Broken on Plague is Outdated

The Problem

  • Survivors being afflicted the Broken status effect whenever Plague uses Vile Purge is an outdated concept.
  • In combination with some add-ons and perks, this can make for an extremely uninteresting and borderline unfun experience for Survivors, as there can be no counterplay to these builds whatsoever.
  • In addition, there are playstyles that the Survivors can do that can prevent The Plague from even being able to use her power, so long as Survivors remain Broken.

The Solution

  • Vile Purge no longer afflicts the Broken status effect once a Survivor reaches maximum infection.
  • Vile Purge will now injure a Survivor once that Survivor reaches maximum infection.
  • Vile Purge now reduces the speed at which Survivors can heal each other by up to 50%. Add-ons that once affected the rate at which Survivors get infected now increase the slowdown to healing speeds.
  • Once four Survivors fully heal while infected, The Plague will now gain one Pool of Devotion to be able to use the Corrupt Purge attack.
  • Black Incense is changed so that whenever a Survivor becomes fully infected, the next time they are injured, they will receive the Broken status effect for 60 seconds.
    • This add-on change is to basically remove its ability to be used with Lethal Pursuer and grant The Plague too much information with the combination.

These changes would provide a healthier change that the Plague should be getting for the future. The ability to vomit on Survivors from up close and M1 them with little to no counterplay provides an uninteresting and unfun experience, while simultaneously allowing for builds that slow down the game to a crawl and forcing Survivors into a constant lose-lose situation with no counterplay that isn't scummy.

These changes would also be the nail in the coffin for Thanatophobia being viable on The Plague, as she's the last character that this Perk is viable on, and it's an abysmal experience whenever a Plague is running this Perk.

Speaking of viability, these changes would still keep The Plague moderately viable like she should be, although with a far healthier sense of balance that she needs in this current day.

In a modern DbD, this type of concept is as genuinely outdated as The Shape or The Hag's Power concepts and this game should strive to improve itself by undoing these concepts.


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    You're making a lot of sweeping and general statements in your opener without any examples at all to back them up. Not even an anecdote. Like what exactly is your problem with her and how she interacts with the game?

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104
    edited August 2022

    This whole idea is silly without addressing how survivors get cured. I am just imagining this silly cycle where 3 infected survivors are just infinite-healing one another because they keep spreading infection to each other which keeps injuring them.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,233

    Plague, in my opinion, has always been a rather balanced killer since there is a level of thinking between the killer and survivors as to counter and prevent their power.

    Im not sure if you are aware, but Plague already has a mechanic where if all fountains are Corrupted Fountains, they all return to normal and Plague is given Corrupt Purge directly, this is done quite literally to make the killer and survivor manage fountains and coordinate to deny potential power usages (hence the SoloQ rule "dont cleanse unless someone starts to cleanse"). You can actually do this method to counter Thanatophobia.

    The only thing I would change about Plague is fixing their Vile Purge validation for Console because it is horrendous.

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    I get that people have issues with different killers, but I like Plague as is, both playing as her and against :<

    You know, I really think that one thing that BHVR should add that will solve everyones problem would be bot matches that let you earn XP, Bp and such. A mode where you can just choose who you go against and choose to not go against killers you do not like (like Plagues in your case) would make the game much better and would solve all the "I don't like going against X" comments.

  • BubbleBuster
    BubbleBuster Member Posts: 387

    horrible idea


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,873

    Plague is one of the most unique and well-designed killers in DBD.

    Please leave her alone, she is fine.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    Honestly... just make it so that healing perks can hasten cleansing speed and I'm good.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,511

    The problem is you aren't listing any actual problems and trying to create solutions for these non-existent problems.

  • Mysterioso
    Mysterioso Member Posts: 80

    For your closing statement......Legion also exists and Thana is also viable on Legion still? Besides that, I've always considered Plague to be a very balanced killer in terms of design. Another poster on here @SuzuKR stated a good idea for her. Make our fountain RNG not absolutely terrible on some maps. I see some plagues on swamp load in and never will go to the absolutely corner of swamp to throw the game to get her corrupt then walk back over to the gens.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,365

    What do you mean it's "outdated"?

    What new mechanics have been brought in that invalidate the broken status?

    In anything with the power creep of healing builds, the broken status is all the more valuable.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623


  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    People say that you can't have wrong opinions. I think this post would prove those people wrong.

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    This is kinda rude and I am one of the people that disagree with him. Just because we are okay and he is not does not dismiss his opinion and marks it as wrong. This is just a video game after all. You can have bad opinions, sure, but opinions aren't wrong, because he's not talking about an objective truth. In the end, the game is subjective and what people find fun and balanced differs.

    Now if he were to go "well in my opinion the Earth is flat" now THAT is an objectively wrong opinion. So, while there are wrong opinions, his wasn't really. Is it a bad opinion? Maybe to me, certainly to you, but lets not act like he is the only one that thinks this way. Remember, every human is different, and as such not everybody will think like us.

    I am glad he shared his opinion, because it's nice to see what others think about the game, whether it's killer powers, mechanics or perks. That is how the game can improve, even if I disagree with what they say, but at least it puts some things in perspective and opens some discussions.

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    "You can have bad opinions, sure, but opinions can't be wrong." That's false. If you present your opinion as a fact rather than an opinion, then your opinion can be wrong. OP started their post by saying "Survivors being afflicted the Broken status effect whenever Plague uses Vile Purge is an outdated concept." The didn't say "I think," or something along those lines, and then give their opinion. Hell, at no point in their entire post did they say "I think." or even "I feel like," they stated everything as though it were a fact, making their opinion objectively wrong.