Nurse Mains: Just Stop.

You mastered a very difficult killer. You’ve proven your mastery thousands of times by the number of games you’ve 4k’d and chases you’ve won over great survivors, etc etc. It’’s still fun to do but everyone recognizes it’s a bit too easy at this point you know? It’s imbalanced, overpowered and just ruins games. As soon as people hear nurse and then either see someone downed inside 20 seconds or get downed themselves, it’s over. Suicide, DC, etc. So maybe it’s time to move on. Challenge yourself with something difficult again instead of resting on your laurels and treading well worn paths. Just a thought…



  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510
    edited August 2022

    While I would keep her unique concept in DbD (in other words; no drastic rework of her teleport power), these are just facts that most Nurses run Lethal Pursuer ( + range add-ons), I am all Ears and Flood of Rage perks

    These perks are just completely broken on her and remove the few strategies that are available against her tier-S power: stealth, line of sight break, unpredictable paths, ...


    • 90+% nurses I face run at least one of these perks
    • 50+% nurses I face run at least 2 of these perks

    The rest of my game vs Nurses are usually:

    • 3+ slowdown perks: just unbearable, even against pretty mediocre nurses
    • hexes builds (DH+HG+Retrib) to try breaking the WR ("fastest win ever") ; if you do not touch totems at the beginning of the trial, you will quickly lose once DH reached 3 tokens (very easy to get 3 hooks on her in a reasonable time), game is over at this point (thanks to the devs to keep her blink attack as a regular M1-attack, by contrast to Blight)
    • 1 out of 100 games: Adept Nurse, or unexpected single Shadowborn perk

    Most of these combinations are just unhealthy for the game and devs must be blamed for the possibility to use these strong tools on her.

    At the very least, they need to add perk constraints on this specific killer class, followed by full add-on pass.

  • ThePrizz
    ThePrizz Member Posts: 111

    If Nurse would not be able to perform a second blink quickly after the first, she would be quite balanced imo.

    The second blink just gives you a second chance in case you misplaced the first one, which is not really cash money you know ?

    Or make her stacks refresh only after she hits someone or kicks a gen.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Agreed but in that case we should probably make her a 4.4-4.6 m/s killer.

    Also she should probably make a screech sound after every teleport.

    Though this might seriously hinder her ability to traverse the map, so what if we also gave her a secondary ''teleport'' skill where she can mark an area as ''exit'' or ''entry'' points and whenever she is in those marked positions she can teleport to other marked positions in map, no range limitation.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    All nurse does is prove the point that winning is meaningless when you cant lose. A point that is clearly self-evident yet some of you geniuses want to keep throwing ‘pseudo’ at it. Lol. Be my guest…

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    Or just straight up nuke her add ons so they arent ridiculous and then make her 2nd blink a special attack so exposed actually takes some skill to use on her.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I mean, even if they stop her from using Starstruck, people will stack four slowdowns on her.

    There should be a perk weight system for some Killers, I just don't know how it would work without being ridiculously complex. Like, a good Nurse doesn't need Range and 4 slowdowns. A Myers running Scratched Mirror though? He probably does.

  • Dead_Harder
    Dead_Harder Member Posts: 1,370

    There is no way 4 slow down is even close to being a good build on nurse. I mean it could work but its like putting tractor wheels on a ferrari or something.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Eruption, PR, Surge and Overcharge.

    But you're probably right. It'd be more like Lethal, Floods of Rage, PR, Surge.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319
    edited August 2022

    K. I’m not going to devolve this thread into self defense but… i wasn’t the pseudo intellectual in that thread. Lol. I said winning is meaningless when you can’t lose. A point that is still solid and still factual. Sorry that it bothers you to be unable to counter that. If you still want to argue against that point, use that thread to your heart’s desire. This thread is about nurse.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Wowie
    Wowie Member Posts: 571

    Those changes would make her basically unplayable against most people.

  • ThePrizz
    ThePrizz Member Posts: 111

    Okay maybe refresh them on hit and gen kick, and also after like 10 seconds. How about now ?

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    When the range add-on change comes through with the next dlc, then we'll see perhaps a fairer Nurse, as the range add-ons are the real difficulty with her for me currently.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Range and Torn Bookmark need reworks to the effects entirely.

    Recharge is strong but balanced.

    Certain maps need their size increased/decreased (for too small and too big respectively).

    The basekit is completely fine.

  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308

    If you're at the point where all you're facing is cracked Nurses, it means your mmr is at or exceeded the cap, and therefore you're getting exactly what the system wants, so you should take your complaints to the system, not the sweat lords who love it. The hopeless feeling you get is exactly what weaker killers have experienced for a while, it's a terrible feeling but you can either quit or get used to it.

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361
    edited August 2022

    purple range add on is really her only issue. other than that, you just need to get good. you beat nurse by playing the exact opposite way you would against any other killer. do things that would get you killed against normal killers. go for the most idiotic pathing and plays at random. that is how you outrun nurse.

    additionally, if you run more than 2 slowdown perks on nurse, you are a baby. she does not need that. you can 4k most of your games only running jolt for slowdown, even against good teams. I say this as someone who plays nurse quite a bit. if someone escapes through a gate when you're running pain res, dms, deadlock, and jolt all in the same build with NURSE, you are the entire circus. playing nurse with perks like that is like lebron going to the local park and dunking on 10 year olds

  • HelloYou
    HelloYou Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2022

    Let's reverse it then. Nurse from the top Competitive team Oracle "Ayrun" facing 1 comp player a ttv that meme'ing around and some two other players ( possibly rando ) without communications and with High ping.

    PS: In equal ground, Motaz's team won versus SupaAlf.

    Post edited by HelloYou on
  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    I saw a Nurse the other day with no perks and range addons. Team suicided at 5 gens

    You can only imagine the Nurse must have been thinking "I'm such a god! Killing these teams perkless!"

  • HelloYou
    HelloYou Member Posts: 99

    Let's reverse the situation then; Nurse from the competitive team Oracle "Ayrun" Versus 1 comp player, ttv player that keep meme'ing around and two possibly randos without communications and with high ping.

    On Equal ground, Motaz's team Versus SupaAlf;

    PS : This is a repost since first post is waiting for confirmation after i edited it, and i don't want to keep on the look out if it got confirmed or not.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    So they just have to listen to Disturbed?

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867
  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    Ladies and Gentlemen… I present you the Killer mindset. A mix of undeserved arrogance and deliberate ignorance of facts. A nurse’s high skill curve doesn’t mean she should be all powerful. That seems to be your main misunderstanding. I’ve put in thousands of hours as well. If I’ve mastered survivor should I be uncatchable? These players aren’t ‘better’ than me. Well, I mean sure… some are. I’m not that arrogant. But these Nurse mains are just exploiting an imbalance in the game. They are bringing a gun to a fist fight and then patting themselves on the back for their awesome fighting skills.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 709

    For balancing purposes, we are obligated to believe that every SWF is just a bunch of friends goofing around and barely trying and that every nurse is a 12,000 hour pro sweatlord.