Question to Survivors who DC

Why? What's the thinking? "That'll show them"? You just look like a baby and screw over your team. I don't get it. Some people even DC on hook. That doesn't even hurt the killer at all. They still get the sacrifice points I believe.



  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    This is very much an unrelated off subject behavior. But I'll try and answer why I imagine people do it anyway.

    You specify unnecessarily so I assume you understand that slugging is a useful and respectable strat in some circumstances. I'd imagine a situation where it's "unnecessary" is one where all 4 or all remaining survivors are on the floor. In that case it's likely they're just try-harding. Not necessarily just keeping the survivors hostage.

    DCing is different because it at worst for killer makes them lose a few blood points and at least for survivor puts the team at a disadvantage. It's a minor annoyance to the killer that really just helps them, and it screws over SoloQ survivors. A DC is nearly always toxic butthurt rage quit behavior, while slugging is just a strat that isn't fun to deal with. Like lots of condoned strats in this game.

    Anyway. Is this just a question? Or is this a "rebuttal" in the form of a question? If so, are you a survivor who DCs and can you say why? I did make this post out of curiosity. Just honestly want to know why at this point.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,141
    edited August 2022

    Just a question, since I know survivors tend to DC when killers do slug for no reason, I asked why slugging unnecessarily is done since I assumed it'd be answered.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    Killers have all sort of reasons doing that and it's perfectly within the rules of the game. while deliberate DC isn't.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,898

    The obvious and perhaps callous sounding response to this is that if you feel this way, you should step away from the game for a while.

    I'm not saying these situations aren't painfully tedious, because they are, I but I firmly believe that if you queue up, you have some obligation to play the match out.*

    Anyone who plays the this game as much as the people on this forum probably do knows what almost all the potential permutations of a match are, and if any of those are just not playable to you, don't play at all.

    I for one am sick to death of teammates bailing every other match; it's not acceptable.

    *exception of course for Hackers

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,898

    I see malicious, unnecessary slugging (just leaving people on the ground for no reason but to bleed them out) in like 1% of my matches.

    It happens, but is a statistical non-issue. Most of the time when a surv bleeds out it's because they crawled to Narnia and the killer can't find them.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    While I don't do it, in the overwhelming amount of cases it's just a ragequit and looking any deeper into it than that is a waste of time.

    I'm not defending it or demonizing it to absurd levels like trying to attach some deeper meaning to it, it's just "I don't want to deal with this anymore, I'm out".

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    Fair enough. I main Deathslinger and even after his nerf into the ground people will DC on my first down on them. Personally anger never plays into survivor. I get bummed but never mad. Anger comes from killer games for me.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Counter question why killers dc? It happens almost as often as survivor dc in my games.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    You're unlucky to face that many nurses but there is no need to the games end quickly usually anyway nurse slugging all your teammates in few minutes.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Survivor dc overall is probably lot more common but recently had quite many killers dc:ing even once 3 games a row. Reasons what I noticed were they got pallet stunned or missed swing or gens got done.

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    honestly it's good I asked because I always thought it was to spite the killer but apparently not

  • SgtMittens
    SgtMittens Member Posts: 249

    I like how you call them babies yet the tone of this is 100% whining.

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    Killer DC has like happened once mid match for me in my over 200 hours. (Not claiming that is a lot, just saying that's what I have for a frame of reference) Every other killer DC which maybe only happened 2 or 3 other times was before we even loaded into the match. So I dunno how you've found this to be the case. I cannot give an answer because as killer AND survivor I never DC. Ever not once for any reason. I've plowed through games with cheaters, bad teammates and afk killers alike. Not once. Actually I did DC once and got a 30 second punishment because my wifi crapped out. Wasn't intentional.

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    🙄 Yeah well at least I'm a baby that just wants to play the game normally, and would feel bad if I screwed over my team. Please, answer the question. Why DC? With a comment like that I assume you're getting defensive as a fellow man-child who DCs when the killer outplays you so actually contribute to the conversation at least why don't you?

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Tonight was just awful with it. 8/9 matches at least one DC or suicide on first hook.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939
    edited August 2022

    I don't D/C often at all. But the other day i was guilty of it because after 2 team mates disconnected in a match against a Huntress, the Killer STILL camped me and just beat me on the hook, 4 gens were up, There were multiple double bloodpoint offerings.

    It was the fourth match in a row with a nonce of a Killer facecamping, hard-tunneling at 4 gens etc. I just said "Screw this. I'll take the 3 minutes".

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    your post is precisely why! you come to the forums and act like it doesnt bother you....evern though it does :)

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    If a killer wants to give you a bad time he has a lot of ways to do it. And survs can do... nothing but DC. Also don’t blame survs, when a surv DC this isn’t a 4k in devs statistics. I suppose the killer kill rate could be 5% higher than statistics

  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413
    edited August 2022

    The person who DC'd is the one who is mad. Why would the killer be bothered? Particularly toxic killers are probably amused, happy that they got a survivor that tilted. It's not that it bothers me, it's that it doesn't. And since it doesn't I don't see why they'd do it. It DOES bother me when I'm playing survivor. As a killer I'm confused and as a survivor I'm frustrated. Maybe as killer I'm a tad bummed that the game suddenly got a lot easier and I feel bad for the remaining 3 survivors. But what I assume you're saying is that it would anger me that someone got so mad from me just outplaying them at a 20 dollar video game that they desperately denied me a kill like a sore loser. Maybe it's accurate to say it "bothers" me because yeah, I feel negative emotions like a minor bummer on the behalf of the rest of the other team. But no DCs are often funny when I assume they're a pitiful attempt at trying to make a jab at me, a guy playing a video game better than them.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,283

    Something needs to be done about the DCing. Mainly survivors practise this ive noticed. Yesterday teammate killed themself on first hook which is almost the same as just dcing and i asked after the game why would you screw over your teammates like that.

    Answer one did a pallet save on me so i left....We just literally started the game 5 gens still up and this guy quit because no one did a pallet save on him.. sigh

    Most of the times survivors DC or ragekill themselfs because they get caught first or they dont like the killer. Behaviour something needs to be done. I have these matches everyday and multiple per day. As a killer i get 2-3 dcs in 1 match quite often and as a survivor i get these teammates constantly.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Okay, so they threatened to ban me if I ever admitted to my internet dropping. So to be clear, that has absolutely never, ever happened. My internet is flawless. But anyways, purely hypothetical, if I were to DC, it would have not even been my fault. I would blame the monopoly on isp.

    Again, that never even happened. I am just playing devil's advocate. Never DC ever, it is bad and actually bannable unlike locker room banter that survivors have post game.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    in that case then you should take a break instead of going into another match and then quitting, ruining the experience for everyone else, don't you think? At least this is what i usually do when i see too much tryharding when i play: i'll just switch game because i'm not playing for being genrushed/hard tunneled, i play for having fun

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,283

    They could do something if they see this same person has a habit of Dcing multiple times per day or week. If this person gets a report or so about dcing or ragequitting on first hook multiple times they could give this person a 7 day ban or so. This way people that actually DC due to internet issues wont get affected.

    Its getting little out of control though and something needs to be done. 5-15 minute penalty is nothing to these people that think they are entitled to easy wins.

  • Droneinthrwind
    Droneinthrwind Member Posts: 102

    DCs doesn't happen in one game. I sometimes DC when it's 5th ######### game in a row againts same broken nurse with same add ons and I'm done for the day and go do something else. Time is limited, wasting few extra minutes to get 6000bp is not worth it.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    They don't accept reports from DC related issues.


    Disconnections are penalized automatically by the disconnection penalty system. Please do not report people for disconnecting; no further action will be taken on these reports.

    Temporary bans


    • Botting
    • Lag switching
    • Disconnects (leaving the match before killed or sacrificed) - DO NOT REPORT
    • For both Botting and Lag switching, in-game reports are REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket OPTIONAL
  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,283
    edited August 2022

    I know but they could change this. There is clearly an issue of Dcing and ragequitting on first hooks. On survivors this screws up the other 3 teammates they just leave behind and for killers well its pretty much game over so might as well kill the other 3 survivors fast as possible and go back to queue. Killers that DC because they have a hard match well same thing. You screw up the game for survivors.

    This issue will just get worse if nothing is done about it.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    Well I think they should increase the break time from 5 minutes to 30 minutes for the first DC, and going up from there. Even internet issues some might have is pretty much their responsibility to fix.

    But even as it is I see less DC people than when the temporary ban was not activated for DC. So it works.

    Also it made me shake my head whenever people started new topics about DC penalty to be removed because all sort of emotional reasons they have for DC-ing.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    Yep, that should give them plenty of time to think about things and decide to drop this game entirely.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Sometimes it's game crashing, unexpected error, black screen, steam maintenance, etc. And it's not even that rare.

    Also it does not solve anything. If I see agi starstruck range addon nurse, i just go to hook, jump neatest locker a few times and point to a hook.

    Then again, I play swf and we do that as full team so no screwing over anyone left in a match...

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    IMO, because there's a common attitude of "I'm not responsible for anyone else's fun" among this playerbase. They only think of themselves, simple.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    well they always have that option. DC happy people don't add anything to the game anyway aside of just being a burden for others

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524
    edited August 2022

    well if it happens rarely, there is no problem waiting that 30 minutes out so rarely. If it happens often, then probably the person should fix his problems before playing anyway, right? The players are responsible for their own connection and state of the machine they want to play on. I mean if somebody disconnects often or crashes because of issues, he should address those before playing online games to begin with. BHVR or other players are not responsible for technical issues somebody has.

    Oh and yes it's very rare. On steam I never had a single crash or anything at all on 2 laptops and this desktop PC for months. Aside of rare occasions when my internet just dropped, or I had to restart my router, nothing happened. And even in those cases I wasn't even in a match, it just happened rarely. I wouldn't have died from a DC penalty if I would have been playing. takes time for teh internet to come back anyway.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    I literally tell my parents, no matter what online game I'm playing, and if they need me "I'm in a game, and I don't want to ruin it for the other X amount of people"

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Considering yourself lucky. It happens more often then once in x months. And if I am being punished for 30 minutes because devs did bad job then I am out

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    I also D/C’d once when my under 3 year old nephew ran by me holding his pull-ups (diapers). And wearing nothing else…you know ######### happens lol. Literally

  • Aubwie
    Aubwie Member Posts: 24

    This right here is the only reason other than my net just shitting out randomly

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I can't really say I have any in game killer behavior reasons that cause me to DC. If we're getting our butts handed to us, we're getting our butts handed to us, simple as that, move on to the next match. If I'm frustrated I simply stop at the end of the last match and play something else. Even if I'm being camped I'll just hang there singing 'hooked on a feeling' to myself and quietly cursing the players that waste this golden gen-time opportunity trying to get those sweet sweet unhook points.

    The ONLY time I sacrifice on a hook or even more rarely DC, is always due to my team rather than the killer. You want to sandbag me, or have your 3 man SWF body block me in the corner, hack, or do the stupid unhook spam....I'm gone. I'll feel a little regret for the killer losing points, but I like to think I make up for that when I insist on a killer getting death hook points if they wish to farm.

    Perks and allowed strategies don't cause my very rare DC's, other survivors do. Though I won't say that my experience answers your question on a larger scale because we all know the multitude of DC excuses.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524
    edited August 2022

    No. PEOPLE who play survivors aren't any different than people who play killers. You almost make it sound like they are a separate cultural faction or something. Nope you have nothing. You will "fix" nothing. You aren't able to write the rules of the game, and of course if needed the punishment to salty people like you just increases if they see it fit. You can always chose to take a break and go fishing or something. Nobody really needs self entitled people like you who think they can create rules.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,868

    What’s interesting is that this has been the mantra from killers for a while, but with what appeared to be an influx of survivors dying on first hook or DCing, suddenly killers were all “but what about your teammates?!”…

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,868

    Your 20 minute killer queues say otherwise.

    Killers need survivors more than survivors need killers. Killer players could be replaced with bots—effectively making this game PvE—and I guarantee you it would not harm people who play survivor in any meaningful way. Now the opposite would indeed negatively affect killer players.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    People were saying Killers/Survivor shouldn't care about the oppositions fun, not that people shouldn't care about anyone's fun.

    If you honestly think you're more important than everyone else on the team, you shouldn't be playing multiplayer games

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,868

    That wasn’t what I saw; I specifically encountered killers saying, about different play styles (mostly camping and tunneling…), that they aren’t responsible for a survivor player’s fun. Now, the mantra—largely when the topic of DCs or early hook deaths comes up—from killers is that survivors aren’t taking the fun of other players (including killers) into consideration.

  • Kweh
    Kweh Member Posts: 88

    Easy. I'm not going to have fun (either because of my team or killer). Hit the DC, suicide or chase the killer. It's not a comp game and surv queues are fast, no reason to complain on a DC or suicide.

  • Tsela
    Tsela Member Posts: 524

    I don't have any 20 minute killer queue.

    And having DC teammates, and survivors who just ruin games for their teammates will not help those survivors enjoy and play the game who are in there right now. So in any case punishing people for misconduct is just productive even if they punish quite an ammount of survivors for DC bans, it's overall healthy for the game.

    So no, the game truly doesn't rely on "survivors" or "killers" to write the rules of the game. If there are problems or suggestions we can talk about it, but if there are people who think that "survivors" or "killers" will be able to change rules, they are very much mistaking.