Time to nerf toolboxes

Even with a full slowdown buill with the toolboxes PT I'm back to losing 2-3 gens in the first chase plus a gen per chase or so. You can say I'm not good but my chases are generally quick and I will leave chase to find a better one. They nerf slowdown and added 10 seconds to gens but left all the gen speed stuff like it was. This gen kick meta is only effective with certain killers plus most the time if you don't camp the gen survivors just tap it and remove your regression.
So before we go nerfing any more slowdown toolboxes and gen speed perks definitely need to be looked at.
hun u just got ur entire base kit buffed its never been this difficult for solo queue survivor. stop.
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With the extra ten seconds plus buff to many gen perks and many old ones still remaining strong toolboxes are fine. The real issue now are spawns and map design.
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Friendly reminder that DBD is a PVP game. You are supposed to lose unless you play better than your opponents which you obviously don't if you still struggle despite 90 second gens.
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Actually I've mostly played survivor after this patch because of q times on killer it's really not that bad.
Those base kit buff of 10% are equal to .2 of a second item really not as big as people suggest.
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The devs decided that 80 second wasn't enough for most killers to get there objective done yet with toolboxes and other gen perks you can do them in less then 60 how's that make sense?
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To be fair maps haven't changed 10 seconds doesn't do much when you end up on fractured cowshed.
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Casuals are already getting crushed when put in front of half slowdown builds. Let's not nerf toolboxes that add a few seconds of boosted speed, please. Same with Prove Thyself. Not everyone runs it, and it's counterable. I've had a couple of games playing in lobbys with 2 PT, and it didn't prevent a stomp when killer was good, just made it so that some of the team saw the gates being powered. There were still 3Ks aplenty.
I don't really care for Brand New Part though. This can go, I don't mind.
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Not all Killer basekit was changed... they didn't change base Gen regression
Just because it takes longer for Gens to get done... doesn't mean that regression is any better
I do understand that Solo Queue is terrible but look at the team(mates) rather then blaming the Killer for everything
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Operative phrase being "solo queue survivor". For SWF, the game is still a bully simulator for them.
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They did not blame killer?
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Survivors are using perks to fix gens faster, while killers can use perks to make them slower.
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Unless you’re running a Commodious with charge add-ons, toolboxes run out pretty quickly. Unless every survivor is running one, it’s not really a problem. I’d argue med-kits are stronger overall.
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10% off pallet breaking time, gen kicks, the basic attack cooldown, and survivors' speed boost on hit, an extra 2.5% off of gen progress upon kicking gens, plus an extra 10 seconds per gen (notwithstanding any potential regression perks) adds up to quite a bit of time, actually.
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People keep looking at one aspect and ignoring everything else and forgetting things add up.
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Toolboxes are gone pretty quick. Do they really need nerfed? Unless you get lucky with plunderer's you're doing the majority of repairs without a toolbox.
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Y'all remember toolboxes from like two or three years ago? Back then a Commodious lasted all week, with Built to Last in the distant future, and BNP actually was overpowered af. Be glad those boxes are gone.
As others have mentioned Medkits are the greater threat, the spawns of survs and gens need tweaking, and maps continually need revamping. Those all need looking at before the boxes do imo.
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I would argue that something has to give
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Everyone acting like 90 second gens take an eternity when they used to be 80s seconds.
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Killers just got a massive buff and you have a plethora of slowdown/regression perks. Toolboxs have already been nerfed (few years ago) and gens take longer. Want survivors to hook themselves while we are at it?
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Huh funny, all my toolbox progress gets regressed to heck when the killer comes over to the gen I was working on, downs me and smashes the gen, and none of my teammates are there to save it
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No way. Not until they nerf the remaining overpowered slowdown perks (Pentimento, Eruption), and nerf camping and tunneling properly. Survivors are now the ones in need of help against the biggest frustrations THEY have to deal with. Killers already got that with a bunch of nice baseline buffs. And queue times are 100% supporting this.
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No. Toolboxes were nerfed to the ground a long time ago, no sense of making them even more useless. And with all of the slowdown builds killers are bringing, especially with the extra gen time, survivors need a way to counter them.
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Pretty sure this is a skill or mmr issue, but you claim you get downed quickly so I'm not sure. Toolboxes are perfect the way they are. They've already been nerfed.
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Scott actually has a pretty nice video here and a very simple solution.
Hyperfocus should not work with toolboxes.
Imagine if there were a perk that gave synergy with Monstrous Shrine that let you get 15 second hook stages.
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Leave toolboxes alone.
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not sure. items in general for survivor are not exactly meant to be balanced. they're suppose be kinda imbalanced. its like how med-kit are not exactly a fair item.
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I guess the next topics will be like this
- Time to nerf self-knowledge
- Time to nerf vigil
- Time to nerf sprintburst
- Time to nerf lithe
- Time to nerf balanced landing
- Time to nerf medkits
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How many good toolboxes do you get every 50 levels? How many add-ons? The ones that really create a problem for killers, ofc.
How many games do you need to play to get those 50 levels? At an average of 15-20k per game if you're an average or higher player, you need around 75-100 games. So a survivor needs to play around 100 games to probably have around 5-10 toolboxes to make their lives easier the next 10 games out of another batch of 100? haha
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That 10% is only .2 of a second and don't for get that that 10 second per gen is split between fm4 survivors
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Exactly making then both a necessity in the cycle.
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I raise the stakes and claim it's only bad for bad players. Good solos are somwhere between bad swf and good swfs.