Crouch + Nod not a thing anymore?

Mondhirsch Member Posts: 210
edited December 2022 in Bug Reporting

I know it's a long time since Crouching+Nodding at the same time isn't possible anymore. But we don't know if it's intended or a Bug considering that Behaviour never made a statement about it.

Did they remove it because some players pretended to BJ the Killer?

I hope crouch-nodding will be possible in the Future again because

  • strategy wise it's good to give a Teammate feedback while staying hidden/crouched (Solo Q)
  • it looks so cute especially with Bunny Feng
  • since you also can Crouch-Flashlightsave (what moves the Head and Hand while beeing crouched) you can't avoid BJ-ing the Killer anyway.
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