Basekit Kindred: Any Downsides?

Basekit BT is great, and a dramatic improvement, but the single change that would improve Solo Queue the most is Basekit Kindred.
It's a no-brainer really, and, obviously, the capability already exists in perk form.
Can we please get this?
Would there be any downsides to Basekit Kindred?
Its just getting a 5th perk for free, since the majority of people who complain about solo queue don't even bother running it in the first place.
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Most still don't want to use perk slot for it. Killers could get something in return basekit corrupt or BBQ.
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Or survivors can just use the option they're given before expecting it for free? Otherwise you'd be making a case for like half of all killer addons to be made basekit as well.
I run it frequently, and I don't run the absolutely 100% mandatory meta perks but still manage to perform well more often than not. People being unwilling to make room in their loadouts isn't a valid reason to give things out for free.
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I'm not sure about this. We might see some instances where survivors could abuse it. I tried Kindred + Open Handed and it's pretty insane on some maps. If you only had to use 1 perk for that combo that'd be ridiculous.
I do see the point though. Thankfully we're getting another anti-camping perk soon (though it is locked behind a pay wall).
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100% survivors should have basekit Kindred. SWFs have this already with coms, it would just bring solos up, and solos are struggling the most out of everyone right now.
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Basekit Kindred can work for showing survivor auras. But not killers. Knowing where the killers exact position can be really powerfu
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SWF has free information without needing perks but solo survivors should bring perks for that!
What about no?
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meh you need OTR to counter tunneling and soon reassurance to counter camping, 2 things that killers can do basekit very easily, kindred is needed too to make solo q less unbearable, 1 free slot is not that great
honestly kindred basekit without killer's aura I can't see any downside, with killer aura it's probably a bit strong
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The only reason I think it's too much is you can see the direction the killer is headed.
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I run Kindred even in SWF, it's absolutely more powerful than voice comms, and too strong to be basekit.
I'd say basekit needs simething like a ping system that gives the equivalent of killer instinct for survivors. Which gives a direction but not as precise as an aura.
Also a rework of maps/keys to make them more effective, and make aura reading more accessible without necessarily needing a perk slot for it.
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The same downside to any "solution" people come up with to make solo q better. It makes SWF better too.
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I will trade basekit Kindred that includes the killer aura for basekit BBQ. Make them tier 1 level, if you want further distance need to run the perks. Plenty of survivors will hop in lockers to avoid killer seeing their aura but that also means they can't see killers aura if they immediately left the hook.
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I think SoloQs do need something to help them out that SWFs don't get.
But Kindred is arguably too strong. Some even call it a meta perk.
Base kit Empathic Connection and something to help them hold on to 1st stage (like a 5 second Self-Reassurance) a little bit longer while that late rescuer comes running would be where I'd like to see them start.
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They never care about that, they just want things that help them for free.
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I've said before, it's really silly that Kindred isn't basekit. If you're concerned about killer aura reading, don't camp in bad spots. Survivors should have the information to make strategic decisions. It's not a spooky horror game after 20 hours. It's a pvp game. If the killer is camping intelligently, the aura reading doesn't hurt them. It says "make a play here or lose the game".
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Except of bad killers weepings no downsides. Also Reassurance should be in basekit.
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Oh yeah Kindred basekit would be so strong and abusable, especially by SWFs, it is already so OP and abusable, that literally no SWFs run it
Kindred base kit for solo players is a no brainer, it should show survivor auras and killer in 6 meter range and then the actual kindred perk shows it in 16 meter range. Even with that camping would remain a stupid strategy with disproportionate reward/risk ratio.
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I think if the goal is to bring solo more in line with SWF, then basekit kindred as it is now would probably be what you wanted. I know a few people don't want the killer aura, but the first thing people on comms tell their teammates when they get hooked is where the killer is headed. I think it would probably unintentionally buff some SWFs that are not great at communication, but those are not the SWFs that I think people are worried about buffing. It would probably be a good idea to shorten the Killer Aura distance (as stated above) so that you can't bring open handed and a map offering for a small map.
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Even if Seal Team 6 was playing DbD, basekit kindred would be a significant buff.
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I don't think it would be a significant buff to decent SWF teams. I am someone who plays both solo and swf, and I am addicted to kindred in solo que, or if I am in a duo, because if you don't run it you get left on hook, or your teammates get left on hook. I stop running it when I am in a 3/4 man, because I realized I didn't need it. All the info it gave was provided by teammates. If you want to close the gap between solo/uncoordinated teams, you need to give them that info. Once they have been brought up to similar strength levels, then killers can be buffed to better deal with coordinated teams.
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There's no downside, but were they to boost solo q then having a HUD would be far suitable, because it would work throughout the game.
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SWF literally has Kindred built-in because of Discord. Along with a slew of other perks. It's only fair for solos to be brought up to SWF level, because they won't nerf SWF in a million years. Also, Killers just got a TON of buffs across the board, so I don't get the problem with throwing solo Survivors some crumbs. Kindred base won't break the game, guys. It will just heavily discourage camping, which is a GOOD thing.
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Basekit kindred would be too much imo since it would be a free fifth perk that shows the killer's and other survivors' exact locations. Instead of doing something like that, it would be better to just get a text or voice chat in the game. You wouldn't be able to give pinpoint accurate info on the killer but at least you would somewhat know what's happening and could communicate who is doing what.
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Easier and better fix would be to give survivors an in-game chat.
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Yes I like the idea of Basekit Kindred... but only if Survivors can see each other
Leave the Killer's aura to the perk Kindred
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has been suggest 1 billion times, i dont get why this hasnt been added yet.
this would be a change swf finally doesnt benefit from and it would close the gap between soloQ and swf a bit at least.
i just want soloQ to have more information to be able to communicate. any buff is welcome
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Hell no. That gives away the Killer's position way too much if all 4 survivors have it as a free perk. Talk about one-sided, especially if someone brings Open-Handed!
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So, how do you propose you solve the language barrier between European countries? I'd sure like to know how you expect someone speaking Dutch to understand someone speaking Russian.
Basekit Kindred would be fine. Reduce the aura reading on the killer to 6 meters and it's perfect. It's also possible to make it not work with Open-Handed, not that I see a problem with it given how niche it is.
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The devs are against this idea. I don't know why. It wouldn't benefit swf in any meaningful way but could help solos. I do think that a base version should only show survivor auras and not the killer aura. That effect could stay as a perk.
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Survivors already got bt base kit…