There shouldn't be attempts to patch techs.

Hug tech, window tech, 360's, reverse pallet techs, all those type of things that arnt exactly supposed to exist (yes spinning the killer wasn't supposed to exist) should never be tinkered with. They give killers and survivors a higher skill cap and make the game way more interesting. The only reason I make this post is because I see alot of people talking about techs and how they need to be patched, have been patched, or were supposed to be patched, when I disagree with this because it adds more variety and skill requirement to this game than just holding W.
90% of the time Survivor techs don't even work
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If a tech is truly broken, it should be removed.
Are any of those techs broken? I don't know, I play Demogorgon exclusively as Killer and have never managed to get a Window tech, so it's not my call to make
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The only situation I would agree is if it makes it overpowered. But if it doesn’t, then yes. Removing flashy and fun gimmicks that aren’t even OP like hug tech/reverse pallet stun/etc is just a bad decision.
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Agreed 100%.
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It's really a case by case basis. Nurse fatigue cancel wasn't hard to pull off and had a pretty substantial benefit without counterplay. She just wouldn't look down to fatigue. That's different from a Blight hug tech where you still have opportunity to read it and dodge.
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Most techs are fine. Hug tech is the only one i would remove because blight is already a strong killer, but if they bring reverse pallets back i would gladly let him keep the huggy
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Think there needs to be a distinction between techs and bugs.
Nurse looking up during fatigue was a clear bug that warranted a fix. Nurse is supposed to look down during fatigue.
Blights hug tech, or what people think is hug tech, are players using the power mechanic to do a special move that the Devs didn't realise could be done.
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Some are just dumb. Heal tech for example makes no sense imo and im not saying that to be salty, i have seen players attempt heal tech against me but never escape with it yet so im not at all salty about it.
Its just, the killer cant pick some one up when they are being healed? Really?
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Yeah. That's simply how the game works. Who ever interacts with an object/player first prioritizes.
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This is just silly. A lot of the "techs" are unintended effects in the game being exploited. They should be looked at on a case by case basis.
Window tech, spinning, FOV tech, shift tech, and all other survivor techs that I currently know of are fine. They generally have a low probability of success and once they killer knows what you're up to they stop working. I'm even fine with the locker blind flashy saves. All of these techs lead to a generally fun interaction between killers and survivors. Survivors think they actually have useful tools and get a nice dopamine hit when they actually work and killers be like "Nice try but I ain't falling for that tish."
Other "techs" have a much higher probability of success and are very hard to counter:
Blight's hug "tech" I consider an exploit straight up. It should be removed for the same reason Dead Hard got nerfed; it's far too powerful and versatile. The counterplay to it is completely unintuitive and can leave survivors lying on the ground often wondering how that was even possible or "oh he used that stupid exploit again." Even if a survivor knows how to counter a hugging Blight, the Blight can often bump into something and take another shot at the survivor in the same set of rushes.
Heal tech is another stupid one. I do think survivors should have a reliable way to block killers from picking up, perhaps being able to body block in a certain position, but heal tech is just stupid. It often just leads to the killer feeling robbed at the gate when they definitely should have been able to pick up. Also the hit box for survivors is so broken when healing a downed survivor and that just leads to frustration as well.
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Techs should be removed if they are actively detrimental to the game. Legion walking backwards to cause a deep wound down was a tech and was rightfully removed
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techs are absolutely fine when they add skill or nuance to play. They're not ok when they exploit ingame quirks to force lose/lose scnarios. Stuff like hopping into a locker at a corner so that the killer can't take you out without setting themselves up for your buddy to blind them is not "tech" in any healthy sense. Its far too common for people to defend tech because they want to be able to do it, instead of shunning it because the opponent has no choice but to lose in the situation regardless of their input. It becomes especially ironic when those same people complain about being put in that situation themselves.
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Thats simply how the game works can be the answer to literally every tech.
Though some still get patched. This one imo makes 0 sense thematically and i would like to see it gone. But honestly, its not a big deal.
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And yet interaction grabs were invented for these exact scenarios, except healing for some reason. I mean i know grabs almost never work to begin with, but its still an outlier. It even would follow the same rules as locker grabs, having an interaction call be the start of the condition instead of a simple attack.
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Depends on the tech. Legion vaulting a pallet while being blinded and downing the survivor? Good. Blight running directly into a wall, backwards, and sliding across it to turn 758384 degrees? Wack.
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Down before the gate.
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Damn can't believe someone is defending the Legion Moonwalk.
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I think that really depends on the tech. And whether that tech is fun to go against, or fair to go against.
If we are talking about Blight for example, that tech needs to go. It removes too much counterplay against him, and that as well as his op addons are what's currently making him simply too strong.
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Y’all really tripping about blights hug tech. 😂 it’s not even remotely op. Most people cannot even imagine pulling them off successfully into a hit. You have to have so much game knowledge of what is hug tech-able and many things are not.
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I think you hit it spot on here. People need to read this.
You make a good point, maybe you should be able to grab off of healing. That would be interesting
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I think you should be able to grab the person healing, or push them aside (with an injure) and pick up the downed survivor in one animation. Since it would be a locked animation for a longer period than the normal pickup one, a 3rd survivor would still be able to make a play for a flashlight save or something like that, but the 2nd one shouldn't be able to have enough time to recover and get it themselves during the pickup. I feel trying to grab people while healing is already an extremely niche consideration, but considering "heal tech" is a known thing, the latter suggestion does a better job of directly punishing people for attempting to exploit it.
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But it was just soooo much "fun" (for me) while it lasted. Please bring it back UwU
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Discord mod alert UwU uhoh 18+ fortnite crack kid, 19 dollar fortnite card, quadel dingles Asian brother quandel dingaling, discord kitten conformed
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how bout this, they can fix the techs AFTER they fix hit registration/pallet vacuume where it literally WARPS the killer behind the survivor after getting stunned a lot of the time, forcing a vault, or fix pallet stun actually taking priority over the hit since it makes zero sense that you can stun a killer AND get hit at the same time, there are also issues with people using VPNs to get a ping advantage (getting stunned by the pallet, swiping on the other side of the pallet and it somehow connecting when a pallet is between and the swing happens AFTER the pallet dropped), also as some have said the grabs on gens (and lockers) and hit detection at windows, as ive been fully out and moving or vaulted and running and still get hit by a melee,
fix some of those things before even thinking about putting out more cosmetics or dlcs or "fixing" techs, and yes i know they feel they have to stick to their 3 month schedule, but if they know they have current bugs, they ALSO know whenever they put out a DLC it always creates new bugs AND brings back a few older bugs, so why not take the time to fix the ones they can before hastily releasing some new dlc, whole reason why i stopped buying the dlc's myself is because they dont seem to care about fixing the actual bugs in the game and just want to milk the game for everything its worth, which i get it, they need to make a profit, but shouldnt they want to make a profit AND have a game they can be proud to have their name associated with? this game in its current state, i wouldnt be proud of it, use to be a lot more fun years ago, granted there were bugs then too, but they gave up tryin to fix those and moved to a new engine, and what happened? more and more bugs... not askin for perfection(impossible in any game/genre), just to fix the known issues asap, felt like all the time spent on the perk reworks coulda been spent on fixing these bugs
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That's the sad thing though. People are still playing this game and giving profit no bugs or not. No body is quiting because of bugs or anything like that so there is no need to fix them
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I miss OG moonrushes. The ones that were completely unpractical to use and would maybe get you a hit 1/20 tries.
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It matters. It has to be both fair and fun for both sides for it to stay IMO.
Hence why I want the hug tech to stay. But something as bs as the old "hook tech" should've gotten removed (which it thankfully did).
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"it has to be fair and fun for both sides" followed by "this is why I want the hug tech to stay" means you don't understand what is fun and fair. Only killer mains would think people like the hug tech or think it's fair.
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Misdirecting blight players who use hug tech is extremely fun, dunno what you're talking about. Watching them sit there bouncing into something obviously setting it up, then seeing them fly off around the corner they think you're at and swinging at thin air is always good for a laugh. Granted if you see him do it and then just say "guess i'll die now" maybe you could find more fun in actually trying to counterplay the situation? Always remember its a person on the other side, so they can be misled/mindgamed.
TBH hug tech is the only way he can use his power at a lot of loops, otherwise he can only really get people in the open between em. Thats the real reason people want it gone, they hate when killers have agency around pallets.