remove killer auto-aim

remove it or add an option to disable it; it's actually so cancer when you lose a 4k because the game decides to make you hit a wall instead of downing a survivor. I don't even know why they would add this especially on PC.
It is not that much better on console. I guess maybe it helps when they are spinning like crazy you and correct your angle mid lunge, maybe it works in that moment? I have no idea. I doubt I would notice if it was turned off.
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It isn’t auto aim as much as it is server correction and the game facing (not moving) you where the survivor is, you would have missed the survivor regardless.
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Not really, as far as i know they call it aim dressing and it actually is more like auto aim. Also it was in the game before servers were a thing and even back then it often did more harm than good imo. I dont know what bhvr's plans are considering that feature but yeah, its a thing.
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Let me quote this guy for example :
unofarto317: "Aim dressing is when the game adjusts your aim during an attack to make it line up with the attack hitbox when it predicts you're about to hit a survivor. It snaps onto the survivor so that it looks better from the killer's POV."
Meaning its already a hit from the games perspective, but a sudden movement can screw with it.
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Also tight angles close to a obstacle can cause it to go into the obstacle and not into the survivor.
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I believe no one likes to loose control mid attack to a system, which actually causes you to miss your attack instead of you hitting it on your own. Luckily thoose cases are pretty rare but they do happen and are quite memorable and annoying.
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Whatever they’re doing to aim dressing lately is making it worse and not better. It’s becoming an issue just about every other match now. I want it off too.
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Literally a dev has said on the forums "aim dressing is used to make the hit look a bit cleaner" meaning it would hit but they want it to look like the person was in the middle of your screen as compared to swinging a little bit behind them.
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But if they remove aim dressing then killers might hit the survivor they were aiming at and not a window sill, wall, rock, tree, or even NOTHING AT ALL (which yes has happened to me, RPD is full of invisible ######### that will pull aim off a survivor like this).