This patch is just killing solos Q

I want to start by saying that i play both sides equally (well... equally before the last patch). I play this game for a bit more than 2 years, and have played 1100hrs.

I'm not a survivor main nor a killer main. I play both sides and enjoy (i mean -- enjoyed) both side.

This last patch, however, has had the main effect to make survivor solo Q experience a living hell. Any killer is now overpowered with the latest change : gens are longer to complete, they loose 2.5% of their progress when kicked, kicking pallet and gens are faster, hit recovery are faster... Well, everything on killer side has been boosted! While on the other end, survivor don't get DH anymore, they don't have DS anymore, they don"t have self-care anymore...

So i get it: on high level, playing an average killer against high-MMR survivor squad is tough.

Ok, but your solution has been to balance middle killer with the high-level MMR 4-men survivor squad.

In the meantime, the average or low killer are just destroying solo Q, without even breaking a sweat.

On middle of low MMR, killers are ridiculously overpowered.

Therefore, nowadays, for those of us playing solo, the only choice we have is either going solos Q in survivor and getting absolutely destroyed or queueing for killer and wait 20min to find a lobby.

Neither of these options are enjoyable.

So I understand that top MMR needs to be more balanced for killers, but the current solution makes the matches so much unbalanced for the rest of the players that I can hardly see how it is beneficial for the game.

Playing killer is now wait too easy. I've had some matches with 10 to 12 hooks without tryharding, just playing casual and sometime the game ends with only one or two gens finished. On the other hand, my survival rate as a survivor is roughly around 1 game out of 20. And most of the 19 other games are a 4K for the killer (or a 3K and a hatch).

I consider myself as a pretty average player, both as killer or survivor. However, with this patch, whenever I play killer, I feel like i'm having an easy time resulting in a swift victory and whenever I play survivor, i'm having a hard time resulting in a fast defeat.

So i can imagine why these changes were made. However, by trying to balance the 5% top players, you made it very unbalanced for the 95% of the others, and the queue time for killer is a pretty clear indication. And playing solo is definetely making it even worst.

I guess there are many people with more background and experience of this game than me, with more brilliant ideas as of how to balance it, but I think one of the main issue to address is SWF, which can change a match entirely. So, instead of boosting every killer without any regards of playing against a 4-men squad or 4 solo Q, why not to give the killer boosts (hit recovery / time to kick / regression on kick / etc...) on a level depending of the number of players queueing in group in the lobby? That way, a group of 4 survivors would face a empowered killer, more capable to match their ability to communicate and coordinate themselves, while 4 solo Q survivors wouldn't have to face a killer designed to face top MMR SWF.

These are just some ideas, but overall, I feel like the current state of the game consists of making the game balanced for a few at the expense of the huge majority of the matches being more unbalanced than ever.


  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    If the developers balanced around mostly soloQ players and 2 mans. They could then look at SWFs and add additional handicaps to help killers who play against them. For example adding time to the generators until SWF escape rates evened out with soloQ. Problem is, we don't know what the developers currently consider as "balanced". Is 2k balanced? Is 3k balanced? We don't really know what kind of numbers they are looking for.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    I don't see it. Killers are not overpowered now against survivors. Nurse and Blight are, but the rest aren't.

    I've been playing solo queue again and have been winning a decent amount of my matches. If anything, the game has more of a matchmaking problem than a balance problem. But I think this problem goes even further, to the tutorials. This game desperately needs a good tutorial that doesn't just teach survivors the absolute basics, but teaches them how to play more effectively. I feel with killer, you learn to play effectively more naturally, while survivor, there are more aspects you need to learn extra to really play effectively.

    Killer is also not easy. If you go against good survivors, you will be in for a challenge, that's for sure.

    Survivors do need some help now. Camping and tunneling are surely a problem. Luckily, tunneling is getting addressed in a good way in the next update. Now I am also just hoping for some fair camping nerfs. And in the future, alongside other balance changes presumably, I would love to see information buffs for solo survivors, so they are closer to the level of swf survivors.

    But killers are not op, or super easy, on average now. They just aren't. At the highest mmr, I would say survivors still have a better chance at winning than killers. It's just more balanced now, and it seems fair at the moment. I don't think DBD will ever be perfectly balanced, like a 50/50 on which side wins, at the highest mmr. And as you said, it shouldn't if it hurts the average player too much.

    Also, do you really have 20 mninute killer queue times? I know killer queue times aren't the best at the moment. But mine range from 5/6 minutes during the day to 30 seconds or 1 minute during the evening. Queue times do show that survivors need help now. But it's less about the general balance of the game, and more about very frustrating and unhealthy aspects of the game, like camping and tunneling, and to an extent perhaps also the lack of information solo survivors have. I do think that camping and tunneling are the biggest problem at the moment though.

    Buffs to survivors that addressed these issues would probably also require BHVR to at least buff killers a bit more, especially by looking into some of the problematic, survivor sided maps still in the game.

    Also, do you realise that his game needs a 4 Survivor : 1 Killer ratio? Killer queue times right now are clearly longer, but taking into account how long those queue times are, it seems like there are still more people playing survivor than killer. So claiming that solo queue will be killed by the 6.1.0 update is quite the exaggeration.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,130

    By giving solo what SWF already has, and doesn't need: information.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347

    You don't even try to do that, and instead just make sure the changes disproportionally benefit solos. If SWF gets a + and solos get a +++ from a change, that's still a step in the right direction if the goal is to set up the game to be balanced around a higher level of assumed efficiency without completely roflstomping solos into the dirt.

    And that's the case for basically every entirely info-based change I can think of, like the often mentioned "some kinda kindred basekit". Info accuracy is subject to diminishing returns, as the jump from "I don't know if someone else is saving" to "I see Meg has the save covered, I can stay on my gen" is way bigger than the jump from "Meg is in one of the tiles next to shack" to "Meg is in the TL tile at 5 o clock if we agree that shack is at 6 o clock".

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 761
    edited August 2022

    Just add little icon next to survivor portrait in the screen. When any survivor being chase, repairing, healing, etc, just simply put a little icon next portrait. These icons will give a lot of information, basically is this real problem for solos. You buff solos without SWF, because, the icons will not help SWF, they can discord or whatever way of communication, better than icons, icons just will help Solos, or any duo or trio for know what that alone person be doing. And honestly, a lot of game have already this, recent release games like DBD. if the afraid this improvements will broke the game, its simple, just add a repairing generator icon and look for what happen and add more icons if need it. Its not difficult.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    You can run kindred for that info though. Is that saving solo queue?

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 513

    Kindred is good, but only if someone is on the hook. Otherwise, no you don't get any info nor even if someone is in a chase - unless again, someone is on the hook and you recognize the panicked movements of another survivor at the same time indicating a chase.

    I don't think it saves solo queue either, since you are using a valuable perk slot for less information that swf get for free. Which keeps soloQ still at a disadvantage.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Bond, Empathy, Dark Sense, Aftercare, Object or Obsession—take your pick. You can run any number of information perks to monitor what your teammates (and even the killer) are doing. And yes, survivors are using slots for perks for this ability but shoot, what else do they need them for? Tunneling and camping are strategies that have been canonized by BHVR—they aren’t going anywhere. Survivors have four perk slots and it’s very clear that BHVR expects they will use them to play the game more efficiently.

  • Ricardo170373
    Ricardo170373 Member Posts: 761
    edited August 2022

    Really? i dont want and dont should use my slots for anything help because i play solo. I should use perks for informations, while SWF could be use any perk because they have information already? its unfair. BHVR need give the same "SWF feeling" for Solo survivor, and you can make this, with icons.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Yeah but I would give survivors their speed boost back after hit as some killer can catch you too quickly like nemesis and nerf overcharge I rather see old pop back so I have reason to buy clown. But solo needs basekit kindred that would solve so many issues but would barely affect swf. Only the ones who don't communicate would get good use from it. Also BBQ with bp bonus should be brought back.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    3 man swf still suffers same problems than solo you can usually manage it but everything still debends on the ramdom teammate sometimes they hide or don't do gens or they die in very bad places.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited August 2022

    Surviving solo is actually a challenge. Escaping should be something special. Before the last patch i escaped multiple times in a row, AFTER all gens were done. Now i escape ~ 1 of 10 games. And to be honest, i'm fine with that. If you really want to escape, bring either Bills Hatch perk or the one from Laurie, so you'll even increase the chance escaping through the gate and higher your MMR, to get potential better solo mates next match. Also bring teamperks like Proof and Kindred. Play as a TEAM until the breakpoint. If you made it so far you'll become the Sole Survivor. Good luck.

  • Friction
    Friction Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2022

    As a casual player balancing things around high MMR is a mistake, sorry to say. why balance around the 1%? I find it interesting that most people use high MMR as a justification for balance when the majority aren't there anyway. Is this bias because people watch streams?

    I'm at low MMR (I think) and my partner and I, lose 80% of our games these days. :(

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    I mean, I don't think the game is only balanced around the top 1% players. The game would be in a worse state if that were the case. Instead, the devs are trying to find a good middle ground.

    I know survivors do need some help, mainly against camping and tunneling. I just don't agree with how bad the game is at the moment. I do think that at low mmr, the problem goes beyond balance. Also, is it really 80%? Or just an exaggeration?

    I think one problem with low mmr is the fact that, at first, it comes down to survivors to somehow know how to loop. The survivors skill dictates chases at the most fundamental level. Then the killers skill comes into play. The killer wants to outplay the survivor that is using defenses against the killer. But if the survivor does not know how to loop at all, or how to use anything in chases effectively, then the killer won't really need much skill to begin with to down that survivor very fast. How much skill a killer needs depends especially on the skill of the survivor.

    So I do feel like the tutorials for survivors need to improved. They need to teach some tipps and tricks on how to play survivor more effectively, how to loop a bit, and how to use resources in chases at least a bit effectively.

    And then, I really do feel like camping and tunnelng are two of the biggest problems at low mmr. The reason is that it takes much less skill to camp and tunnel, than it takes skill to counter those strategies. So there you've got a clear imbalance at low ranks. So I really hope they do nerf camping in the future as well, and then nerf camping and tunneling even more, the more they improve the game's balance over time.

    This is why I do think the game is heading in the right direction. Buff killers in general, especially buffing their fair and skillful gameplay, and then nerf cheap tactics like camping and tunneling. Tunneling is getting a nerf now, that's great. But I do hope they also nerf camping as well, before they continue with other balance changes, which buff or nerf killers and survivors in different way.

  • SgtMittens
    SgtMittens Member Posts: 249

    Everyone knows that people playing with their friends on Discord have been the issue since they implemented it. For those that may not know, when you died you used to be able to see the killer's loadout. They had no choice but to change it because morons would tell their friends. In the military when we ran drills this was called unearned information and it meant you failed. Same thing if someone is on the hook without kindred and tells their goons the direction the killer is headed in. Basically unearned information was the Army's way of saying you're a worthless cheater.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493
    edited August 2022

    Yes, I get there is a shortage of survivor players. My point was that there are still more survivor players than killer players in general.

    I would love to see your killer gameplay though. If you are extremely good with killer, then it makes sense for you to win a majority of your games. I am going to assume these are accurate numbers for now, but people have the tendency to exaggerate. Also, matchmaking is screwing over solo survivors somewhat, but that's a problem of matchmaking, not balance.

    Killer is the easiest it has ever been in the history of DBD, but that doesn't mean it's easy. It's still challening when going against good survivors. Very challenging when going against a real good survivor team. But to be fair, that is ignoring camping and tunneling just a bit. Since those strategies do not take nearly as much skill as playing killer normally.

    My experience has been different. Admittedily, solo queue has become a bit tougher. Though again, I do believe that matchmaking is one of the biggest problems for solo queue, not only balance. Of course camping and tunneling are also particularly problematic for solo queue, another reason for those tactics to be nerfed.

    But my escape rates are definitely higher than 25%, and my kill rate definitely lower than 90%, and I am positive that, while not being incredible at any of the roles, I am a better killer than survivor player.

    I do feel sorry for your queue times though. Mine have been ranging from 30 seconds to 6 minutes or so. Still a clear sign that survivors need help now, but I don't think it's as bad as some people make it out to be.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I don’t know, I do die a lot more as survivor but the game is so much better now that it’s a genuine threat to face off against the entire killer roster.

    Like the title says the latest patch is killing solo Q literally ha but that’s a good thing. Dying more in game is not the end of the world in fact it’s thematically appropriate.

    This latest patch is the first time in over a year where I felt I had to flee from the killer rather than get in their face and waste their time.

    You can see over the last year a lot of survivor play got bold and lazy. With escape all but expected and a stagnant chase extending meta. It’s not that the game was survivor sided but rather there wasn’t really a great deal of threat from the average killer.

    The latest patch chucked a lot of that out the window and the no. 1 gripe from all these lazy I expect to escape players is that they die more. But that’s the point! Death is the norm escape is the reward. It’s called dead by daylight for a reason.

    When escape became the norm the game became dull, flip that on its head and its a survival horror experience again as opposed to the looney toons chase simulator it’s been for the past year.

    A lot of people are going to disagree, they miss their escapes but I for one think this is one of the best patches yet.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    The devs can buff solo players if they want. For instance, they can hypothetically say anybody who isn't in a swf has a 10% gen speed bonus (I'm just pulling a number out of the air, I'm not claiming that specific amount is balanced.) Swf members don't get the bonus so it's a direct boost to solo queue players to compensate for not being on comms.

    And a bit more indirectly, they can follow through on the information upgrade for the HUD that shows survivors what the other survivors are doing. SWF players might benefit from it a bit but solo players would benefit a lot more since that sort of information is already available to comms players.

    So it's definitely possible to make adjustments that benefit solo players much more than swf players. It's just a question of what specific changes along those lines the devs would think work best.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I don't consider myself a good killer, I just abuse things that are strong. I adapt very quickly to the meta and take full advantage of the strongest addons and perks. But even when doing the same thing as survivor, I have a third of the success. Despite playing survivor 10 times more often.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 421

    Death is the norm escape is the reward.

    My issue with this is that viewing this from the other side, this means getting a 4k is the norm and having one survivor escape through hatch is being slightly unlucky every 50 games or so.

    Sounds more suitable for a single player game to me where you play against bots, but not multiplayer.

    And then there's an MMR system that tries to determine skill by death/escape, so you hit the "Play Killer" button and are a skilled player by game design, cool. What's the point in collecting the majority of killers at top MMR and dumping the majority of survivors at MMR bottom? How exactly does that help matchmaking?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I’ve often said that if the killer was a really hard AI people wouldn’t have a problem with a high kill count, but because it another person everyone expects fairness and gets all pissy because they can’t take their ego out of the equation, simply because the killer is another player.

    Thats a fault of MMR. Basically a mmr system that only counts escapes requires solo players to perform the same as swf, because escapes require teamwork.

    So your individual mmr is heavily weighted by the team performance, which just doesn’t work. Again the fault is mmr not a high chance of death.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    How about duo or trio. Duo 7% buff? And trio 4% buff?

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Well clearly my experience has been different, and again, pretty sure I am better with killer than survivor.

    When you say abusing the strongest stuff, what exactly does that mean? Because I do agree that camping and tunneling need to be nerfed. Blight needs his techs removed and op addons nerfed, and Nurse just needs general nerfs. Eruption and in particular Pentimento are also the 2 slowdown perks I still think need some small nerfs as well.

    And I would love to see solo queue information buffs as well in the future, but that would perhaps have to happen alongside, or sometime during map balancing, otherwise queue times could become too long for survivors again, which I don't want either.

    Though to be fair, I feel what would help solo queue the most at the moment is better matchmaking. That and maybe even better tutorials for survivors, that teach people how to play survivor more efficiently, and don't only teach survivors the absolute basics. Sometimes I fear that there are simply too many survivor players that don't know how to play survivor more efficiently. Considering all the complaints about bad team mates.

    But yeah, there are a bunch of buffs that survivors could still need. I do agree there. In my experience though solo queue is just not as bad. Again, I have been having decent success even with solo survivor. What I also surely don't want is for any of the killer buffs to be reverted, except the bloodlust buff of course. Instead, I hope the devs continue on their current path and try to improve the game for both sides step by step. Really happy about the upcoming anti-tunneling buff, and I hope we get some decent nerfs to camping next.

    Killers being improved is a great thing, now they simply need to improve the game for survivors as well, addressing the frustrations and weak points of survivors, instead of nerfing killer in general in any way.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    Very cool perspective. I would also buff some weakest killers, but otherwise fully agreed

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    So I don't like to play killer unless I have very strong addons, I find it pointless to play killer with weak addons and a load out that doesn't complement it. If I am also doing a build that requires smaller maps (like doctor or legion), I will bring a map offering. I can't be bothered to leave things up to chance, I just want to hit rank 1 killer as quickly as possible. I do not enjoy playing killer very much so I try to get it over with by spending blood points on good addons.

    Call of the Brine and Overcharge are a really nasty combo right now. Pain Resonance and Dead mans is back as well. Discordance is extremely strong right now. There are little to no killers that I don't run corrupt intervention on. The only time I don't use corrupt is if I am running lethal pursuer. And I only run lethal pursuer on aura reading builds with killers who have the ability to get around the map quickly.

    My survivor queue times have never been as long as the killer queue times are right now. It is to the point that during the day I just can't be bothered to sit around and wait in queue.

    The reason my matches as survivor has been worse is because they introduced lower MMR people into the cap. On top of queue times being long so MMR is essentially being ignored past a certain point. I have games against killers who play like they are getting paid for the match. And the very next game I will play against a killer who I can run for 5 gens.

    The biggest issue with soloQ right now is unquestionably just tunneling. If they actually addressed tunneling there would be half the DCs we are seeing right now. And literally all that needs to happen is a 5 second DS returning to live. In my experience true face camping happens once every like 15 camps. Good killers will proxy camp but at least you can hook trade.

    I am also in the boat of thinking the game would be in a better spot if they balanced around SoloQ. We know the majority of players in this game are soloQ players, I think the last statistics they released it was 52% of the player base. You balance the game around the majority of the player base and then reward killers for playing against SWFs. Give them more blood points, make it easier to pip so that it doesn't feel as bad if they end up losing. You could even look at increasing gen timers for SWFs to see if you could even out the survival rates between SWF and SoloQ.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Buffing weak killers is definitely also needed, but as much as it hurts me to say this, I think that has lower priority than all the other changes I talked about.

    For me it would go like this:

    1. nerfs to camping: hook phase duration increased from 60 to 70 seconds and hook grabs removed
    2. nerfs to Blight and Nurse
    3. map balancing, and solo queue information buffs, maybe a few other very small killer buffs, and more nerfs to camping and tunneling
    4. nerfs to op addons and items
    5. low tier killer buffs, and further nerfs to camping and tunneling

    Though 2, 3 and 4 might even be interchangeable. Hell even all of them really, except 5. I just want to see the game improved further and further with such changes.

    I think once only camping also gets nerfed, if it does happen, the game will be in the best state it's ever been. Normal gameplay of killers will be more viable, and the cheap tactics like camping and tunneling less viable.

    But even after that, the game would still need a lot of other changes to get close to an optimal state. And of course that all can only happen step by step. But I am optimistic with DBD right now, especially because we are getting a tunneling nerf in the next patch. It shows to me that the devs are listening. And I hope they continue to do so.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    So I don't like to play killer unless I have very strong addons, I find it pointless to play killer with weak addons and a load out that doesn't complement it. If I am also doing a build that requires smaller maps (like doctor or legion), I will bring a map offering. I can't be bothered to leave things up to chance, I just want to hit rank 1 killer as quickly as possible. I do not enjoy playing killer very much so I try to get it over with by spending blood points on good addons.

    Well fair enough. I have long stopped using addons that seem op to me, or perks that seem op to me. To be fair, I do not see too many killer addons as op at the moment. But ironically, Blight has a bunch of them. And I don't even play Nurse. Suck with her, and even if I didn't, I just think she is pretty op. And I do not use Pentimento or Eruption at the moment, even though I would love to use both again, but right now they are just too strong in my opinion.

    I also go out of my way to not camp and tunnel, though obviously I won't ignore an unhooked survivor if they run right at me. But that's it. So maybe I am making the game more challenging for myself, but I still believe, that even if you use the best options on most killers, you will still be in for a challenging time if you go up against good survivors. Matches are still fairly balanced in my opinion, if people of similar skill levels are matched up. With camping and tunneling being the clear outliers here. Survivors do have very strong items and addons as well, that's the thing.

    But sadly current matchmaking isn't working that well either.

    Call of the Brine and Overcharge are a really nasty combo right now. Pain Resonance and Dead mans is back as well. Discordance is extremely strong right now. There are little to no killers that I don't run corrupt intervention on. The only time I don't use corrupt is if I am running lethal pursuer. And I only run lethal pursuer on aura reading builds with killers who have the ability to get around the map quickly.

    It's hard for me to imagine the Call of Brine and Overcharge combo to be op in any way. For me, the problematic perks are Pentimento and Eruption at the moment. I actually feel like Gift of Pain might be one of the best and most balanced slowdown perks. Especially because it encourages the killer to not tunnel.

    I think one thing that the devs should try and nerf further is the synergy of slowdown perks. It's clear that people are having a bigger problem with the stacking of slowdown perks than just one particular slowdown perk. I hope, before BHVR goes on another nerf wave of slowdown perks, they add caps to stacking effects. Action speed debuff and buff effects for example should have some cap when they stack. I do not think action speed debuff effects should go higher than 30% for example. Obvious exceptions are effects that are already higher, like Coulrophobia, but those effects then also shouldn't stack with any other slowdown effects.

    The same could be done with regression effects. Maybe cap it at 200%, or 250%, so Overcharge and Eruption have at least a bit of Synergy. Or they just need to find a different system to have such effects stack with diminishing returns.

    My survivor queue times have never been as long as the killer queue times are right now. It is to the point that during the day I just can't be bothered to sit around and wait in queue.

    The reason my matches as survivor has been worse is because they introduced lower MMR people into the cap. On top of queue times being long so MMR is essentially being ignored past a certain point. I have games against killers who play like they are getting paid for the match. And the very next game I will play against a killer who I can run for 5 gens.

    I remember survivor queue times being very long after CoH was released. Worse than killer queue times now, for me at least. Playing SWF was annoynig at that time. How long are your killer queue times? And in what region are you playing? Because you are right, that does affect matchmaking. And might explain why you are winning so many matches as killer, if you say that you aren't that good.

    Matchmaking is definitely a problem. And it's true, they did reduce the max mmr cap at some point. If I remember correctly, it was especially because too many killer players were complaining that they had to sweat too much, and had unwinnable matches. That has clearly been improved now, so they should increase the mmr cap asap again. That would probably help.

    The biggest issue with soloQ right now is unquestionably just tunneling. If they actually addressed tunneling there would be half the DCs we are seeing right now. And literally all that needs to happen is a 5 second DS returning to live. In my experience true face camping happens once every like 15 camps. Good killers will proxy camp but at least you can hook trade.

    This I also agree with. Though I personally think camping is almost just as problematic. Which is why I wouldn't expect queue times to go back to perfectly balanced until camping also gets nerfed. To be fair, I am kind of hoping that will be the case at least, so people disagreeing with nerfs to camping have nothing in their hand against camping nerfs.

    I do think that the upcoming nerf to tunneling will be very helpful though. It's the main thing here that really is giving me more faith in DBD than ever before. Because BHVR is showing that they are clealry listening, and understand the problems survivors have to deal with right now. But I 100% agree that DS needs to be reverted back to 5 seconds, and I hope it will happen at the latest in the next midchapter patch. At this point BHVR must have clearly realised that the vast majority was particularly unhappy with that nerf.

    To be honest, at some point, I hope DS can become basekit. With a 5 second stun, and activateable twice. It would nerf tunneling into the ground. But I do think the game is not there yet for such a drastic nerf. Killers would still need some improvements as well.

    I am also in the boat of thinking the game would be in a better spot if they balanced around SoloQ. We know the majority of players in this game are soloQ players, I think the last statistics they released it was 52% of the player base. You balance the game around the majority of the player base and then reward killers for playing against SWFs. Give them more blood points, make it easier to pip so that it doesn't feel as bad if they end up losing. You could even look at increasing gen timers for SWFs to see if you could even out the survival rates between SWF and SoloQ.

    I mean, I really just hope we get the information buffs for solo queue at some point. A very small part of me is hoping that the reason certain features from the roadmap were delayed is because they wanted to focus on those survivor icons first.

    I do agree that solo q should be at least one of the main priorities when it comes to balance. But it is hard to perfectly balance around solo queue without making too many killers unhappy. Which is why I think the right thing to do in the future is simply buff solo queue, by giving them more information. It's a no brainer for me. And killers can get some improvements as well if they still need some. At least some maps should still be looked at.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 492

    I love soloq more than before. Last night we had a 4 man soloq squad VS Wraith. 2 died, 2 lived. Great match.

  • Ghalam
    Ghalam Member Posts: 99

    Solo queue is not hell from killer buffs but from inability to communicate with other survivors and the skill level of team mates.

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469

    Yeah, sad they left solo queue in the dust. I think this 6.1.0 patch would have been good if they had also introduced solo q buffs, but they didn't which has made solo q pretty unbearable, and they don't seem to be introducing anything for solo queue for the next year (according to their year roadmap) which is VERY disappointing and I hope they do a suprise patch introducing some changes sooner rather than later.