You can't nerf Nurse!

Look, Nurse is a really difficult killer to be good with, especially on console. The vast majority of people playing Nurse are just casual gamers trying to have fun. It's not fair to punish them just for trying to have fun in the game. They're not the ones that are running Starstruck, Agitation, Floods of Rage, etc. Those 8k hour God Nurses are EXTREMELY rare, they're not even worth considering! If you run into of those Nurses, just take the L and move on! What we need to do is buff all the other killers up to Nurse level and then buff survivors to compensate!
Or how about we nerf Nurse to the power level of every other killer and buff solo q like the devs promised
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I'd post the picture of the 4 slowdown stacking Nurse but I'm away from my PC in the hospital.
You don't need to be an 8K hour Nurse in order to be good.
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If people actually bothered to learn how to play against the nurse instead of holding w they'd realize it isn't actually that op
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The vast majority of people that complain about nurse are casual survivors that don't enjoy playing against a killer that practically has no counterplay.
Casual killers can have fun with the actual easy killers like Wraith, Legion, Clown, Doctor, Nemesis etc.
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It's not a complaint. Nurse is not balanced. Nobody plays her to have a competitively balanced match.
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So? There have always been stronger and weaker killers in dbd, just like perks and maps and items. Not every killer can be perfectly balanced you know.
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"most nurses are casual gamers!!!!!!!1" most nurses use the same build pain resonanse, starstuck, agitation, flood of rage and the most op addons they have,
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Yeah, sure, but Nurse is so far above every other killer that it's not even close.
Nurse's difficulty is incredibly overblown and she needs changes.
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can't do that if her blinks are unpredictable and typically unstoppable, no nurse would be foolish enough to get light burned out of a blink, even trying to mind game her is like trying to mind game a brick wall; it doesn't work.
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And this? That suggestion is a TERRIBLE idea, from the get go. Nurse needs to be the ONLY one of her kind and that's a fact, killers have already GOTTEN their buff, they do not need anything else given to them.
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You play around vision and los? And how are nurse blinks unpredictable? If you try to loop against a nurse like any other killer then you're the one that's doing something wrong
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I'm having a hard time understand why this is a question.... "How are Nurse Blinks Unpredictable?" Can YOU telegraph where they're going to move after their first blink or their second? Maybe behind you? Maybe to the left, the right, a little bit infront of you? Or overshoots and lunges? Does your mind think of these things at lightning quick speed when you face off against her, OR, are you human and understand that a nurse Player that understands the power, even if no less then 50 hours of gameplay with her, could get a 4K with her at any time?
Why would I try to loop a killer that's borderline unescapable, let alone just hold W and run in a straight line......
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Only 2k hour😑
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I love the predictable reaction of this community.
"We should buff survivor to "survivor with comms and teamwork"level to equalise." -> Yaaaas queeen
"We should buff other killers to the level of nurse to equalise." -> No, only nerf nurse.
In the solo-swf discusdion there was always talk about a killer compensation for those theoretical massive buffs. Not many people got into details about it but it's bern often admitted that it'd be delayed after the solosef buffs, and killers would need to patiently wait for that compensation while getting stomped by that now all swflevel survivors.
I hope the similiarity to patch 6.1 is obvious. Survivors lost their minds in that one. I'm not even saying they shouldve waited patiently likey killers were told to do in the discussion, thats as unrealistic as killers not going mad in the same situation, if it were to ever occur.
Bit the community does appear to treat the solo-swf gap solution inversely to the killer-tier gap solution.
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Casual bad at game and planning, sees good player run build. Copy build.
Casual now win more. Endorphine rush good, happy juice makes casual happy.
It's in every damn game. And ooga booga usvsthem incoming: survs did it too.
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Finally someone that didn't have the meaning of the post whoooosh right over their head
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Not sure about rare. I got tons of nurses in last 24 hours. All running pain resonance, dms, sloppy and thana for the most part.
Lots of blights also with pretty much similar builds.
And no I am not top mmr survivor. Still getting them tho.
To be clear I am not advocating to any killer/surv nerfs. Just saying nurses are somehow more common than before for me.
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IWow i even got an upvote:)
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Not really if they buff solo q even if its something next to the name to let the others know what there doing then you can buff other killers. Not every thing can be solved by nerfing it sometimes you need to buff things but in the right order such as solo q buff then buffing weaker killers, out of the 28 killers only 2-3 get used at high MMR that leaves 25 killers that don't get used.
Nearly everyone is quick to jump on the nurse needs a nerf train but does anyone stop and think why she is used so much and why you never see killers like Myers because Myers can't compete in high MMR, so why not buff him so he can but to do that we need to buff solo q. The game will be a lot more fun if the killers were stronger and the survivors also so each match you feel like you have had to earn your escape or kills.
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I run meme perks on Nurse tbh.
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only K hour
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Every other killer are on the same level?
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Losing LOS isn't viable. Most maps are outdoors and lack that factor. And even if you do lose LOS, she's going to catch up because its Nurse.
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Nurse shouldn't be buffed. If anything she needs to be balanced out more which thankfully the devs are looking at the blink travel speed on the range addons with what we saw on the Project W PTB. Otherwise, Maybe some bug fixes if she has any and maybe make it so her blink attacks are special attacks instead of basic. Nurse herself doesn't need any buffs at all.
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You can still mindgame her in open area.
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I mean, they nerfed Nurse's ranged addons on the PTB to not have the increased speed effect. So you can in fact nerf Nurse, since ya know, the devs actually did it, it is factually incorrect to say otherwise.
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Every other killer is in the same ballpark, Nurse isn't even on the same planet
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Please tell us counters then. I struggle against Nurse and would like understand what it takes to counter a good Nurse player. I’ve been open to learning counters but a lot of Nurse mains just say “git gud” or “break LoS.” I don’t really see much else other than that.
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How is Trapper in the same ballpark as Demogorgon?
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the formula is simple:
SWF and broken map rng exist? = nurse
fix those things (SWF must be relegated ONLY in custom matches) then we can talk about reworking the nurse
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That’s why nurse needs a rework, to balance her and make her accessible for everyone from the start, so people can’t claim she’s hard to play anymore. It’s just that simple.
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Don't nerf nurse, rework her
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There’s a recipe for abysmal killer queue times and the game’s death.
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Nurse needs a full rework. Nurse presents a problem that other killers don't in that she ignores all resources survivors have at their disposal and only becomes more broken when you slap on basically any of her add-ons.
I played Nurse back when 7 blinks were still possible. I was still very new to the game at the time so I didn't have much in the way of success. I also played Nurse back when Hawkins was still in the game to varying degrees of success. So I am by no means new to Nurse. I have 1300 hours, most of which are as survivor with about 500 hours being almost exclusively killer, and while I am by no means a master at Nurse, I can do well enough that I can 4k against an average team fairly consistently.
I firmly believe that Nurse is an outdated killer who needs a full rework and doesn't fit with the current state of the game. This rework shouldn't happen until maps have been shrunk, however. When we have smaller maps that allow for M1 killers to actually start patroling gens without losing like 75% (Not meant to be accurate) on two gens at the start of the match, then we can get a Nurse rework.
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- Mindgaming is a core mechanic to the game for every single killer in this entire game
- Range/Torn Bookmark are busted, recharge is fine
- Beating average teams consistently means basically nothing. Anyone good will do that regularly, because average players are not good. This is why you see good players win almost every game regardless of side or build.
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1. The counter to most killers is mindgaming. You can mindgame long loops, short loops, jungle gyms, LT walls and pallets against most killers. Most of these are ignored by Nurse, making the only viable option jungle gyms, which any halfway decent Nurse is well aware of. The counter to Nurse is to predict her predictions, which is just silly.
2. Almost all of Nurse's add-ons compensate for a player making mistakes. Fatigue reduction add-ons in particular. Range/Torn Bookmark are simply the most egregious offenders. You're right about recharge add-ons since it's normally 3 seconds per token, or 2 seconds per token with double recharge.
3. If a good player uses Nurse and 4ks against an average team, it's literally proof that you don't need to have thousands of hours to do well with her. "You need to have thousands of hours as Nurse to do well against good, coordinated teams," said no-one ever.
You don't need to master Nurse to do well with her. Understanding the Do's and Don't's of her power is enough to do well. A bad player can basically be carried by Nurse by simply understanding how her power works and what not to do.
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Remove her range add-ons and make her post blink attack special. Slightly nerf recharge add-ons and here you go, nurse would be fine
Bad nurses will just stack slowdowns but that's with all killers. At least they won't have range add-ons to crutch on any longer. She's been an easy mode 4K for long enough
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Maps definitely need to be looked at, but you know the devs. If they look at the maps then nurse won't be changed for a long time after. Maps and nurse are maybe the most pressing balance issues right now, along with solo queue.
If maps are all shrunk and nurse stays the same for a prolonged period of time then killer queues will get really, really bad.
No one wants to play a game where you have no chance of winning. That's what will happen if maps are reduced and nurse isn't changed until later.
Nurse players have been handed easy wins for long enough.
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I agree with this completely.
I'm not even asking for something major. I think this is all that would take to make her balanced.
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How to Kill a Multiplayer Game 101.
Map balance, I agree with.
SWF won't go anywhere, ever. It's existed literally for most of the games lifespan.
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Sorry but playing Nurse is NOT hard. I play on PC not console but i'm pretty sure even Huntress and Deathslinger are harder to play on console than Nurse.
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here is my counteroffer: we delete nurse and everyone has fun again
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Those few weeks where nurse was disabled was the most fun I've had in DBD in a long time.
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this is what you personally think, you can't be sure of it until the devs will try what i just said...
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didn't asked for it's entire removal... i just said to relegate it in custom matches, in that way people can still have fun with their friends... nothing will change on practice
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Hope you’re ok 😧
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No offense but console players should not bother playing killer. Every fellow PC user thinks the same but won't say it.
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I'm doing alright, thanks for asking <3
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Me on my way to not care and to play Killer at a high level anyways
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1. Nurse is no longer that hard to get good ( reach skill flor) after all bugs removed she got stronger and mouch more easy to learn. I would say it s super easy now to get good at herr it took me 20 games tp get mussle memory on her blinks. Also her skill ceiling isn't that hight too. Killer that require lot of time to get good at are blight/billy. 2 she was on top of s tier even before her bugs fixes after that she become omost totaly broken at that point she allready should get nerf ( decres blinks distance by 0.5m incrised blink recharge by 0.25s + addons rework of recharge addons + 3 blink addon back to what it was. (Thanks god they fixed range addons but i think best ranhe addon should also be reworked) now after survs nerf and killer buff (shorter wepon cleaning animation / less distance after hit on surv) should include nerf to her power by -1m and - 0.5s. That mean she should get nerfed by: -1.5m on blonks and -0.75 on power recharge. Also to stop nurse users from abusing game braking bulids her blink shouldcount as m2 attack + in blink analnimation she shouldn t be able to se auras.( like spirit) . And no thats not over kill she still would stay as s killer good players would still geting a lot of 4 k on her but potatoes no longer would get 4k for free and pro nurse mains won t be able to end game in 1 minute or less. Remember all meta perks on surv got nerfed same as survs them self + all killers got bufed. + stop saying things like but i play nurse and never win so she don t need nerf because it s on same lvl of -iq like of dh users who defented this perk 0:51 <- old dh and curent nurse defenders. No one cares if you are trash at the game. Because dead hard was broken at same lvl when abused by good players as nurse is (she is even more broken than old dh prof is that old nurse was still ez destroing most sweat meta perks items swf with no sweat.) She need nerf. END OF STORY.