Why did you nerf Reassurance so hard?


All you had to do to prevent someone from not being able to leave the game was make sure they still got skill checks during stage 2 (as during stage 1 survivors could still attempt to escape from the hook to move on to stage 2). Then they could fail those skill checks twice in a row to die automatically.

I was looking forward to finally being able to do something to discourage camping killers as a survivor, but 60s of extra time for a survivor being facecamped isn't even enough to do a single generator.

This perk is now no longer worth a perk slot and I am extremely disappointed... All it's good for now is SWF abuse. What about solo queue...?

When will you actually do something about camping? This has gone on for so long, and you finally almost came up with a solution (even if it was a perk) but then backed off at the last second.


  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 221

    They had to change it somehow; as it was, coordination could render a Survivor indefinitely unkillable on a hook. That's not good for either side, as Killers wouldn't be able to get kills even if they weren't camping, and Survivors could use it to bully other Survivors.

    Additionally, due to how the cooldown worked, even just one Survivor using it could extend a hook state 150s per state. Being able to extend Survivor times on hooks up to five minutes from one person? That's ludicrous, you have to admit.

  • jayoshi
    jayoshi Member Posts: 305

    I agree, but if they added the ability to cancel out someone's reassurance while you are on the hook would solve one of those problems. As for them being on the hook too long, I would love that as killer. That's just another survivor not working on gens. I love Claudettes that self care in the corner and Dwights that are too busy hiding in a locker when I'm playing killer haha

  • Ana1661
    Ana1661 Member Posts: 13

    Easy solution: killer just kills the Reassurance user. Lmao.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,080

    Adding the ability to cancel the perk wouldn't fix the fundamental issue with the perk.

    It was too effective at keeping a survivor from dying on the hook it basically removed any sort of pressure a hooked survivor gave. For a single survivor perk that is way too strong. It's one thing to have a survivor hook temporary pause the hook timer to give them some extra time for the save or get gen progress in. It's another to nearly remove all pressure. And it's not an issue of "just don't camp". Survivors can abuse this to have 2 people pressure the hook as someone else does gens with no intention of going for the save. The killer can't just let the 2 survivors unhook the survivor, but they also can't just afford to let someone else do gens.

    Reassurance was promoting an unhealthy game style. The change rewards survivors for saving, because you can extend more time if the killer gets more hooks.

    Facecamping is an issue, but reassurance wouldn't have done anything about it. Facecampers would have just kept the survivor on hook for the entire game.

  • Elan
    Elan Member Posts: 83

    We know the real reason of nerf is the possible end for camping. People can't take lose in DBD community, this perk would completely remove worth of camping and survivors killing self, ruining games for others. Get used to it, we will still meet facecanp Bubbas, Tricksters and others standing 1m from the hook to get a kill. Don't forget, kill = skill. Another showcase that BHVR can do great changes but ruin them shortly after. People complain about basic attacks on nurse blinks for months but BHVR is deaf.

  • Zolfo16
    Zolfo16 Member Posts: 479

    Reasons behind the nerf:

    1) As they said, prevent hostage scenario;

    2) To prevent endgame stalemates;

    3) To not hit too hard the camping strategy. Yes. You read it right. THEY ALWAYS SAID camping is a legitimate strategy, even facecamping. They want to discourage it, to make it less productive BUT not to remove it.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 736

    The nerf was a good change in my opinion, makes it less abusable while allowing you to still get value in camping situations, if anything they would do to change it again, buff the range to activate the perk from 6 meters to 8-10 meters.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,658

    It was nerfed because coordinated teams were using it to grief other survivors, infinitely keeping them on the hook to ruin their game.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    It's just a case of SWF will have too much power with it. Similar to killer perks getting nerfs to avoid High Tier killers from being too oppressive with em.

    It's a sad cycle thats getting really old.

  • botany_nerd
    botany_nerd Member Posts: 123

    yeah with that nerf i definitely will not buy the new RE dlc since they are already destroying perks like this. next is gonna be hyper focus and that will make all of the new survivor perks trash tier. when that happens then im just done with this game since bhvr has done nothing but show straight up incompetence when it comes to balance or even making a game thats not held together by scotch tape and toothpicks and every patch causing more bugs that they take months to fix. after 5 years of playing the game i think it's about time i just let it go.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    But now instead of Solo Queue and SWF being able to use it, now it's pretty much only useful for SWF. There are so many things they could have done to address the issues with this perk that wouldn't have nerfed it into uselessness for solo players but here we are.

    I really have to say, as a whole, compared to the perks they released for the first RE chapter, this is a massive step down in quality. The only perks I'm looking forward to are Hyperfocus, and Wiretap. Maybe I'm wrong and Wesker's perks will be useful/fun, but I'm pretty disappointed, because the new perks are literally half of why I buy a new chapter. At least Wesker himself looks fun and strong. Maybe I just need to wait and see how the perks feel after playing with them before judging so harshly.

    I'm just so damn tired of all the camping! Not even for me, but for my teammates too. I appreciate the steps they're taking to address tunneling, but so far Reassurance is literally all they've done to address camping.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,080

    You can still use it in solo queue. The perk itself doesn't require coordination to use on a hooked teammate. Extending the hook by 30 seconds is still very impactful if it means the game is getting progressed.

    And Honestly the issue wasn't just it could be abused to hold a teammate hostage. Having the ability to indefinitely keep a survivor on hook was never going to be balanced as hooks should always have some sort of pressure of the survivor dying if not saved. It would have seen a nerf even if the devs allowed the hook survivor to still let themselves die.

    Honestly making it once per a hook instance is far better than upping the cooldown (it would be 100 seconds to prevent infinite stacking with how the cd worked on ptb), reducing the pause duration (10 seconds to prevent infinite stacking), or some combination of them both.

    Like I get people want to punish camping and make it so camping can't win games but the truth is camping has valid uses and the devs see it as a legit strategy. The main issue the devs need to address which must be address with base game changes and not perks is face camping.