Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

My Nurse Nerf



  • Member Posts: 109


    1. Survivors won't t-bag but hold W, so they don't get hit with next blink super easily.

    2. She is most broken killer in game, yes this nerf will make her weaker but she would still remain s tier killer and no nerfs would have been needed to perks that are broken on her.

    3.You can still be bullied with old range addons if you suck at the game, good nurses wouldn't get bullied because they know how to play her and not rely on OP Things, even with those nerfs, when they would get through.

  • Member Posts: 42

    nope even after this nerf she would remain in s tier and all surv will run away insted of t baging, if you are good at her offcurse becasue if you suck and you only really on her being broken thats no skill my bro so yee better get good :).

  • Member Posts: 113

    Survivors will use every excuse to t-bag and clicky clicky you.

    Nurse isnt broken. She is just fine. Maybe survivors just need to adapt? Break line of sight, make unexpected moves.

    But its easier to DC or to stand there and give up. Happens often when i play Nurse. Survivors dont want a challenge, they want easy peasy games without effort put into them. They want killers to be their plaything, nothing more.

    If you honestly think that Nurse would be S-tier with your "suggestions" then you are deluding yourself, big time.

  • Member Posts: 113

    Aw, adorable. Keep at it.

    Oh and please look at my previous post.

  • Member Posts: 42
    edited August 2022

    wow i some how play blight and billy and surv don t have time to t-bag and even when they do it they always go down in next 10-20 seconds hmm . also most of map don' t even have structures to break line of sight and even if you have soem thing she cna blink on coner of loop where she last seen you and then down you with second blink and only you lucky she ######### up secodn lbink with maek it 25 / 75 mindgame on most blinks and bearly she have to gues 50/50's or mabye harder to gues plays. and no one want to play killer than can win game while sitting on vanish bottle that also use most broken perks/addons combos in game. soem how blight is also s tier + have also one of most broken addons in game but fact that he can t isntant down with his power + he actually get punished for messing up not like nurse. he have longer fatigue than nurse + his power don t get back when he is in it. nurse have shorter fatigue + gets her power back while in it. and yes she would remain s tier after this nerfs because she still denay every loop in game.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 109

    After the Spirit nerf, everyone thought that she would be F Tier, but she's still A+ Tier killer. Maybe "you are deluding yourself, big time."

  • Member Posts: 113

    Dont change the subject.

    I stand by what i have said.

    Your suggestions are plain terrible and you dont understand why they are awful, thats how it is. Sorry.

    You put a lot of effort into making her nonviable without taking anything else into consideration.

    Really? You think that your Nurse nerf "suggestions" are comparable to the Spirit nerfs?

    Well i guess now we have proof about you being very much deluded.

  • Member Posts: 42

    lol he didn't changed the subject you just run out of arguments to defend nurse. 2 if you don t like his sugestion we can go with OTZ idea where her power works like onis power ( you need to build it up to use it for limited amount of time) but belive me after chaneg like that you will cry even more becasue, after that you will have to learn how to loop/mind game as m1 killer to get here power. also nope this nerf is far away from killing here. far FAAAAR away. well spirit was mouch mouch less strong than nurse is now she got big nerf liek this but still is and A tier killer. and my dude get good or just go touch grass already :D

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    She would be S-tier even if you add 3s to every blink recharge. The only diiference would be, that 300h killer would get only 2-3k/match against 2k hours survivors. 2k hours nurse will still get 4k every game she decides she wants to win

  • Member Posts: 113


    Bringing up another killer is changing the subject.

    Most maps dont have structures to break line of sight? Sure....right....moving on.

    Your arguments are just excuses. Learn to adapt to Nurses gameplay. You just have to learn how to do it.

    I know how to loop and mind game as a M1 killer, i dont just play Nurse you know. But sure sounds like a lot of fun to loop and mind game with a killer who is slower than the survivors.

    Besides i dont pay attention to fog whisperer suggestions.

    Putting killers in tier lists....such a silly concept.

    Sure some killers are better than others, but the game is very much RNG based and it depends on so many factors like the people you play against, if they are solo or swf, their perks, items and addons, the wise decisions of the mmr system. Just saying spirit or nurse are this and that tier is very simplistic.

    Its much more nuanced like that.

    Saying that the proposed Nurse changes in this thread would be totally ok shows that you dont understand the basics and core mechanics of the game. And all you come up with are these childish and tiresome git gud and touch grass quips. I am too old for that kind of nonsense.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    She was super strong before they shut her down "to fix her". I mained her at that time. Then after fix you can't stun her when in fatigue or blinking + can swing during blink and has several other bugs making her OP then and there.

    But that was not enough. They had to apply general killer buffs (aka patch 6.1.0) on her too. That made her super boring easy mode. You don't need to try now and still get 4k with her. The question is how many gens get done. That's it.

    The only case when nurse still sometimes looses is if she playes against swf that have many multiples of hours in game compared to nurse player, or if it's total nurse beginner that does not know how to blink yet.

  • Member Posts: 42
    edited August 2022

    yes dead hard is still really good perk to greed pallets but you no longer can use it to get out of (most) mistakes made after killer correctly mindgame you. (with is good thing) tho i hoped for totally different perk after rework, instead of just weaker version of old dead hard. Still it's an improvement.

    i won't agree that there is a enough things to break line of sight on most of maps. sure there are maps that are pretty balanced but there is many maps with total dead zones against nurse.. i would say some maps like ormond or junkyard could use some loops rework like slingle pilar of junk or rocks that are a bit biger. i m not saying that there should be tons of it but jut a bit more so there won t be sytuations that 3/4 of map is just open field and heaven for nurse.  

    also considering she got indirect buf considering that survivors now make less distance after getting hit her blinks could use -1m on first blink.

    also the viper made second post under his main one where the lower the fatigue numbers making it more balanced + increased her basekit movement speed to compensate other nerfs. but if we talking about must have nerf on her her blinks should be m2 attack and when she charge her power and is inisde blink she should become effected with blindness effect. that would alow devs to buff many perks so they are better on other killers.

    Also i m sorry for being rude and you are right i shouldn't say mean words but i was arguing with other player about nurse. and he first started offending me and made me angry but that didn't give me any rights to be rude for you so i m sorry once again for that.

    yes, i'm also concerned about basekit borrow buff considering that you don t lose speed after getting hit , i think they should made ds back to 5 seconds and i think that ds and off the record should turn off after opening the gates, not repairing the generators. and that they should buff it but work on mechanick that acualy punish killer for tunell/camping druing the game but that don t effect them in end game where killer is trying to secure a kill.

    Also she should be able to get her power back inisde a fatigue and recharge addons maybe are the problem not ner base kit recahre to i m not sure considering blight having mouch weaker chase power with longer recharge time.

    Once again i ' m sorry for all insults but i'm literally bored of facing the same killer almost over and over again that is not even that hard to get good any more. and that people with small amount of hours in the game still do better than killer mains of blight billy and other killers that put tons of hours to get good. + tthe fact that because of nurse wesker perk got nerfed making my sadako build idea already dead.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 42
    edited August 2022

    also i know every body have different opinion. and you may consider nurse not that broken since as you said you are not only playing here. but i still want to point out that there are people just playing nurse that can 4k with no addons/perks but they still use most broken builds so the matches are unbearable.  and also a fact that even noobies that have 0 understanding of the game still can 4k with her strongest #########. 

  • Member Posts: 42

    playing against nurse is like facing blight on the "death window" where after volting you have 1 maybe 1.5 s to decide if the blight will rush hit the wall next to and down you or will go in straight line to it. so you can volt back or keep runing sure if you keep runing maybe blight will fail and not hit you on second rush but also he can hit you with crazy pookos with good nurse mains also have and they making loong swings and hit you even when the swing aniamtion ended.  

  • Member Posts: 113

    I am glad we can put our differences behind us and thank you for the apology.

    Yes i can see why some of the things you mentioned are upsetting. Nurse is without a doubt the best killer in the game.

    And i wouldnt mind her being reworked, however it should be reasonable. Making her blink attacks special attacks would be the first step.

    It would already be a substantial nerf as many perks would become almost useless on her like make your choice or starstruck.

    A base movement speed would indeed be required in that case. However the changes provided by Viper are a bit much.

    Its too many changes at once. Sooner or later the devs will make changes but who knows what that might look like.

    I must admit that i dont have too much confidence in a good result when looking at the new BT changes.

    New Basekit BT with Hope =117% movement speed for 10 seconds. Faster than any killers base movement speed.

    If they implement something like that, well......i dont know. It doesnt inspire confidence.

  • Member Posts: 42

    About nurse i was also thinking about fact that every map have add list 1 god pallet (i think there shouldn't be more than 1 god pallet on map with only some exceptions) but my point is that there is 1 really save loop that can be used to counter plays like tunelling i i think devs should add some structure that won't be strong against other killer but only nurse and that if she don't to get ride of it (she have to brake for example 2 brakable walls) she will strugle on that tail a lot. i mean she still would be abble to blink true it but it would be hard to gues where surv went. i m not sure how would that work but i think that can be an initeresting idea.

    Also about basekit BT i don t think this change still will save survs from tunelling true it will make it harder but still not imposible + i think it will be used in unintended ways that will be super anying for killer. My idea for how to counter tunneling would be to somethign that increas gen reapering speed so if killer tunnel at start/middle of game he will get punished for it a lot, but in endgame/ securing a kill scenarios it won't affect killer in any way.

    Base kit BT + Hope + babysitter / no one left behind or all of them. surv the hedgehog lmao. ah and also maybe borrow time idk. i will test it to for sure with friends. but i think it will be more usefull to use babysitter than borrow now.

  • Member Posts: 109

    I just changed addons a little bit.

    Added the 4.4 m/s Movement Speed increase to Matchbox.

    Torn Bookmark is changed to the pre 5.5.0 version of it.

    Decreased the reduction of fatigue of Ataxic Respiration from 1 to 0.5 seconds.

    Also Hillbilly Has higher skill ceiling than Nurse which makes him the hardest killer to master, if you think Nurse is the hardest, you're wrong.

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