Let's talk about Scorge Hooks

In my opinion Scourge Hooks are a great addition and have really brought life back into DBD. With that said, I think they should be a single use only and then turn into a regular hook.
Before the Pain Res/DMS users start raging, hear me out. Scourge Hooks provide a huge advantage to the killer. They can provide aura readings, gen regression, reduce action speed and a reduce the hook timer which can pummel survivors into oblivion. Noting the massive uptake in these perks, combining them with slow down regression perks and in the spirit of a balanced game I think they should be a one use per hook item. Happy for all hooks on the map to start as Scourge Hooks or more than the base 4 but killers should have to be smart about how and when they use them. Rather than hooking on the same hook over and over and over again.
What's the point of changing them though?
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Scourge Hooks do provide nice effects, no doubt, but keep in mind that stronger effect comes at the expense of having to spend more time on average carrying survivors to specific hooks to get the benefit. Even if you make the hook you usually lost a bit of time doing it compared to just using the closest one. And you can’t always make it to those hooks either, it’s not uncommon to simply not have a Scourge Hook close enough maybe once a match or two. Plus if the survivors realize you are using Scourge Hooks it makes Sabotaging them a much more effective tactic. In fact, given that Pain Resonance is currently one of the top five most used perks, I’m a little surprised Saboteur and Breakdown aren’t used more often since they both are direct counters to Scourge Hooks in general.
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If they are single use then why not make it change to another hook
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That's not actually a bad idea. Providing all hooks start scourged as you said. It gives killers more freedom at the start of the game to get set up value out of scourge perks, then becomes resource management towards the end, potentially limiting the use of scourge perks the more ground the killer gains.
I wouldn't even say it's specifically a buff or a nerf as it's entirely contextual.
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Making all the hooks into scourge hooks would definitely be a buff. It's really dumb that you get +4 scourge perks for the first perk and do not get +4 for the second perk unless you bring Monstrous Shrine.
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I mean I haven't counted how many hooks are on a given map, but I imagine once you're around 8 hooks in you're going to struggle to find scourges. So it's not 100% buff, though probably a net gain for the early game value.
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My issue with scourge hooks is they overshadow other perks like pop goes the weasel for killers with no mobility.
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Well since scourge hooks can also be sabotaged, I don't think they need any change. I personally am not a fan of scourge hooks since I simply am not a fan of random placement of anything. Plus I don't think they pose such a problem in most games, the killer needs luck also how those things are placed, and probably it's not always worth the gamble
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Shake up the killer meta and a bit of balance to the game. I dont know about you but it gets a bit dull facing DMS and Pain Res every single game.
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Ok then not all become scourge. Call it 6-8 hooks become scourge, it's a buff but not the ongoing massive buff that it is now.
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I dont know if I agree. I am seeing a lot of killers go out of their way to get to the scourge hooks. A lot bring Agitation just to make sure they get there.
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Agreed, I actually was excited when I came across an Oni running ruin/undying yesterday.
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That poor Oni must have bonked itself over the head to get that confused. Horrible stuff :V
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He had Deadlock and Thana. Slugged everyone at 3 gens and let us all bleed out 😥
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I really know that's not really the point but making Boons single use would make much more sense than this
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If they're going to be a one-time use, their effects would need to be insanely buffed and there would need to be tremendously more Scourge Hooks available from the start.
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They could do something like generate maybe 6 scourge hooks that have 2 uses each before becoming regular hooks.
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The Killer meta doesn't need to be shaken up as we just got a meta shake-up.
Fun is irrelevant to game balance.
PR/DMS isn't even a good combo and I'll die on this hill. Getting off the Generator and back on it isn't hard
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Killers are for the most part using the same perks and tactics from 5.X.X.
It's not about the gen blocking for me, that's easily dealt with in itself if everyone knows and does it properly and doesn't play into DMS. The uncounterable pop is the problem for me. There's exactly one perk survs can bring to stop it and that's repressed alliance, I don't think I need to elaborate on why that's a bad idea from the start.
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Also Saboteur, Breakdown, Flip-Flop, etc. All Perks that deny Hooks deny Scourge Hooks. Situational? Sure, but they're still there.
Also, Survivor Perks shouldn't hard-counter Killer Perks