Racoon City Police Station RUINED by Update

RavenBirb Member Posts: 491
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Yall had to ruin it, these Devs always respond to the most unneeded criticism always and forever, How do you complain about RPD being too big when 1. It doesn't change layouts currently 2. Theres OTHER MAPS LIKE IT that do not change. 3. It's directly replicating the map from RE:2 so why change it????? You guys really can't memorize a map? really?

People in this game ruin everything, it's probably because there's not 10 different OP jungle gyms scattered throughout for your leisure survivor main gameplay of wall sliding and such. You actually have Narrow hallways and more of a challenge but no baby survivors will still cry.

Keep the way it is, keep it true to the damn chapter will you? This is my most loved map and chapter i do not want 2 SMALLER version of it no


  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    I've got around 1300 hours, really liked RPD as a big RE2 Fan, but even I could see it needed to be smaller. The map was needlessly big.

  • zHypnotism
    zHypnotism Member Posts: 79

    I literally threw every game on RPD, for both survivor and killer. Haven't played RE2, have no interest in memorizing a whole maze with changing walls where aura reading is useless and gens impossible to find as survivor while i also can't recall how many survivors i've dropped as killer because i couldn't make it to hooks. I don't even think a rework / redesign cuts it for this map, i think it should be removed from the game entirely as i never had fun for a single game while playing this map...

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 491

    THE WALLS OR NOTHING ABOUT IT CHANGES OMG LOL, the only thing that changes is the Gens swap positions slightly and thats it

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 491

    I've been playign since 2016 and plenty of hours with numerous testings of changes with this game, this change imo is so unnecessary and dumb as #########. It's just another sad excuse to make survivor mains stop crying and escape every match, god forbid we challenge anyone in a game anymore

  • zHypnotism
    zHypnotism Member Posts: 79

    as i said, i don't think the redesign made it better. but i am happy to see that the devs are starting to see RPD as a problem because it certainly is the worst map in the game by 500%. would rather play the swamp every game than play good maps for 99 games and RPD once because the map is just THAT bad.

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 491

    People should be complaining about the Swamp being the most boring, horrid looking map to play on. NOT RPD. Entire thing is obnoxious to navigate for killers but you don't see any complaints from survivor mains thats for sure they love hiding in a big open GREY map with tons of loops and big grass everywhere

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    You've got about 2 years on me then. I don't think the change is unnecessary and being done to make survivor mains stop crying. Seems more to me like the changes are good for M1 killers and survivors.

    I've seen many survivors get left to die on first hook simply because the other survivors couldn't figure out how to reach them. I've also had many killers dc as soon as they load into the map. The size and the amount of safe pallets/loops is enough to make anyone who isn't confident in their skills dc.