Slugging for 4k

Its cringe. Thanks for wasting 4 mins of my time every game so you can boost your ego a bit.
Maybe they slugged your ass on the ground because you were teabagging/clicking/emoting at pallets
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I’ll only do it if the last survivor is right there where I downed the third survivor. Otherwise, I don’t wanna waste everyone’s time including mine.
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Nice assumption. Killer main who slugs for 4k detected.
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Must. get. 4k.
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I'm sorry you had a bad game that time.
Constructive topic for furthering the hostile tribalism that is absolutely the worst part of this game.
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I won’t slug for the 4k unless
1) the last survivors is right by where I downed the 3rd.
2) it’s a bully squad
3) I need a challenge
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Are we talking about slugging when there's 2 survivors left or slugging the entire team?
Slugging the entire team from the start of the match is a bit much unless the survivors were just all in your face in which case I can't really blame you. But if you slug someone on one side of the map then go to the otherside of the map to search for people, I'll judge you.
Slugging when there's 2 survivors left is annoying for sure, but if the killer really wants the 4K like that they did earn it.
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So I take it that you also just leave teammates on hook to die/don’t mind if teammates leave you on hook to die? If survivors can get a 3 out, trying for a 4 out seems kind of cringe. Makes no sense why they want to get the maximum result. Completely incomprehensible and illogical. Imagine people not playing the way you want, how rude.
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Same. I got ish to do and I'll be fine if the last person gets out through the hatch.
Unless it's a bully squad and therefore I have some spite to do. Then I'll do it.
Otherwise agreed.
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Slugging and Tunneling are going to be the de facto tactics for killers that play 'for kills' after Chapter drops.
Camping has a perk nerf. Slugging was recently buffed and tunneling has not really been touched (people just tunnel through OTR/BT).
Welcome to the 'new' meta.
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Seeing as Reassurance can extend the hook for more than 4 minutes, I wouldn't be surprised if killers come out the gate swinging with Knock Out, Deer Stalker, Third Seal & Undying.
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If I'm doing adept Wraith without addons and offerings, I don't care how much of your time I will waste for 4k.
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Less cringe than 2 survivors locker jockeying for 10+ minutes in an attempt to wait each other out, imo. At least the bleedout timer puts a hard cap on how long 4k slugging can actually drag on for.
The whole hatch escape mechanic needs to be reworked in regards to actually being earned, not just given out as a possibility to the last man standing. Until then people will generally do the strategy that benefits them most, regardless of how obnoxious it is for the other side. Just like everything in this game.
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Thank the devs for implementing the opportunity of a free escape
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agreed, or if they were taunting me the entire game.
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Don't thank me, thank your friend that is praying you bleed out faster. If it were up to me, I would catch them one second after you went down. Trust me. They are the problem. Thanks for understanding.
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Or you could just put them on the hook and then look for the last one. If they escape, darn, if you catch them, hooray! I've found it equally boring as killer to leave someone on the ground and hope the last one comes along and take one of the most obvious baiting tactics in the game. Your best bet would be to work on that skill level.
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I mean, are people not allowed to play the game how they want? I get that you might see it as a waste of time, but the killer might not, they might be doing an archive challenge to kill survivors, or they might be trying to rank up their grades for their grade reset bloodpoints. I wouldnt really jump to conclusions or see it as something personal, people have their own reasons for doing stuff.
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Same. I'm not so thirsty for the 4K that I'm gonna down someone and scour the map to find the other.
But relevant to this discussion is whether the slugged surv crawled off into some obscure corner. I know that if I am slugged and have no way of getting back up on my own, I just lay there, because you can find yourself in a situation where you you just want to move on but the killer just can't find you.
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or you could just accept you got outplayed if you're playing for the hatch and take the L and move on? Im frequently the third one out because i find playing for hatch just as boring as you apparently find securing the 4th kill. Its almost like different people will always prioritize different things, and the issue then comes down to "is anyone actively preventing the game from progressing."
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Well i would guess you get less slugged for the 4k than survivor waste the whole minute in my lobbies and since i let all 4 escape need me to watch them leave or also wast the whole EGC while i am afk or off screen.
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Nah, if I am on a challenge that requires it, I will be getting that bonus kill. I do not care how boring it is. Doing challenges is boring. I am already bored when I decide to do it. You need to have the determination to follow through! Never give up. Those survivors believe they are the only one petty enough to overcome the boredom, but you can prove them wrong with some will power and a pinch of fairy dust, SgtMittens. I believe in you.
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Oh, also...
I wonder if Sadako is going to see some more love from killers next patch, as she has been in the content creator spotlight lately and her condemnation build requires slugging survivors near TVs.
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Your teammate is equally as guilty to wasting your time by hiding. They can end the match by just coming out and letting the killer end it.
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Yeah, it's annoying. Just hook me and quit wasting everyone's time. Hatch escapes don't mean ######### anyway.
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And that's wrong because? It's no more wrong than a survivor waiting at a gate to tbag
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I mean thats true, and yet there are survivors who think its worth wasting everyone's time. Its almost like there's a constant "no, you first" argument every game neither side budges in. hatch standoff 2.0, complete with one side being able to stall it indefinitely.
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It's funny. Based on your comment history you strike me as the kind of person who would say that instead of camping/tunneling a survivor to secure a 1k at the end of the game the killer should just take the L and let everyone escape.
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Why do a lot of survivors crawl to corners of the map or hide somewhere so I can't hook them I wonder.
People talk about "wasting time" but it's only a waste of time when it doesn't "benefit" them in some way.
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You said almost exactly what I did and made the exact same point. I agree with what you're saying. It also happens to align with what I said. I'm not sure why you had to be a jerk about it at the end though. I hope you got the satisfaction you were looking for.
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Except, I haven't said that in my comment history. You made a strawman to burn down because I guess that's what you need to feel good about things.
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Judging others for how they play is pretty cringe.
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Its not free since hatch spawns only when you are the last(Used to be unfair with spawning and keys etc.). Now its just your second chance to escape even when match was dire for survivors. Its another chance from RNJesus, but killers will rather slug second last surv just to deni this chance. Its not like survivors would use keys that often anyway.....
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You’re right it’s much more entertaining to spend time between games waiting in queues than on 4mins of cat and mouse at games end.
My only wish is that menus lasted longer and games were over quicker.
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Killers have every right to slug for the 4k especially if they worked hard for it. You just have to deal with it.
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If the last survivor is near, it's fine. If not I'll just dc. I really don't care about the penalty. I'll just do something else
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You’e kidding right?? I can’t tell
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I don't want to wait 4 minutes to bleed out. Last guy can try for the hatch, and I can go do something else.
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Yeah, agreed. One of the many reasons ive been trying to get my friends to play other games instead of this one. This game sucks.
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There is no problem with it. Survivors who crawl to the end of the map to be unhookable will bleed out, if not then it is still okay to slug for the 4k, since hatch should not even exist in the first place, if the killer gets to that point he winned, he should get rewarded for hatch escape
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the only times i slug for the 4k are:
the last 2 survivors decided to hide for 13 years, and ive decided both are going to die or the 2 hour limit will be reached
the survivors were all tbagging and/or clicking OR the survivor who isnt on the ground was tbagging and/or clicking
when i down someone and i know the exact geo coordinates of the last survivor
edit: typo
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Sometimes it isnt even about the 4k, I will do it sometimes because i think that player was really good and i wanna kill the one left so i can give the better player hatch
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It's not the killer wasting your time. it's your teammate who stays inactive and is waiting for you to die just to get a hatch escape. Probably he should be busy resquing you or working on a gen instead of waiting for the game to end. The killer is doing what he's supposed to do, trying to find and kill survivors. A passively hiding survivor is the one wasting time, not the killer
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Hold on explain those perks. Why TF would you want to extend the hook timer?
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"Reset and swarming the hook just so that you can 4E is cringe. Let the killer keep their 1K and just leave."
Sounds reasonable enough, eh?
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Tbh, at the hight of the DH stranglehold I sometimes told survivors that relying on DH to cover up their mistakes was cringe. Some even backed me up.
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Slugging for the 4k is a waste of everyone's time. Just hook. Usually by time the killer catches the remaining survivor, I've got 30 seconds left on my bleedout timer. It's boring. The least the devs could do is let me choose to bleed out faster.
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The goal of the killer is to kill all survivors. Many, like myself, will usually not care getting the last kill but nobody should be blamed to get the highest score he can get.
And four minutes?
- Either the killer went to look for the last survivor after your first down; and your teammate could have healed you.
- Either he waited on you until you bled out but then he wasn't really trying to get a 4k was he?
After the next patch it may very well become more common.
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Less certainly, as there is nothing to gain there.
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Oh no another "remove hatch" thread.