point is that there is a reason those games HAVE those tournaments with prize pools worth millions. Because they are actually fair for everyone. They are mostly balanced and have a competitive scene. Imagine if this game actually was balanced and BHVR held tournaments, it would easily take off, but they won't do it because the tournament scene shows how much of a joke the game balance is.
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This isn't the reality, it's flawed on multiple levels.
I don't know who that Nurse player was, and Hens did not share that information on the video. I assure you that an actual comp-level Nurse will not be getting 2 hooks on Dead Dawg (or any map). It's pretty silly to use that. Ask Hens how they'd fare again FallenArt, Volga, Zaka, Knightlight. Let alone with range add-ons, a Mori, and any perks of their choosing. 4ks galore. Maybe this player had a particularly bad match, or they were just not an actually good comp player, maybe merely someone that participated sometime(s). If you watch actual competitions, Nurses 4k all the time even against teams way better than Hens' pub team.
In fact, a whole bunch of killer characters are able to 4k in tournaments regularly, again against teams way better than this team. Survivors at that level are in fact not "far too powerful", average kills are above 2, with 4ks being completely common. Yeah there are loadout restrictions in place, but not only are there restrictions for killer loadouts too, but it's instantly a completely different argument to go from "top survivors OP" to "top survivors with all these perks and items stacked a bit overtuned". And not even that is entirely true: We know from "everything allowed" tournaments that happened even before the recent survivor nerfs that Nurse and Blight are perfectly able to compete and even outperform survivors at the top level, again averaging above 2 kills, with 4ks being completely feasible.
There is also a very important distinction to make that changes the entire takeaway from tournament-level DbD: The killer side is 1 player, just like they are when they play public matches, whereas the survivor side is a team of 4 players, practicing together, communicating via voice chat using efficient call out systems, preparing and coordinating builds and strategies, having team cohesion and natural team cooperation (things like having assigned roles, knowing who does what when, intuitively knowing how to play certain scenarios, all due to shared experience as a team). The survivor side benefits much, much more from the tournament setting than the killer side does, because in essence nothing changes for killers. In public matchmaking, the amount of comp-level players presenting a tournament-level killer side is bound to be far beyond the amount of comp-level players presenting a tournament-level survivor side, because for the latter, you need 4 comp-level players that have experience as a team coming together and deciding to play pubs with all the coordination and communication and such that they use in tournaments... and for the former you just need such a player deciding to play killer. Comp teams playing pubs as 4-SWF and actually trying hard to win is vanishingly rare, it basically never happens; comp players playing killer in pubs and trying hard to win happens every single day.
Granted, I was surprised that Hens' team managed to get like 190+ 3-4-escapes in a row, but it's not like the opposite is unheard of either, far from: there are multiple 4k streaks (note: not 3/4k, strictly 4k) spanning 200+ games. In public matchmaking, even now with MMR in place, you almost never meet players of that caliber, so if you are a top-level killer player or 4-SWF, you will be winning the vast majority of your matches pretty handedly. And while Hens' team is not a tournament team, they are all top-level players with thousands upon thousands of hours of playtime and tournament experience (Dan is in one of if not the best team in the world, Laser has been in the comp scene for a long time with varying success, Hens himself has been involved in the scene a lot). I do want to note that matchmaking particularly for 4-SWFs seems to be messed up. You can ask those players themselves, or take it from Dan's recent stream: they know they are getting pretty bad killers most of the time that are simply nowhere near their level, and even say they are getting notably better killers when they queue alone. I have made the same experience.
We should neither balance the game for top-level 4-SWFs nor top-level Nurses, instead we should nerf both SWF and Nurse. We should also buff solo queue as well as various lower-tier killers. Some maps need rebalancing. Restricting pre-made groups to only be able to use any perk/item/add-on at most 1 time would go a long way to make SWF much less of a balance issue.
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instead we should nerf both SWF and Nurse. We should also buff solo queue as well as various lower-tier killers. Some maps need rebalancing. Restricting pre-made groups to only be able to use any perk/item/add-on at most 1 time would go a long way to make SWF much less of a balance issue.
So, you believe that we should balance the game around top level players. I agree that we should buff solo queue though which would be healthier for the game. But SWF need to be dealt with.
Also, the game i posted was not about how well the nurse played or even the outcome of the match. It was simply showing what a coordinated team can do. The game was not balanced around people doing stuff like that, especially since half the survivor perks just give them information about what their team is doing.
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Unironically saying SWF is balanced?
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they won't do it because the tournament scene shows how much of a joke the game balance is.
well that is why its party game. a game could have competitive system for matchmaking but not be competitive. the purpose of competition is to prove that your better than another player. players go competitive in quest to seek fame and fortune. not really purpose for dbd. just my opinion.
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Yeah but again, that Nurse player was just simply not playing up to the level of the survivor team at all in that match, so it shouldn't really be used to argue about balance. Top-level Nurse players can actually compete against this type of coordinated team.
It's not balancing strictly for top-level players - while those are way more common on the killer side in pubs (since again for a top-level survivor side you need 4 top-level survivors coming together with voice comms and all that, which just almost never happens), you still won't be meeting a top-level killer player all that frequently either, even if you are at the MMR cap and whatnot. But in pubs, an even just competent Nurse and 4-SWF will win 90+% of their matches if they try to. That's still a notable balance issue (as well as a matchmaking issue).
I believe that the game is actually slightly killer-sided in its native game mode (and heavier killer-sided depending on the killer character), which is this: all 4 survivor players do not know each other, as such have no coordination on their builds and strategies, and of course no external communication. So yeah, solo queue buffs have been needed for a long time in my opinion. And it's particularly camping and tunnelling that are disruptive in solo scenarios, so those in my mind are what should be rebalanced most of all. A competent killer player can play any killer even perkless and still win the majority of their matches against pub randos if they camp and tunnel.
SWF does obviously change a lot about this, and the game has blatantly not been balanced with SWF (+ voice comms) in mind. That doesn't mean SWF completely destroys balance, but in pubs it definitely more often than not upsets the balance, and it really highlights the power differences between the different killer characters, with some of them definitely being inadquate in that scenario. One blatant aspect of the game not being balanced with SWF in mind are loadouts, which is partly your original point in this thread, but it goes beyond SWF simply having perks "basekit": their coordination of loadouts and their ways of using them allows them to create completely busted combinations that just clearly aren't healthy - 4 BNP toolboxes with stacked Streetwise, 4 OTR + Deliverance, dedicated Booners, 4 Styptics/Syringes, 4 For The People with 4 Soul Guard, multiple Adrenalines and Kinships and Unbreakables and perfectly coordinating the use of them, Power Struggle + Flip-Flop on everyone and always going down under pallets intentionally, Open-Handed on one player with Bonds and 2-3 Kindreds on everyone else, stacked Sprint Bursts + Vigils, and so on. Restricting SWF loadouts would prevent this type of ridiculous abuse, as well as encourage more perk diversity and create more freedom in the perk designing process to begin with since then one won't have to worry about the prospect of those perks being stacked and abused in a coordinated way.
I think those loadout restrictions would actually already be enough to even the playing field for most killers against SWFs, and tournaments support this too, but some killers would still need buffs. Some killers need some nerfs, most of all Nurse, but also Blight, and various add-ons are definitely overtuned. Various maps need adjustments, I'd say around 40% of maps lean more toward survivor, 20% killer, and the rest are pretty okay.
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-"I do not think there is a problem with 90% of SWFs. I do not think they are, as a whole, overpowered, or that the game is deeply balanced around not having information."
DBD is most definitely balanced around not having voice coms. Why would you take one of about 20 perks that gives you information when you can get a "virtual" copy of that perk at no cost when you have voice coms?
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The argument of showing SWF in lobby has been made on here before, as has the idea of compensating them with extra BP, and the general consensus was that they would lobby dodge regardless of how much you compensated them.
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After reading all these comments, there is something that needs to be clear.
SWF will never be nerfed. The only thing that should happen is to bring SoloQ to SWF level.
You can't penalize people for wanting to play with their friends.
You can't ban people for using discord, this is NOT cheating.
The nurse should either get nerfed or reworked, not buffed.
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Competetive =/= Esports
Mario party is competitive, counter strike is competitive, so is UNO etc. You're competing against another.
Swf is problematic because it's the same character as "solo", both are survivor.
Compared to killers, theres no weaker character to balance seperately.
- "Solo" survivor = pig
- Good "solo" survivor = blight
- "Swf (comms)" survivor = "baby nurse"
- Good "swf (comms)" survivors = GodNurse
Disclaimer: The example provided is just a bad metaphor. No need to friggin start with the "nurse op" crap again.
I vaguely recall the devs stating they do not want to balance solo/swf differently. They didnt do it yet and i doubt they start doing it.
So the devs have this awful situation of balancing "bad survivors", "good survivors", teams and "teams on comms" with only touching "survivor".
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People already dodge lobbies that they suspect are SWFs, the only thing that changes is killers being more confident in the perks they choose for that match. I think people would also be very surprised to see just how few 4 man SWF's are out there.
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One can maintain the position that Nurse is not okay while still believing the game should be balanced around the average player. The video you linked is a very extreme example of swf.
As you can see in the video, they're using a clock system to coordinate. This is something you see in tournament swfs.
I only play survivor in a swf duo, very rarely a trio, but never a 4-man. We communicate only the important details. Who the killer is, what perks they're running, if they have a hex and if we're in chase. If a totem is lit at a major landmark, we can say "Lit totem at shack". We don't use a clock system and say "Killer is at 1, going to 12".
Comms are not necessarily always giving survivors the information perks you'd think they are. I can't say to my friend "Just got pushed off a gen at 9, it's nearly done but the killer's on me." because we haven't planned that far ahead. We are making it up as we go because we want to have fun, not win every game.
I believe that swf duos and trios are fine but when you get quads, it tends to be a different story. I'd be fine with placing restrictions on quads, but not duos and trios.
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A lot of these perks would at most get a 0.5 from me. Seeing the aura is way better than a survivor yelling "main building, circling counter clockwise, am at south now". You still roughly have to guess and information might get to you too late.
Ever wanted to take a protection hit indoor? No problem with Bond, but let your mate explain you where he is and where you have to run to get into the chase from the correct angle. Won't think you make it as consistently as with Bond. Ever tried to tell your team where the hex is on Shelter Wood? "next to a tree and a rock" hell yeah.
And NO SWF EVER always knows where EVERY survivor is at EVERY time. you couldnt talk that much or understand 4 people spamming simultaneously. you dont communicate every little inch ouf your path and also dont give out any information that might actually be important to your team. You never have the situation "I thought you are in chase?!" -> "I still have chase music! No idea when he left me"
Also I disagree with your list of what perks cant give you. Knowing the killer? There are plenty of signs that tell you. Status changes on the HUD, screams, TR... Hook saves are pretty easy to perform, there are just too many noobs I guess that never learned it correctly. Endgame unhooks have a pretty simple pattern, only 2 people are needed for a save unhook. Body blocks? as said above, Bond is even better to coordinate that than SWF
Perks are way better and reliant than SWF. No doubt SWF can give out important information that is better than being solo Q, but you are exxagerating waaaay too much.
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You just proved my point. People already dodge suspected swf lobbies, why would they play against a team they know is a swf? Why would they play against a swf that is potentially more skilled than them when they can play against solos who are probably going to kill themselves on their first hook?
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Just like you can't stop DC players from DCing no matter how much you punish them. No amount of information is going to change that dodgers dodge. I didn't prove any point, only that dodging is going to happen whether they can see it is a SWF or not. The amount of players dodging will not change with the added information.
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Players who previously didn't dodge because they weren't sure would dodge because they'd know it was a swf. Killers, in general, don't want to play against a swf.
I'm against telling killers they're playing against a swf because even if they do choose to play, they're going to go a for a full sweat loadout. I'm playing for fun, not to win.
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SWF's are already on sweat mode, at least let the killer even the playing field.
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I would take them to have the information easily accessible without having to lose time trying to communicate in a foreign language with my teammates. I would take them because I don't know the maps and placement of the tiles perfectly, so there's still a lot of "Where are you ?" "Uh... near main building" "Okay which side?" "I don't know, what's the front and what's the back?" and it takes time to really get where someone is.
I play on comms (duos and trios) and still use Windows so that I don't have to calculate which pallet was dropped 5 minutes before that I definitely forgot about.
I still run Kindred to know where people are and estimate if I'm the best person to go for the unhook or if my friend really is closer.
I still run Alert to know exactly how far the chase is from my position, so I can adapt and not disturb my friend's concentration.
Before the rework, I still used Dark Sense to know where the killer was, rather than ask and get a "I don't know how to describe where he is but it's somewhere near a tree". Post patch, I still use Dark Sense to counter early mindgames or to hide from the killer safely.
I still use Small Game because I don't know most of the totem spots, and neither do my friends. Again, if we really tried to communicate to positions, it would go something like this : "Oh I saw a totem" "Where?" "In a jungle gym" "... okay?"
I still use Deja Vu because I can't find gens on darker maps like Autohaven or on convoluted maps like RPD.
I don't run Object of Obsession, but I see it mostly used to get attention from the killer and draw aggro, not to know where killer is.
I still use Plunderer's Instinct when I have a chest tome challenge. It's easier to walk around looking for pink auras than to wait for a friend to maybe happen upon a chest and depend on them to actually describe where it is.
A lot of the other perks described in the original post are DLC perks that I don't have, so I can't say I run them or know all of their effects. But I can guarantee you that most SWFs, those who play casually and not on a competitive level, still use a lot of these aura perks.
Because it's still easier than depending on someone's ability to relay any and all information at all times, especially when they could be under pressure and should be focused on their situation rather than lose concentration to try to describe what's happening to others. Especially if english is not their mother tongue and they have to translate mid chase.
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Swfs are not already on sweat mode. A lot of us are just having some fun with friends. That's not sweaty. But a killer bringing 4 slowdowns, plus a red mori, and tunneling is supposedly evening the playing field?
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The argument around SWFs that some or most SWFs aren't good is a bad one, why? Because MMR exists, bad SWFs go against bad killers and good SWFs go against good killers. You still have an advantage over the killer at your MMR.
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The nurse was not using range add ons and this was before latest update so in fact nurse is usually stronger and got buff now as well. But I don't think game should be balanced around nurse winning 0,1% swf:s. And in fact nurse does fine even agains't them she made mistakes and could gotten 2K in that game. Some other killers need buffs to be mlre viable at highest level. Oni is good example he beats average and bad survivors easily as he gets the first hit agains't them easily. But good survivors will not let him have that so he needs buff that he can injure survivors more easily. One thing which "good survivors" take too much advantage is stretched res so devs should change how it works on dbd. It's game breaking and makes unsafe loops safe and allows you to see where killer almost always is.
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MMR exists but doesn't even work correctly, if at all. If good swfs played against equally good killers, there wouldn't be so many complaints.
MMR merely attempts to find you a balanced match. If it fails to do so, you just get whoever's online at the time.
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As much as I agree with you, it'd cause them to lose a bit over ~50% of their entire playerbase. The game woulda die outta that move.
Voice chat is somewhat equivalent to wall hack based on the definition of cheating, which is unintended and unfair advantage over the other players. VOIP wasn't intended as has BHVR clearly stated in their very first Dev Diary videos on YouTube, but they've also stated that it was inevitable, because they'd have had to state that they woulda ban for third party programs since the 1st day, and that didn't happen.
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Right because each of your MMR's individually doesn't add up to the benefits you get for playing in a SWF. For example lets say each of you is at the cap at 1800 on your own. You would play against a killer also near 1800, but that doesn't compensate for that fact now that you have all this extra coordination.
It would be different if you only ever played in a SWF, because that would accurately find your teams MMR. However, when you play on your own, and then play with a SWF. You will find that you still play against the same killer's you do when you are solo, but now they are just easier to deal with.
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You do realize that even the most efficient swf cant update their current position every 2 sec? Like imagine if you are playing a map that hasnt got very distintive places, like Mcmillan or Red forest, what do you say?
" I am next to a tree" "There are two rocks close to me" "I am left up of the the five rocks with the torch"
Do you honestly believe that swf are four guys acting like the radar guy of a submarine?