Do Yall Give The Last Survivor Hatch?

Just a general question.
I know that some people dont do it, some people do, some have reasons for it, some dont. Id just like to hear some people talk about it. I always give hatch personally, I kind of see it as a nice gesture toward my opponents, since Im on Console, I unfortunately dont really get to see post-game chat, but Id imagine it at least has like one or two nice things in it whenever I give hatch.
depends on how i feel and how the survivors played. i tend to give hatch out when the survivors got 4/5 gens done and played well. if i annihilated them, well might as well go for the 4k. if they were annoying, hiding, wasting time, flashlight bullying etc. no, no hatch for you.
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Not every game, but I often will. Funnily enough I give door. That's because most games I play blight and it's easier to find hatch when I'm not carrying a survivor. So I'll drop them by the door and zoom off to find the hatch, then come back and have them open the door.
But how often do I do it, about 20 percent of my games. However, if someone kills themselves in the match I'll basically give it unless there are some real bad manners from the other players.
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If I feel like it.
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If I am not on a challenge, absolutely. No offense intended, but some survivors are a little slow to the punch, so it might not be hatch, per se. I go to the opposite end and look for hatch, if I find it I instantly close it so they can take a gate. Too many of them never trust you at end game and it wastes a lot of time. Sometimes they think you are chasing them and blah blah blah, it is probably the reason content creators rarely give it unless it is nearby. Lol.
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If they earn it, yes. If not then no. Majority time no.
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As killer I'll do it if there's been a dc or someone who gives up on the hook immediately. If they're good in a chase and not being a jerk about it I'll let that one go. As survivor it's never an expectation. 2017-19 it was kind of an unwritten guideline for the killer to let the last one go but there's a lot about this game from that period of time that's never coming back.
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Never. It just feels wrong to.
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most killers slug to get a 4k, so hatch has become very rare, at least in my games.
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Most of the time, yes. My current in-game name is Hatch Giver 9000 haha. I made a post like 2 years ago about how much I like giving hatch. It's too bad more Killers don't share my opinion :p
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Final girl rule, I try to always let one escape. Unless the team really annoyed me.
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Depends on how cute the last survivor is.
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Most of the time.
Exceptions are made for macro-clickers, teams sending me to a bad map and useless survivors who didn't do a thing for their team.
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Only if they’re clearly the best of the team that got screwed hard by SBMM.
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It depends on some factors. If I am grinding out the last pips of Iri 2 or 3 I usually can't spare any mercy, least I miss my pip by that.
But if I am already Iri1 for the month or am in the lower ranks, I usually give the clast survivor the hatch once I asserted my dominance and made clear that I won, ie I either down them or corner them at the door, wounded and they do the submission t-bag.
My reasoning is that a 4k might sound nice, but all it does is raise my MMR even more, leading to sweatier games for just a handful of BP.
So normally the last survivor can go, but they lose that privilege if they tilt me during the trial via clickety clicking, t-bagging at every opportunity or being obnoxious by vaulting 10x in a row.
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I used to give survivors hatch but not anymore.
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Tell us your story!
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Nah i mostly give the four last survivors the gates.
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Cause I want my 4ks that I worked hard for.
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Hatch or gate. I let them wiggle off and try to find it independently.
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Most of the time, yes.
I only dont give hatch when I feel like they didn't deserve it or I feel like I deserve the 4k (super hard match and I had to really work for the kills).
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You're playing a video game, not looking for an A on your thesis.
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I sometimes gift the killer a kill when playing survivor and don't go for the rescue during the EGC. Sometimes this gift exceeds all expectations and the killer gets a 3k. So wholesome :>
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This a fun and very fair way to go about it :)
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Rarely, because no one gives me free kill.
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Depends honestly, but if it’s a Jonathan 100% yes.
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Ultimately depends on the hatch god. If I'm carrying the survivor and hatch spawns right at my feet I kneel to the commands and give the survivors hatch.
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Depends on the cosmetic
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Depends on what I ate that day.
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I give it if they ask for it by not struggling after pick-up or by giving me their item. Otherwise, I just kill them since it's much faster.
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In a normal game, usually no.
If the survivors brought streamers, cakes or flans I'll give hatch if I don't let them all go.
Sometimes survivors can also win the "hatch lottery" when the hatch spawns near them and I feel generous or giving hatch is just more convenient that hooking them.
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Oh yes, I totally forgot about that condition! It's a bit arbitrary, but if I make it super obvious that I am giving you hatch by letting you wriggle off while I turn in a circle or stand in a corner and you don't do the frantic "thank you" tbag and gift me your item, but just zoom off, then I'll do my best to hunt you down and hook you.
Show some respect and be polite.
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Usually, unless the whole group were dicks or I'm going for an adept.
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I give Hatch every- so- often
It depends on how I'm feeling at that time
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Totally situational, depending on a few factors:
- Do I have a sacrifice challenge? Then no.
- Am I making that last push to Iri 1 grade? Then no.
- Did the last surv BM me at any point? If yes, then no.
- Was the last surv the best player on an otherwise awful team? Then probably.
- Was the last surv a random who seemed to be ignored/sandbagged by SWF teammates? Then yes.
- Was the last surv a total potato who got screwed by MMR? Then probably.
- Am I just feeling benevolent? Then probably.
Also, my philosophy is that if I (or any killer, really) don't slug for 4K (which I rarely do), I'm essentially saying I'm okay with you getting hatch, so that feel like I'm giving it to some degree.
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I was given the hatch the other day, never happens to me, and I’m sure I was annoying as hell to him. But I was also the one trying to save my team while doing gens, had a toolbox run out in the middle of a sabotage (confetti and everything).
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If that person specifically played really well but had bad teammates, and just stands there injured and nodding their head I’ll nod , walk away , nod again and they always get the point that im tryna help . If they were playing like a dick or if I’m on a super hot losing streak I am definitely not as nice .
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Depends on what that last person was doing and if I need a tome for sacrafices/hooks
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It depends.
Clicky clicky once and everyone ioes.
Teabag once and everyone dies.
Annoy me in any way, and everyone dies.
If you've played a good, clean game - yeah, I'll always let the last person go.
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If I haven't selected a specific Rift challenge or daily challenge, I do always let the last one to escape; I do try to close the Hatch, let them open the gate, and then make them crawl to the exit.
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Every killer that is doing this is cheating the system.
First, you stop yourself from getting higher MMR. This makes the next group easier to kill than you deserve. Rinse and repeat.
Second, you stop BHVR from being able to balance the game properly. They can't tell that you let the last one go. The numbers think you failed to kill the last one. BHVR proceeds with balance thinking that your killer and your build aren't capable of 4k, when in fact they are.
Finally, now you know those two facts. You are not doing it out of kindness. They aren't benefiting from your benevolence nearly as much as you are. That's greed and selfishness, not kindness. You can SAY you are doing out of kindness, but that was before, when you were ignorant that you are actually benefiting more than the survivor.
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I would say I see 1 out of 25 killers give hatch. Very rare at the moment what with all the rise in slugging and tunnel/camp play styles.
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Hell no lol. I only give the hatch to survivors that are clearly babies and shouldn't have been matched against me. I definitely don't give hatch to any "good" survivor that's on PC because they're probably cheating anyways.
I've had 1 survivor give me a free kill when I've had a bad game in the entire time I've played this game and I'm devotion 24. I also get teabagged at the exit gate very frequently even when I went out of my way not to camp/tunnel. survivors are toxic af
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Hahaha what?
Dude, giving hatch has been etiquette since as long as I can remember. The game's inception, maybe.
If you don't, you get salty people telling you off in postgame.
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killer main never understand their own arrogance
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If they act cute or drop their items.
A single couch while maintaining eye contact is enough.
Hell if you do it in the middle of the match ill leave you be till the next time i see you again. No exceptions.
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Shht. Avoid eye contact. It may be contagious.
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depends on where it spawns. If it literally opens right in front of us then yeah.
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More often than not I do. If I thrashed the other 3 or won a game from a losing position, I'll always let the last go, unless they were a rival player who annoyed me 😅
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If the Survivors were focused on Generators, no.
If they were memeing around, yeah
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Most of the time, yes.
I never get hatch as survivor so I like to give it as killer at least