Why are you rushing to save survivors giving up?

Been on both ends of matches clearly over and my teammates cannot let a survivor go even when it’s very clear the match isn’t going anywhere…. Especially when the person saving the survivor giving up isn’t doing gens.

Today a nurse kept two of us slugged at all times. She finally hooked my teammate, he had enough and was moving on as the other two didn’t do gens…. And one rushed to save him while he went to the bathroom. Now he’s afk and there’s 3 of us not doing anything.

I can understand if it’s the beginning and someone’s just mad they got caught to quickly get them to not completely ruin the game unnecessarily. Sometimes, however, it’s ok to let people just go in a losing game.


  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 753

    As killer this has maybe 1 time out of 300 matches of ppl doing this.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,140

    That's why when you want out of a match you need to just play really bad and not make it obvious.

  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308

    I just want to play a fair game, I don't care if we're facing a 4 slowdown Legion, or an insane hug tech'ing, 360 flicking, moonrushing 4 trillion DPI Blight, I just like when people try to finish the match cleanly and efficiently.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited August 2022

    Exactly Why Reassurance is my new "must have" perk in every build, just to prevent these unsportsmanlike ass-hats from suiciding too early. It's bad enough I have to deal with teammates DC'ing so frequently any time a killer farts in the general direction of these over-entitled brats, but when they can't DC anymore because they've already done it enough times to raise their penalty, they resort to suiciding on the hook instead.

    Reassurance, even after its announced change, will help me/the entire survivor player base put a stop to that nonsense, as they won't get any struggle skill-checks while the timer is paused, which will hopefully buy me enough time to either rescue them, or distract the killer/lead them away from the hook so someone else can get the rescue. I'm just so fed up with these turds in the punch bowl throwing our matches too damn early over petty reasons.

    That's not to say there isn't a time to do it or a purpose as there are plenty of tactical times to suicide, or unwinnable moments where it's just acceptable to give up, but unfortunately most of these players don't do it for those reasons, and just give up early while screwing the rest of us over, completely ruining our chances to have a fun match or a decent chance at winning.

    I'm eagerly awaiting Reassurance simply to keep them in the game against their will, so we might at least have some fun, and maybe even make them realize that we can turn a few games around. I don't care if you hate a specific map, killer, perk, add-on, playstyle etc, all I want to do is play a match to the end, regardless of the outcome, with all players at least putting in some effort, and enjoy the game I've put so much time and money into. I mean, Why are you even queuing up for matches/starting up the game, if you're not even gonna play it?

    Once Reassurance comes out... I'm not tolerating them any longer... you're not getting off that easy anymore!

    EDIT: BTW, Reassurance works on multiple levels, so maps such as the Game, Midwitch, and RPD will empower me to run on the floor above or below a hooked survivor, and trigger Reassurance without ever presenting the killer a new target to chase. So buckle up Entitled Brats, I'mma take advantage of this aspect of it every chance I get!

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • OldIronKing
    OldIronKing Member Posts: 67

    I had a guy try to give up yesterday. He got downed and we distracted the killer. I ran over and got him up off the ground and he just stood there. Killer downed him again and slugged him. We completed 2 gens before he was finally hooked (the only hook the killer had so far), and he tried to kill himself. I 100% saved him. Screw that guy.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Ugh. Nurse builds. Had one that did something similar earlier. Had the perk that reveals all survivors at the start, she literally kept me slugged until i bled out. 2 times she picked me up and just dumped me because i got near my wiggle timer. We didn't even get a gen done. And she only got 18,000 bp the match was so short

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    If someone wants to suicide out of the match, let them. What the hell are you trying to prove by forcing them to play a game they obviously are done playin?

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,260

    Points, mainly. Apart from that, a small hope that they'll actually play the game, perhaps.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,580

    It's something of a guilty pleasure for me. You're sabotaging my game, so I'm gonna sabotage yours.

  • Dimek
    Dimek Member Posts: 286

    So we can suffer together a little longer

  • ScrantonicityMK
    ScrantonicityMK Member Posts: 27

    Altruism points

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 753

    I guess a lot of you think 2-3 on death hook with 5 gens to go is still worth playing. My bad.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    Because if they're going to be a dick, I'm going to get my points out of them. There's also the hope the killer will see what they're doing and slug them/ignore them instead of giving them what they want, which either wastes their time or encourages them to play the damn game.

    That said, I only do this towards the beginning. I despise first-down ragequitters and will sabotage them whenever possible, but if someone's trying to exit a slowdown Legion game after several minutes of high-key suffering, or a slugging Twins, or just want to dip on a game that's clearly been lost, I'm not going to stop them.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I'm with you, when I see someone just obviously ragequitting as a killer I tend to either ignore them or slug them. If they change their mind and want to actually play that's fine, if not they can hang out or take a DC penalty, I'm not helping them flip the table.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It gives me BP and buys us (the team) more time. More importantly, there is no reason not to.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    I've gotten to the point where if I see a survivor do this, and someone else manages to unhook them, I'll ignore them. I won't even slug them unless they start bodyblocking me, because I don't want to let them afk for 4 minutes - they're going to eat their DC penalty or they're going to play the game they queued up for. If they successfully suicide and it's early in the game, I immediately spare the rest of their team. I'm just so utterly sick of these people ruining games. The only time I've seen ragequitting more rampant than this is when the DC penalty has been disabled.

  • geni
    geni Member Posts: 150

    When the guy trying to kill himself is the first to be hooked i immediately unhook them and teabag, if you doesnt want to play them just dc and go play something else or take a rest

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,870

    And if they follow you around? Or throw pallets? I suppose forcing you to hit them by intentionally jumping in front of you works too. Unless you like deliberately go around them. But I don’t think any killer is gonna turn down an easy kill.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    Farming for bp? If the game is clearly lost, as you said, they prob want to get as much bp as possible beforehand

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Cause I dont want to be in a game where we're one down just because your ego doesn't let you accept the fact you got outplayed.

    (Directed to potential suicider, not OP)

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065
    edited August 2022

    I don't care if they follow me around or spam noise notifications. If I get a pet, that's cool. Blocking me in doorways or throwing a tantrum and wasting pallets is the main way they get me to down them. Of course, I can always pick them back up later if I want - but if they're just going to sandbag their teammates, ######### it, they're going on the floor.

    The point is that they're being awful and I want to make their behavior as unrewarding as I possibly can, in hopes they either stop doing it, take their DC penalty and get slowed down accordingly, or stop playing the game if they're just going to bypass intended mechanics and ruin the experience of everyone unlucky enough to get matched with them. More time stuck with me is fewer other matches they can wreck.

    On the solo side of things, I've had several killers recently that went out of their way to spite ragequitters (left them slugged for 4 minutes, usually.) Others didn't stop them from suiciding but farmed with everyone else. Most killers carry on as normal, and these ragequits are so common it'd be unreasonable to expect anything else, but most players aren't happy with the state of things. It's unfair to survivors and it's supremely boring for killers, especially to players who play controversial characters/addons/perks - you figure they're waiting several minutes for each match only to load into games where the other side won't play, or just rolls over and dies because it was a 3-man at 5 gens. The only people who like this current quitter situation are either the ones who want easy 4ks above actual gameplay, or the ones who ragequit themselves and want to feel like it's normal and justified.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    It's not about trying to prove anything. It's that if they don't at least try, the entire team loses as a result. It's fine if there's like 2 gens left, but at 5 gens (which is when it happens the most) the game is basically unsalvagable unless the remaining survivors all play perfectly and don't make a single mistake.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,678

    If someone is killing themselves on hook early I always go for the save. Even if they just head straight to the killer and ask to be hooked, they're doing more for me in that game than being sacrificed. I get rescue points for a game that is probably going to net very little, they are forced to stay longer in a game they apparently just want to quit (which is the only punishment for giving up early), and they get to waste the killer's time a tiny bit longer before they can actually leave.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    It's like throwing up a surrender vote and league, and then it gets voted no. People may want out of the match but they still try regardless. Unfortunately most players in this game have less mental and competitive drive the most league players.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,870

    The killers I've seen play quite viciously following DCs or early hook deaths (clear skill failures). And I do not believe this is anomalous behavior. I'm unsympathetic towards killers who lament long queue times for this reason.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    Anomalous? Again, most killers play normally for two reasons. One, a free win is not something anyone owes anyone and people have a right to want to get the match over and done with once it's been scuppered versus hanging around and farming for ten-fifteen minutes. It's not the killer's fault your teammate bailed and they don't have to take responsibility for it. Two, it's so goddamn common at this point that they'd barely be able to play the game if they stopped for every early quit. I know I'm having issues and my MMR feels very low as a result - I'm sparing way more than I'm killing, which isn't leading to the best matchups.

    It's frustrating to be subjected to, and it's not what I do when I'm in the power seat, but I can't decry them for it either. Treat the occasional farmer as a gift rather than something expected and owed when your teammates screw you over. When you hit the point that you're angry with other players for playing the game as they're supposed to, there's a problem with either the state of the game or your outlook.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    It's boring to farm for 15 minutes when you can end the game and let people actually play the next match.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Bc this bloodpoint economy is wack and I need more BP

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,164

    The only time I might rescue someone attempting escape is if I have an unhook someone that previously unhooked you challenge, otherwise they can move right on to the next match. I genuinely don't care if someone doesn't want to be in the match, if they're not having fun they probably won't be a good teammate anyway. I'd rather those teammates than the ones that just spend the entire match being useless - atleast I know it's a 3v1 because someone left not because they chose to stay in the match and do nothing except locker hop in the basement until hatch.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    Because i’m not gonna let them ruin the game for everyone.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    If a Survivor is killing themselves because the game didn't go their way, I'll keep them in the game as long as I can.

    If I feel extra spicy and I'm playing Killer, I'll even slug them for the whole 4 minutes