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How good do you think you are at the game?



  • Member Posts: 530

    Survivor 4

    Killer 4

    6 If am playing Oni

    2 with PH since I'm learning him

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I am a boosted potato.

    But this boosted potato played on an Xbox One during Resident Evil so I have my moments

  • Member Posts: 21,146

    It depends on who I'm playing and how I feel.

    As Survivor: Probably like a 4.

    As Killer: Depends. At my peak I've gone against some very good players and was able to compete.

  • Member Posts: 3,964

    Survivor, 7-9.

    Killer, maybe 3?

    With survivor I feel like i understand a lot more of the game than i'm mechanically skilled with, so i tend to be as strategic and efficient as i can be, but i get mindgamed fairly often. I take each opportunity to improve on that, so i feel like its a matter of just continually improving with more experience. I rarely feel hardstuck and take the losses with the wins 95% of the time, but I acknowledge when/where there's room for improvement.

    Killer has a lot of accessibility issues for me, so I rarely bother anymore. I think i understand most of it well, but my mechanical application of a lot of that info isn't anywhere near as good due to less practice. I don't want to put it lower or higher because I understand why i don't perform better, but accessibility aside i need more practice mechanically as well.

  • Member Posts: 256

    Survivor 5-6 maybe, it depends. Sometimes I have really good games where I feel like I'm in a DBD youtube video and sometimes it looks like it is my first game in years but overall I'm quite okay.

    Killer probably 7-8 I think I know my fair share when it comes to killers but that doesn't mean I'm perfect or anything. I really can't play Huntress well and my Nurse takes some practice but I would say that a lot of people will struggle to beat my Artist or PHead

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Depends from day to day. As killer, some days I've defeated competent and skilled 4-man swf, and others I have been scratching my head wondering how my killer managed to 0k against survivors with little to no perks (even now I cannot understand that battle).

    As survivor, I survive probably just below 50% now, but that fluctuates lower at times, but in the vast majority of games where I do not survive, I'm normally in the last 2. Today, I managed to be the sole survivor twice in 4 games, with the other 2 dying 3rd and last.

    I'm a better killer than survivor, but my game usually goes in line with what my team mates are like, so morale definitely affects my performance.

  • Member Posts: 7,771

    I've literally been run for ages by a perkless survivor that was just really good/knowledgeable.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    I'd probably put myself in 6 or 7 range in both.

    Very least I try to be self-aware enough to know when I'm the one who screwed up in a chase or threw a match, which probably earns be a few points all on its own.

    I've had some really good chases as survivor, I've had times where I went down instantly. And so on. I feel that places me in a section of "better than many, but as good as others".

  • Member Posts: 1,023

    I get consistent 4ks and iri emblems as Trickster. Despite that, I'd say I'm 6.5/10. Not amazing. I cheese a lot in killer games to win.

  • Member Posts: 8,816
    edited August 2022

    Survivor, it really depends on the day but when I'm actually trying? Probably around a 7.

    Killer, it varies from killer to killer but overall I'm not great, maybe a 5.

  • Member Posts: 471

    I would say I'm average, like 7 on both sides. Sometimes I make newbie mistakes like missing survivor marks and sometimes I fall for stupid mindgames against killers haha

  • Member Posts: 911

    Survivor - 4. I rely very heavily on stealth with Fixated since I am terrible in chase. I can't loop very well, so I just try to break chase and hide. I use Visionary to find gens quickly, and I just glue to them. My callouts are pretty good though.

    Killer - 6.5. I beat the overwhelming majority of survivors I play against by making smart decisions and keeping chases short, but I would get destroyed by a tournament squad or highly coordinated team. I also generally don't run very good builds since I dislike slowdown and prefer strange perks, which also holds me back.

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    10/10 as survivor

    10/10 as killer


  • Member Posts: 3,549

    I think Im just mediocre at everything tbh, like a 5-6 score across survivor and killer. Ive never really been the type of person to try an overestimate my skills, I just really doubt myself a lot tbh.

  • Member Posts: 1,841

    Survivor - 6.5, maybe 7 at best.

    Killer - I'm rusty from having not played killer in a very long time, so probably about a 4.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    Most players in this game are not good. The average player is equivalent to a silver league player(majority of the player base but far from the top).

    With that in mind my gameplay is rated like this

    Killer - 7.5

    survivor - 3.5( Biggest issue is that I have no concept for distance as survivor)

    Blight - 8.5(I am a really good blight, but I simply do not play enough to be compared to the top 1%'

    Though I guess the killer score should be essentially be my rating for macro on blight as I have not played another killer other than 1 plague game 2 months ago in the last 5 months.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Solo survivor 5. My tactics are reasonably sound but I'm still fairly new and i can't loop to save my life

    Swf 7 usually perform much better with friends. Vc makes a huge difference yo

    Killer 7 idk if this is overinflated because my mmr hasn't caught up yet, but I've been playing just over two weeks and got to gold 3. I can usually catch who i chase in fairly short order. And I'm good at mind games, when someone tries to distract me i find it kind of obvious so ill back off and harry gens, then ambush them when they go for saves or punish them for bodyblocking. and I'm good at predicting and cutting off survivors by taking shortcuts to catch up. Basically i just ignore people who are good at looping because all it does is waste my time.

  • Member Posts: 348

    Depends on my mood I don't play try hard I am more about being chill and if I can goof off and get a challenge done then I don't care if I die or not get any kills

    If I play more serious I would probably be

    Survivor Swf 4/10. solo Q 8/10.

    Killer depends on who I am playing

    Killer I am bad with 3.5/10 killer I am okay with 6.5/10 killer I am good with 8.5/10 but I usually goof off or play farms as killer

  • Member Posts: 349

    Hard to say, i would say my Game Sense and Overall Knowledge about Perks, Addons and Killer Strategies is pretty good when i play Survivor. But my Looping is really lacking and i havent really played much the last few Weeks.

    With Killer im pretty Bad but there are a few Killers i know how to play with. Also i enjoy learning new Killer and once i played them for a good Amount i can get really good Results with them. (Legion and Demo are probably my best Killers)

    i would say my Ability to Loop as Survivor and my Ability to put Preassure on Survivors and also end Chases fast drag me down a lot on Both Roles.

    In some things im good, in some im Bad. But you can't really tell since there is a lot of things that are just based on Luck rather then Skill. And there is also MMR wich just keeps giving you "better" Players so you can't really know how you are compared to all Players. I can only Compare Myself against the People i play against/with, and Content Creators.


    Survivor: 5

    Killer: 4

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Survivor: 7 (sometimes a 5 on my bad days)

    Killer: 6 but only becauae I play killer less.

  • Member Posts: 901

    Survivor 8

    Killer 8

  • Member Posts: 913

    Survivor: 3

    I'd even say that I used to be a better survivor than I am now (I might have rated myself a 4 a year ago), mostly because my playstyle has gotten lazy. I don't really take survivor games seriously the way I do killer games. I don't survive most of them, and that doesn't bother me. I play survivor when I want to relax.

    M1 Killers (Myers, Ghostface, Clown, Pig, Sadako, Doctor): 6-7

    I make sure every game is a sweatfest, and I 3-4K the majority of them. It's hard to say how good I actually am since I can't see my MMR, but some people tell me in the EGC that they rarely see the killers I use. I've gotten to the point where I can counter most survivor plays and learned a lot of techniques for mindgaming and counter-mindgaming, and I win maybe 7 or 8 out of 10 games.

    I'm starting to occasionally come across survivors who can pull really complex tricks, get gens done in a couple of minutes, and/or have insanely advanced looping skills that are very difficult to deal with when playing M1, but that's still not the majority of games.

    When DBD finally gets Steam Deck/Linux support, I can switch back to Steam from Stadia, and then I imagine my kill rate will go up even more since I've been playing with a split-second of input lag as a handicap. If I stop using a controller, I might get even better.

    Complex Killers (Nurse, Blight, Oni): 2

    I can't use their powers effectively to save my life, so I either end up M1ing a bunch of complete n00bs for the 4K or trying to use their power and failing miserably.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    About 500 hours on killer, 350 on survivor.

    I'd say that I'm a '6-7' killer, and a '4-5' survivor.

  • Member Posts: 712

    Survivor- 7

    Killer- 6

  • Member Posts: 1,265

    Survivor 6 - 7

    The downside is that I'm not good at loops, but I see a significant improvement in the last few months.

    Killer 2 - 4

    I'm very timid and insecure playing this role. Very weak at chases and basically just playing for the hooks.

    I think Wesker is going to be fun enough to keep me as a hunter once in a while.

  • Member Posts: 790

    not trying to brag but,

    Survivor: 20000/10

    Killer: 20000/10

    that's just my humble evaluation of course,

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Survivor: 8 my looping good be stronger but my game sense is good otherwise.

    Killer: 9 of course is varies wildly depending on the killer but if I'm playing one of my mains I usually at least 2k but probably 3k or 4k. It's rare for me to get completely blown out.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Survivor 5 maybe 6 on a good day

    Killer 6.5-7 I would probably consider myself better than average but Im way off my prime though I wouldve probably given myself an 8.5 then

  • Member Posts: 115

    Survivor: 6

    Killer: 6

    overall, I think I probably have better game awareness than technical skill. I may not be able to hit a 360 moonrush on Blight, or make a flashlight save compilation, but I have a pretty good idea of what's going on in match and what I should be doing.

  • Member Posts: 228

    Surv- 4 Im mostly a gen jockey and I can sometimes loops on a good day

    Killer- 7 Sometimes good, sometimes maybe sh1t.

    I just mainly struggle with finding a killer that fits my playstyle and can be fun to play for hours and hours. I play a killer with a lot of anti-loop pressure, get rolled by gens. Bring a decent gen slowdown build, get wrecked in chases. Freddy is a nice balance but his power is too dependent on surv.

  • Member Posts: 562

    Solo Survivor- 3

    With friends- 9

    Killer- 7

  • Member Posts: 320

    I do consistently well with killer outside of the usual 4-man SWF sweat squads or cheaters pretending like I didn't see them finish 2 gens simultaneously with only 1 person standing. 7.5, 8 if it's a good day.

    I'm trash at survivor because I don't play it. All I know is "do gen, hit skillcheck, eat hot chip and lie". I'm a solid 2 because some don't even know how to do that much.

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    At survivor? Probably 3.

    Ghostface - 7

    Sadako - 5

    Legion -6

    Spirit - a legit 10! 2 matches only got 8 kills. I'm best spirit in the world. My Spirit MMR is probably OVER 9000 right now so i better to not queue for a third match.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I will sit comfortably at 3’s for survivor and killer. Thank you. Good day.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    Ditto bud. It can be difficult at times. By ‘it’ I mean life in general. Best of luck.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Killer - 5

    Survivor - 5

    Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

  • Member Posts: 2,334
    edited August 2022

    In regards to actual knowledge of the game probably a high 8-9 for both roles.

    In regards to actual performance

    6-7 for Survivor but I always try to do stupid builds to make them work even knowing they won't work ahead of time - I also refuse to use meta perks.

    8-9 with killers I'm comfortable with (Nurse, Blight, Deathslinger, Huntress, Nemesis) / 4-5 for killers I don't like playing. For consistency sake I'll just say a solid 7 though.

    I want to be good at Hillbilly but I'll own up to it and say I'm a solid 4 at tops for Hillbilly - Although I'm taking the time to relearn that killer because I want to learn how to curve again - Used to be able to but quit playing them so I'm just bad at them now.

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    I used to think I was decent until this last patch humbled the shlt out of me. I went from usually being the guy with the most points at the end of the trial (even if dead), to the guy consistently with the least amount of points (to my shock). And mind you- i was not a DH or DS user. But come to think of it, a lot of my builds did get destroyed in perk shakeup. Some of my favorite builds that weren’t even Meta got sent to the moon, along with the fun they brought. I hate the Off the Record and Dark Sense changes- they weren’t even popular but super underrated!

    I always knew I wasn’t great at looping, but i didn’t realize how much my favorite perks helped me.

    What I thought I was before as survivor: 8

    What I really am as survivor: 6

    Killer: 5

  • Member Posts: 5,500

    Killer: 7-8

    definitely not the best of the best, but I am pretty good at killing, I would say. I sometimes rekt sweaty SWF bully squads, other times they hand my butt to me, but against regular survivors I fair pretty well.

    Survivor: 4-6

    still pretty good, but a good killer will always get me; a bad killer I might loop all game, though, without getting caught. Depends on my mood and the day, sometimes I play like a real potatoe. But survivor games queues are fast, so if I die 2min into a game, by minute 4 I am already in a new one.

  • Member Posts: 768
    edited August 2022

    I am one the greatest players alive, a living legend.

    They will write songs about me.

    Survivor 11

    Killer 11

  • Member Posts: 2

    survivor - 5

    killer - 8 (Plague - 10 :P)

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