Pinhead might actually unironically need to be nerfed unless solo q gets a buff soon
The problem is he has always been great against solo q ever since he was released his killrate is the highest of any of the other killers not completely from just beating up new players, but because of how much pressure he gains by simply having survivors that don't have swf benefits.
I am not saying he needs to be nerfed, I'm just warning that if things don't change for solo q he is going to be nerfed again that is just facts, because he has the highest killrate and has been the highest for quite some time I'm not sure what the latest stats were, but I'm pretty sure he is still the highest if not one of the highest so since killers have been buffed his killrate is going to get bigger which means he is going to be nerfed again.
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I don't see it, this "oppressive" killer that solos can't possibly deal with, when I look at Pinhead. Loop him, instabreak the chains on stuff, solve the box, work on gens for as long as you can before he activates the chain hunt (if that ever even happens). It's so simple. Compare how much work Pinhead has to do to beat survivors vs how much work they have to do to beat him. He already got nerfed, which took him away from his top 3-4 killer spot, because people complained about losing to a killer who can hit you like 7 times with his power and still not down you. Even the strongest of killers have massive weaknesses that you can exploit, trust me. Let's not unjustly nerf him again.
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Again this post is not about nerfing him, but the fact that he is way better against solo q than swf he is B tier against swf, but super strong against solo q. If solo q isn't given buffs he will get nerfed again because its simply the way things are because the developers are going to look at stats and see pinhead overperforming against solo q. The possessed chain was never the problem it's the preasure he gets from adding his second objective which can be made into three objectives if you add other perks into the mix.
The only thing im really suggesting is that solo q gets buffed information wise so pinhead isn't nearly as strong against them as well as other killers who are good against solo q. Buffing solo q is better than nerfing killers that are already weak against swf is it not?
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Pinhead only need to hit survivors and hook them.
Survivors need to do Gen, acknowledge surrounding on other Gen to assume if they're the best one to go for the box while the 2nd guy go to unhook the 3rd guy while the 4th guy in chase. So no such thing like both go for Box and unhooked guy dies, or both go for unhooking and Chain hunt activated and kill the chasing guy.
Well, everyone can underestimate the other side's job and overestimate their own job.
The gaps between Solo & Swf isnt chasing skill, its just the efficient Gen, where Solo already suffer against other killers. Pinhead just adding the 6th Gen.
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I don't even feel like responding because of that first line.
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Exact to your Its so simple
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What I like to do is start heading over to the box when the chain hunt metre is a little bit before half way. Most survivors tend to wait until it’s closer to the end before they head over, this way I know that no one else is heading over to the box (usually) because I’m going over there a bit earlier than usual and they can continue to work on gens.
Another thing you can do is if your gen is 99, don’t finish it, grab the box THEN finish it and now solve it. By doing this you’ve delayed his next chain hunt a few seconds and if he decides to teleport to you he is in an area away from your teammates as they most likely aren’t near a finished gen.
You know what would really help in that scenario? Bond. I really don’t know why more solo queue players don’t run it, it is SO good.
Personally though I use Kindred and even that probably would’ve been enough to know what to do.
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Man tooth ... your soloQ calculation examples always paint the most depressing picture possible :V But thats a good job ^^
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Oh, so that's what you were doing. I literally explained like 5 things the survivors had to do, so clearly I wasn't saying it was THAT simple. I was trying to get the point across that going against Pinhead isn't much different from other killers. You know what you have to do to beat them, so do it instead of just saying, "He's too strong."
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Who said he's strong?
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Running for 10sec is the least possible I can give.
It could be you & a Mate2 on Gen1, knowing Mate3 on Gen6. So you run to the Box letting Mate2 to complete Gen1, just to see Mate3 also reach to the box, the time your Mate3 wasted at this point could be over 1min, count at both travel to the Box and go back
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That's the point of the post: He's too strong against solos, so either nerf him or buff solos. It's lose-lose from a killer perspective because he doesn't come close to beating SWF, so imagine solos at that level.
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If the box needs to be done...... Go Do it. This has nothing to do with whether you're in comms with other people. Just go do it. It's not hard.
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I don't mind Pinhead in SoloQ, however there are some brutal builds with him.
I'm usually the one running around the map solving the cube, because I don't trust my teammates enough to do it in time. Then I get came on, and loop the slow guy. I usually lose him in my SS/COH booned area, heal up, then grab the cube again. If I have time I'll hop on a gen until the half to 3/4 mark to grab the cube. I don't do unhooks, there's only so much one can do in SoloQ.
But if 1 of my teammates cleanses a totem, I'm hook suicide. I'm very fickle with my teams.
I'd say I escape 65%-75% of the Pinhead matches.
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Oh yeah, killers just need to win the game! It's that easy! Why didn't I see it before? All I have to do as killer is win. That's the secret. Step 1- load into the game. Step 2- win the game.
Real talk this is so stupidly reductive that it illustrates your counterpoint. By this logic all survivors have to do is hold m1 but we know that's not the case so why even try to be this obtuse in your reasoning? Obnoxious.
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The problem is the extra mechanic doesn't scale properly. Kind of like how ruin is ok with 4 people but with 3 people it becomes overbearing. The box is the same way. When you have 4 people up it's fine, but if you have 3 people it's too much to try and do gens, run the killer and go after the box all the time.