(Average) Nurse main here giving my 2 cents on some things.

This is not a "Nerf Nurse" thread per se, but I want to bring this up.
Wether I'm the person playing her or going against her, more often than not the hits after a blink are way too generous both in 1st and 3d person POV's. The blade whiffs and the survivor doesn't even get sneezed on and they still lose a healthstate. On top of that after blinking I can just aggresively shake/spin my camera to auto-aim hits without even properly seeing where the survivor actually is. I personally don't think that is fair.
This is less of a Nurse/hitbox specific issue and more of a latency + high-speed movement result that’s not really avoidable. It’s the same principle as Huntress hatchets. The hatchet hitbox is a perfect sphere the diameter of the hatchet. Every survivor has the same hitbox (which does not match the visual model) for balance purposes. Factor in that a full-charged hatchet goes 40m/s and even 60ms ping is a 2.4m difference. Nurse goes up to 13.333m/s, which is less extreme, but has a standard swing hitbox (which is more or less across the screen of a hit). So any part being in the minor difference will count.
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Couldn't they bandaid this by simply making her lunge shorter? I mean, she's already so strong I don't think anyone would complain. Maybe just a 20% decrease?
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Her lunge already is shorter than default.
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What's your point?
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??? You asked couldn’t they make her lunge shorter, and so I was letting you know it already is shorter than a default lunge.
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And why couldn't they make it shorter than it already is? It's already quite forgiving for a killer that can literally go through walls at 300+% speed.
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I don’t really consider it necessary, but it’s more reasonable than some of the utterly nonsensical ideas on this forum at least.
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I got what you need dawg:
- Designate her M2 hits as "special attacks."
- Rework her two recharge addons to: a. Give her back her M2 being a basic attack, and b. Apply Mangled.
- (They are already doing this but) fix the range addons.
- ???
- Profit
Your welcome, your welcome.
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I don't know if the issue comes from autoaim, but I saw 1 additional problem with hits after blink. Or to correct myself - during blink. Sometimes when I blinked barely behind survivor and pressed m1 before blink finished on my screen, I was able to land that hit.
It does not happen often, you need to barely blink behind the survivor (or little bit next to survivor), byt it's still a hit with your back. That does not feel right to say the least. It's not always against survivors - mind you. I had several instances where autoaim locked on a barel/tree/wall etc instead of continuing the lounge. That also does not feel good.
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The auto aim in general in this game really needs a setting to let people turn it off.
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That's not true. She once had a shorter walking lunge when lunges depended of movement speed, but then lunges have all been standardized
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*then ask for nerfs*
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You don't need to be a survivor main to understand when certain things on the killers side are overpowered, such as Nurse for example.
I am a killer main, I want to see some nerfs to camping still, and solo queue information buffs. I also think certain slowdown perk synergies need to be toned down a bit, and Blight and Nurse also need some form of nerfs.
If killers get some other improvements along the way, that are however more healthy for the game overall, then I am all for it.
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You do realise that a lot of killer mains think nurse needs a nerf right?
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Um, I’m not talking about it walking lunge. I meant post-blink lunge.
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With "lunges have all been standardized" I meant that even post blink lunges are the same as every other lunge in the game.