Scream of Creation -Chapter Concept

Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747
edited August 2022 in Creations

The Surgeon

Terror Radius: 32m

Height: Medium

Speed: 4.6 m/s

Power: Grizzly Harvest

Your insatiable quest to understand life and death has lead you down a rabbit hole of insanity. Create Flesh Golems in order to achieve your goals and track down survivors.

Special Ability: Sneak

Press the Active Ability button to enter into a stealth state. Decrease your terror radius down to 4 meters and slow down to 4.2 m/s. Landing a successful attack on a survivor in this state causes it to go on cooldown. Successful hits in this mode cause you to gain 1 organic sample.

Special Ability: Flesh Golem

A surgical table will spawn around the center of the map. Once you've gain 3 organic samples you can create a Flesh Golem. Only 1 Flesh Golem can be active at any time.

Flesh Golems move around at 4.1 m/s. They will wonder around generators and will chase any survivor detected in a 8 meter radius. Survivors can be injured by Flesh Golems and put into the dying state.

Stunning a Flesh Golem twice will destroy it. Flesh Golems will attempt to pick up and bring downed survivors to you. Survivors can attempt to wiggle out of their grasp, causing them to be stunned. Flesh Golems cannot be blinded.

There is no aura for Flesh Golems unless they are carrying a survivor.


Malpractice: You become obsessed with one survivor. This perk activates after injuring the obsession from the healthy state. After the obsession is healed to the healthy state, all survivors besides the obsession's auras are revealed for 10/12/14 seconds. You can only be obsessed with one survivor at any time.

Surgical Precision: After injuring a survivor with a basic attack this perk activates. 30/20/10 seconds after being injured, the survivor suffers the from an added Exhausted status effect for 20 seconds. This perk then goes on cooldown for 15 seconds.

Scourge Hook: Dark Harvest: At the start of the Trial, 4 random hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks. Items held by survivors are drained by 1%/2%/3% of there charges every second the survivor is hooked.

(More details will come. Feedback is appreciated. )

Post edited by Jivetalkin13 on


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    It's hard to tell how strong the power is since there isn't a lot of information. My main questions are:

    • How exactly does the killer get his samples? Does he injure any survivors when he takes a sample?
    • How does the A.I act? Is it similar to Nemesis's zombies but faster/slower/smarter?
    • Can the A.I hold multiple samples? Once a sample is used does the killer need to get a new one from that survivor?

    There's a few more I could ask but these are my immediate queries. I'm worried it could be annoying like the Nemesis zombies but it depends.


    Malpractice: I don't see the point in this perk. It makes the killer want to hit and leave the survivor but for what gain? Maybe instead of breaking the obsession it shows the auras of all survivors while the obsession is getting healed.

    Surgical Precision: I think this perk would've been a good counter to DH before it's nerf but I don't think it's great now. Most exhaustion perks will be used before you get them injured. I'd say maybe the perk should increase that survivors exhaustion time by 20 seconds? Plus remove the cooldown.

    Scrouge Hook: Dark Harvest: So items lose 45% of their charges after getting hooked? Seems pretty good for killers who don't M1 (I.e Franklin's), though I'd say it's bit high. I'd say change it to survivors lose 1% per second on the hook. Good counter to swf teams who will try to unhook their friends as soon as possible.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747
    edited August 2022

    Thank you for the feedback. I liked you're ideas for the perks and made some adjustments.

    I like the idea of changing Malpractice into an aura reading perk, but I think making it so it activates after a heal would be better.

    Surgical Precision has been changed to be additive to exhaustion times, but I'm keeping a short cooldown. The delay in activation is mainly so that perks like Overcome would still have a place in the game and not be hard countered.

    You're right that Dark Harvest is too much so it's per seconds on hook that it loses charges, increasing per rank.

    More details have been put into the power. The concept is a sort of stealth/area control killer. Obviously, very rough around the edges and maybe a bit too passive, but I've always wanted another killer with AI elements built into the kit.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    edited August 2022

    The only thing I will say about the power is 2 metres is a very small detection range. Survivors will need to be touching the killer in order to be detected. Also if the golem is trying to bring a survivor to you there's a good chance that survivor will wiggle out. I'd say the golem tries to hook the survivor instead. Lastly I think 3 samples is too much bearing in mind how weak stealth is.

    Good perk changes 👍 I still think Surgical Precision is weak but it was always going to be a tough perk to balance.

    Also I like the change to Malpractice though I will say if you did it my way (while the survivor is getting healed) it would have good synergy will slow healing perks like Sloppy and Clourophobia (probably botched that spelling).

    Btw I hate asking this but could you give me feedback on my chapter? You can ignore the add-ons if you want.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    Sure, no problem. Next chance I get I'll check it out. Could I get a link?