How does reporting work now (steam)?

With the new anonymous system we can no longer open profiles of other players (that activated the system) so how do we submit additional evidence? We just refer to their characters in-game?


  • MaxYibbs
    MaxYibbs Member Posts: 11

    Good question, but unfortunately, reporting doesn't do anything anyways. I've had people throw slurs around in end-game chat on more than one occasion and even with screenshots, their support doesn't respond. They don't care.

  • Decutor
    Decutor Member Posts: 161

    In my experience reports always worked. Every cheater I encountered, got banned (later confirmed by a "game ban" in their steam profile).

    Not that I had any doubt but today I got confirmation that BHVR does ban people for griefing / unsportsmanlike. Someone shared their banned message over reddit.

    So I don't know what you get out of going around saying reports don't work (other than potentially demotivating someone from using the system and by extension giving cheaters/griefers a feel pass) but hey, you do you.

  • MaxYibbs
    MaxYibbs Member Posts: 11

    I don't need to demotivate people. I know I'm not the only player who's never had anything done about reports made even with valid evidence (I have three email threads with no response from them to prove this before I stopped bothering altogether). This thread is about a potential bug in the reporting system, so if they're taking a look at it, it seemed like a good time to mention some people have lost faith in this system altogether.

    Fair enough, though - glad you've gotten responses.