Console (especially Switch) should have a chat feature.

As an Xbox and Switch player, I find it odd that they don't have chat. I get that typing with a controller is pretty difficult, but not having the feature whatsoever is weird to me. You can't even see other's messages. This is especially a problem for Switch to me, as you can't message anyone on Switch AT ALL as the console lacks a message feature like PS and Xbox. Switch would be perfect to have the post and pre-game chat, as unlike the other consoles, Switch has a touch screen, in handheld at least, and honestly needs this feature the most. I've heard some say it's good that console doesn't have chat as it repels a lot of toxicity, but I just can't agree with that. It makes Solo Q feel even more isolated on console. And if you want to say GG or something, you can't even do that. I really feel this is an odd feature to leave out. Plenty of other console multiplayer games have a chat.

If you don't agree, that's fine, but I personally think it'd be nice to have. 😊


  • Taxman232
    Taxman232 Member Posts: 139

    Big agree. No post game chat for console, especially for cross play, is quite isolating. All I usually get is a DM with 'GG' or abuse from a sweaty killer.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,161

    I really hate the "but it'll just cause more toxicity in post-game chat" as an argument against it. Toxic people will always find a way to project themselves onto other people, it literally doesnt matter, if someone wants to harass someone, they always find some way to do it. Ive had people on PC leave -rep on my Steam Account despite me not having DbD on Steam, people go out of their way to do it. Plus it completely undermines any potential positive reactions. It just feels clunky to open 4 different chats to tell people GGWP on Console.

    Ive also seen people say "well it takes too long to type", and while DbD doesnt have KBM support, the way you type into a chat box on Console gives you the option to use KBM. I use a KBM to enter codes into DbD and it works perfectly fine, so I, along with anyone else, can just use KBM to chat in post-game, it's not that hard. (Please give DbD KBM support BHVR.)

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    Nintendo won't give Switch endgame chat knowing them but, the other consoles I don't know if you really want it cause it can actually get ugly sometimes.

  • AshyBashy
    AshyBashy Member Posts: 28
    edited August 2022

    Would it having a chat even be up to Nintendo? The chat on PC seems to be built into the game instead of through Steam or something, right? Games like Rocket League or Fortnite on Switch have a native in game chat that works just fine from what I remember. Even if it could be kind of ugly sometimes it'd still be a neat feature to have.

    This. Even without KBM support a post and pre chat should be in the game, though having KBM support too would be nice. Without chat on console it really feels like something is missing to me, and it being toxic really wouldn't be a problem for me. You can always just turn the chat off or ignore it.