Why do people continue to play this game?



  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104


    Can please you just answer the OP's question?

    Please share with us why you love DbD so much.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Because I enjoy the game, even with all the issues the game currently has.

  • OldIronKing
    OldIronKing Member Posts: 67

    I don't know how people don't realize that this game is impossible to balance without a total rework of the game from the ground up. The game is enjoyable despite the imbalance and the horribly boring generator objective.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    No alternatives really

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    I play the game for Ghostface and Sadako, Sadako is super fun to play. Her whole kit is alot better than most people give it credit.

  • Maxx_Calin
    Maxx_Calin Member Posts: 86

    I still play it knowing that eventually the creators will see how stupid it was to take away the bloodpoint bonus from perks like were gonna live forever and make them the way they were. I also play it cause I enjoy it even thou matches are alot harder for survivors than they used to be.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    I miss BBQ not so much of WGLF I didn't run that perk much.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    I stopped playing it. Once every other week i hop on to play with my friends but then Im quickly reminded of why I stopped playing and take another 2 week long break, minimum.

    I have different friends who each have their own game they play to the exclusion of anything else. One group of friends plays dbd, another Fortnite and so on. No matter how crappy the experience can get some people just arent interested in moving on or trying something new because theyve already sunk a bunch of time into learning the mechanics of one game and already have a bunch of money invested in dlcs and cosmetics for that one game.

    I play a lot of different games but no one i know seems to want to break their routines.

    I thought dbd was fun before the patch, but in small doses, like a few matches a day tops. I thought the dead hard nerf would be the final change to make killer mains feel satisfied and like the game was fair. I didn't really care even though it was my favorite perk because i figured id just find a different build and get used to it. But then they released these patch notes nerfing ds again with all if these base kit killer buffs and 90 second gens. I was expecting all the survivor perks to change but all those basekit buffs killers got were pure BS.

    Its like bhvr were like "you know what f it. Lets make all the changes to cater to killers that address everything theyve ever whined about ever and see if they still whine on the forums afterwards" . And here we are in 2022 with killer mains complaining about prove thyself and toolboxes while they run 4 slowdowns.

    I refuse to play this game or buy anything for it until they patch out the mistakes they made in 6.1. I just come here from time to time to remember why i quit whenever my friends start a party chat to play dbd, and to see if anyone has found any consistently strong survivor builds, but so far none have.

  • SgtMittens
    SgtMittens Member Posts: 249

    Solo has not "always been a bit crap". I started playing this in early 2017 and played almost exclusively alone because people I know weren't into this type of game. I had a lot of fun until the end of 2019. I think after that is when they started changing a lot of things like maps, buffing and nerfing perks, etc. When Ash was first released I had so much fun using Mettle of Man, Self Care, Kindred, and Unbreakable. It was perfect for a solo player. Once the bots release I'll probably have some fun with mettle and just run around using bond and empathy and activating it.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    This game has it's problems. For solo survivors in particular at the moment. Camping and tunneling are as effective as ever, which is very frustrating.

    But despite those problems, people can still have fun with this game. It just has room for improvement. Not a hard concept to understand, if I am going to be honest.

    So you really can't blame people that are still playing this game for the game not further improving. That is just laughable. Killer queue times are noticeably longer than survivor queue times, on average. So that is definitely good reason for BHVR to do something that helps survivors, either solo queue buffs, or nerfs to camping and tunneling.

  • CheesyBabyBoi
    CheesyBabyBoi Member Posts: 234

    In my personal opinion, having fun is a choice, that you can make, or don't. If you're not having fun, frankly, that's on you. If you pit how good of a time you're having on whether or not you win, of course you're not gonna have a great time, that's not something you have objective control over, especially in a game like DBD. If you feel like garbage getting facecamped or tunneled, turn it into something you can have fun with. Loop the killer lots, dance around, i cant tell you how many times ive been playing normally and the game just shifts and i cant kill anyone because the survivors are just being such cutie patooties. Having a good time is a choice, and having a bad time is on you.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Because its fun, that's all the reason you need to play a game.

    The only people not having fun are the one's who want more than fun from it...

    I wanna win every game

    I wanna pip every game

    I wanna have an unrealistic consistency to all games even when playing with random strangers

    I take the game very seriously

    I take the game very personally

    My self worth is based on outcome of a game

    I deserve things simply because I play

    Better known as how to ruin your own fun 101.

  • Man_of_triangles
    Man_of_triangles Member Posts: 302

    Solo queue has been unplayable for over a year now, to the point that I consider anyone who plays it for anything other than challenges to not be a human being because I do not believe any human being would subject themselves to that experience. I continue to play because killer is fun when the game isn't plagued by things like Dead Hard and Circle of Healing (which I can now cancel out with Shattered Hope).

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    People play DbD for the same reason people play any other game. For entertainment, for fun. Games are entertainment. It's not your job to do it. If you don't have fun you don't play. So.... I don't even know what is the meaning of this silly question... Those who don't like this game are not here anyway. So probably the correct question is "why do you like this game? Why don't you hate it?". And we can talk about that then.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    its fun

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    A. The game is still fun.

    B. You're exaggerating.

    C. I am capable of taking a short break if I'm not having fun, and enjoying other games - and coming back when there's an interesting addition.