72 winstreak (still no defeat) as survivor with perks restrictions and no addons or offerings

Yep, the game is still survivor sided. All you need is actually trying to win.
Let me go get my SWF real quick...
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Me seeing the hundredth "your side OP because youtuber has a million winstreak" post of the week
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It's funny how survivor streaks are always more extreme in numbers than with killer streaks.
Killer streaks: "50 wins on Plague!" "20 wins on Trapper!"
Survivor streaks: "75 escape streak!" "200 escape streak!"
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And alf has 600 win streak... so?
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These survivors are not doing anything fancy, just basic loop skill and actually trying to win (repairing gens).
You can delete Nurse already I don’t care. Most of the killers have no mobility or lethality.
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I can't tell for sure, but you're quite impressed, am I right?
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Yes, good players will win almost every single game because most players they will face will only be average, and MMR will not have enough people of their level to ever consistently give even-skill matches. This is why there's huge escape streaks and kill streaks on every single thing in this game.
This is not news.
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Not people thinking win streaks in a game with soft capped MMR mean something from a balance perspective.
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"This person went on an X win streak so the game is X sided."
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This is before the update. The nurse at the end is picking up the masquerade thing. The gens also have balloons on them. Like SWF is still strong but you're being disingenuous now.
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"game is survivor sided because an optimal SWF team can win consistently"
Meanwhile mediocre killer players when they kill optimal solo survivors 80+% of the time:
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Most killers do have mobility and lethality?
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And noone denied that for swf. Can you show us your solo survivor winstreak?
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All you need is actually trying to win.
...Yeah, and 4 players with 4-8k hours in the game each, as well as years of competitive tournament experience, one of them literally a player on the best team. And voice comms with practiced call-outs. And coordinated, stacked builds. Also a matchmaking that gives you opponents nowhere near your level (of skill, experience and "sweat") the vast majority of the time.
There are also killer 4k streaks spanning hundreds of matches, and always have been.
In pubs, good 4-SWFs will win the vast majority of their matches, and as do good killers. It's just that the latter is infinitely more common, since for the former it takes 4 such players actually coming together and deciding to use voice comms and trying hard to win. For the killer equivalent, it just takes one such player to decide to play killer and trying hard to win. To take random pub matches as a base game balance argument is asinine, because for base game balance arguments you need equally skilled competitors. (Little spoiler alert: In tournaments where players like these actually face equals, the game averages more than 2 kills per match, with 4ks being completely commonplace.)
There are plenty balance issues left, for both roles, but that is always much more nuanced than the "X/Y-sided!!!!" people want to make it out to be. Whatever helps you feel better about your losses I guess? You are not fooling anyone but yourself though, not least since anyone can just watch one of countless streamers and see for themselves that it's entirely possible to win one's killer matches all day every day, and has been for years. If you're struggling, seek to improve your skill at playing the game rather than blaming game balance, it genuinely helps, there is more evidence for this than you could watch in a lifetime.
The useful takeaway from streaks like this is that MMR is still completely inadequate and should be made much more strict. (And personally I also want SWF nerfs, namely loadout restrictions. Also Nurse nerfs.)
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well the game will never be balanced around survivors failure or inability to work together. And that can happen often when you join random people. Random people are random people. It is how it is. Random teams will always be worse in any game, it's not the game's fault. And sure the game will always be balanced around efficient killers and survivors, not inefficient ones.
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75 win streak.... with a swf. Thats very different. So the game isn't survivor sided. It's swf sided. Solo queue is still extremely rough and killers win easily against us 75% of the time. Game is definetly not survivor sided currently, in the past yes, but not with the most recent patch. It is however swf sided, and always has been.
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No killer has a killrate that high. Stop lying we have stats.
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Please, you don’t need 8k to know how to loop and not be 3gen.
Also I don’t lose much so I don’t know what you are talking about when you say this would make me feel better about my losses ? The purpose of this post is to show that you can get huge winstreak as survivor if you play decent.
Are you implying a single survivor should be able to carry 3 others players and win in a 1vs4 format ?
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You are using this streak as evidence, which is flawed in itself already, but now you want to dismiss it? Fact of the matter is that these players have 4k+ hours in the game each, and tons of tournament experience. If you claim anybody could do this, I'm afraid this is not evidence for such a claim.
Again, there is more than "playing decent" going on here. 4 tournament-level players with thousands upon thousands of hours in the game teaming up and using voice comms, call-outs, coordinated loadouts and strats, trying hard to win every time. Dan is literally one of the best competitive survivor players in the world and has been up there for a while. Get real.
And seems you forgot, but the "purpose" of your post was to claim that this streak shows the game to be survivor-sided, which is a completely flawed conclusion. It's as easily countered as asking: So do the various 100+ 4k killer streaks make the game killer-sided?
Please tackle your bias and mind the spoiler I gave about tournament play. Killers compete perfectly well at that level (more than well in fact, again, averaging more than 2 kills per match). Does that mean the game balance is totally fine, all killers and maps and perks and items and add-ons a-ok? Of course not. But any balance discussion would have to be far more nuanced than "game is killer/survivor-sided!", and certainly it would have to be based on something other than... some pub players getting demolished.
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I don't think anyone is arguing that SWF isn' capable of beating the top killers. I think people are aware that the role being ignored the most is soloQ and if you look at past numbers, that is the largest population in the game by a lot. It's weird you would balance the game around SWFs rather than soloQ knowing that you are screwing over around half of your player base.
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Exactly. I'd be keen to see this sort of winstreak more recently - and I'd be more impressed if it were a solo player, since it's pretty well accepted that the chain of power in this game is SWF -> killer -> solo
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SWF... yay... nothing to watch here
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And a 4-man team constantly on top of a pre-devised call-out system with co-ordinated builds, against pub killers.
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You video fails miserable in proving your point. All the matches it shows were recorded BEFORE the perk overhaul, as can be seen by the use of old dead hard in the trapper game, and at least two scenes with event pedestals in the last match. So if anything, the video proves that the game was survivor sided before the perk overhaul, but it is totally irrelevant for the current state of the game.
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You mean experienced, high-mmr SWF-sided.
It's not survivor sided for players with less than 500 hours, for solos and for casual swfs.
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What killer huge winstreak ? You mean the Nurse one ? Or Blight ?
Do you have any huge winstreak with an average killer to show me ? Let’s say Sasako or Doctor for exemple ?
The current state of the game is Nurse soon nerfed, the best slowdowns nerfed, basekit BT, a new antitunnel perk OTR, a new anticamp perk soon. And dead hard still strong. The game is even more survivor sided now.
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Nerf nurse because good nurse are better than baby nurses.
Do not nerf survivor because baby survivors are not as good as good survivors.
Our community at its finest.
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the game is still survivor-sided post changes. nothing changed. look how many average hooks the killer gets before 5 gens.
game 1: 2 hooks(total 2 hooks)
game 2: 2 hooks(total 2 hooks)
game 3: 0 hooks(total 1 hook)
game 4: 1 hook(total 3 hooks)
game 5: 2 hooks(total 3 hooks) 1 kill
power of just pressing m1 on generators and base-kit info perks with ok looping. 10% pallet break, faster cooldown and 10 second gens changes very little for survivor yet you have survivor constantly suiciding in soloq and survivor's saying the game is unplayable.
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Can I please lose in peace? Some people lose, some people win and anyone who pays actual attantion to the threads knows that people are complaining on both sides. That is not a secret. I'm not quite sure what the objective is. Complaining louder, until they are in the right? For my own bloody sake, it is a GAME. With devs. And they said multiple times, they try to keep it balanced. And no, put the red thread and pins away. Developers of a game do their job to be able to buy bread. Maybe they are a bit slow at times, probably uncoordinated, but show me a company where it's not the case.
What I'm trying to say. Keep it calm and maybe play another game for sometime. Breaks are kinda important.
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Show me the solo survivor escape rate since the latest update.
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Are you implying a solo survivor should have the same impact as the killer ? Or a team full of random potatoes ?
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Are you implying a solo killer should have the same impact as a well-coordinated, well-trained team of 4 survivors?
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Goes to show who the liar is.
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Is that why old ruin was nerfed, because the efficient survivors couldn´t handle it?
There are several perks on both sides that were nerfed because new player couldnt handle them. The game should be balanced around efficiency, but itsn´t.
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Supalf has over 300 wins streak on nurse im not sure did he get bored and let survivors escape. He posted video AFK:ing until all gens done so I think that's it then.
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Those are one of best swf in world and insane coordination. Thwy know every map and always where they are. Average player will never reach that level so is it fair to say game is survivor sided when killers dominate low and middle mmr. If average survivors would stop playing and only good survivors would continue playing then yes thos game would be extremely survivor sided but those players are only 1% or less and the guys on video are 0,01% swf.
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I think you meant
"BOring today, aren't we?"
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How many hours on average does this SWF have again? Asking for a friend.
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Because most often with Survivor Escape streaks it's just 1 person who has to survive and get hatch while the other SWF sacrifice themselves so they escape.
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Aren’t you the same person that said basekit Nurse was weak?
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How is it fair to use the absolute peak of Comp SWAT SWF to say the game is survivor sided?
How many of these are in the entire survivor base? 0,1%? 1%? Being extremely generous 5%?
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I think they got past the 250 on friday.
But. Anyone who thinks there are people playing like this regularly are so so so mistaken. Not even the guys doing that winstreak play like that in pubs off-streak. They go full sweat and comp mode for a few hours on fridays and that's it. Watch them go SoloQ or just play casually and matches look a lot different.
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This game is not and cannot be balanced around both solos and SWF.
It's more a response to all the 'killer OP now' threads, I reckon.
That said...
It's not really anyone 'sided'.
This game is coordination, experience, perks, loadout, addons, map, snowball and RNG sided.
If one side brings memey perks and gets sent to an unfavorable map against someone bringing their strongest stuff, they'll struggle. And vice versa.
Go and watch some of the recent HCS streams, post rework. Very similar results.
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As I said before delete her already. I really don’t care about her anymore if she is an excuse to ignore all the other killers in the game and the huge maps size.
Any 300 winstreak with Sadako ? Doctor ? Pig ? Trickster ? Any C or D tier killer ?
At high MMR ? Yes, definitely.
MMR should be rework, and win conditions should be based off how low or high you are in the ladder so that all killer can become viable and everyone can have fun.
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Omg! Now it's killer sided, right? (and it was even before killer buffs and with old Dead Hard). Right? Or is it wrong because contradicts with your agenda?
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mfw 7200h nurse main comp player using super strong builds in pub games stomps almost every lobby
clearly this makes no sense
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I always find Alf a touch suspicious. He's clearly a very good player, but some of the opponents he gets are head-scratchers. I don't want to level any accusations of MMR abuse, but...yeah.
People are literally talking about Alf's Nurse streak in this thread - multiple posts.
If that's fair game, then so are comps.
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A year ago lmao there was no skill based MMR. Please delete your post already you must be joking.
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Why are so many of these popping up suddenly? Who cares if you spend all of your life on this game just to post this thread. Some people don't take the game as seriously and actually take the time to enjoy the game and don't care if they win. This isn't even the current version of the game. Play SoloQ in the current state of the game and then you'll really impress.
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Lol, just don't bother with so many words and just write that it's your agenda ;-)