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PlayStation 4: Raccoon City Map Spawns are Too Low After Patch

For the trophy: “Outbreak Breakout” you need to open the gate and escape from the Raccoon City Police Department. Every time dlc is released the chances of a map spawning for a trophy or achievement are incredibly high and I have only encountered this map once in 20 games today. The frequency is obviously bugged and way too low for what this trophy demands.
Really?? I got this map five times in a row without offerings. That's not including the other times that weren't in that batch of five. Also playing on PS4.
I must've stolen all your RPD matches from you. Sorry :(
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I also got it pretty often the last games.
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It is currently a 0% trophy on PSN. No one has received it.
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Also, this trophy seems bugged. Opened the gate and escaped twice on RPD and that achievement didn't unlock. (PS4)
Does it have to be on West specifically or something?
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You have to do it 20 times, but upvoting this topic will definitely help bring attention to the issue. 20 times is ridiculous especially with this rotation.
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Oh, 20? Holy crap. That's nuts.
Thanks for letting me know. I forgot to look at the new trophies. Lol.
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It's definitely not as common as it should be, hope they check it out soon.
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I can only get this map by burning offerings for it, and I'm pretty low on them. I guess this is something I'll have to spend a few months grinding matches on to get.
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This is starting to get ridiculous. This needs to be fixed ASAP.
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Take my upvote.
I escaped once earlier and it didn't progress. Really needs looking at again.
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I'd rather change achievement to smth normal, like on other maps 1-2 times. It isn't fun or normal requirement, neither amount nor open the gate part.
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This is a ridiculous requirement since there are so many maps the game can choose from. Even with the briefly boosted appearance of RPD it doesn't change who we get as teammates and how the Killer plays. Such as if they tunnel, camp, and slug. I also very rarely get RPD offerings in my bloodwebs too. It should be lowered to 5 times, or just escaping.
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I completely agree!
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Hopefully they will see this thread and fix the problem? Does anyone know what the turnaround is on a response from them?
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they probably made it low so that people who want it and just stop once they have it will keep playing so they can show their investors that people play and not just for the first 1week.
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I’m kind of baffled that the issue hasn’t even been marked as acknowledged at this point.
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It is absolutely horrific.
The only thing rarer than the map appearing in rotation is the offering itself appearing in the blood web.
I have went through THREE prestige and got the offering ONCE! I wouldn’t care so much if I had infinite RPD offerings or if it appeared more but for people trying to get this achievement I have seen the following happen:
survivors disconnecting on maps that are not RPD
Survivors killing self on map that is not RPD
Survivors playing selfishly on RPD so THEY get the progress.
this achievement is literally ruining every other game that is played in DBD.
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I’m shocked this hasn’t been addressed yet.
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I burned all 46 RPD map offerings I had, so I'm really gonna need either a way to get more RPD map offerings faster or a higher spawn rate on this map in order to finish this achievement.
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I dont think the map spawn in general is too low, but just East wing. In 40 games since the update to RPD I have only gotten East Wing 3 times.
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I’m sorry but if you look at the number of posts here and elsewhere they suggest the map’s spawn is indeed too low for the purposes of the trophy.
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I'm saying the map could be lower because one half of it rarely appears dropping the rate.
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I understand, but with every dlc release any map (2 in this case) that is required for a trophy are greatly elevated. Even if one’s spawn was slightly off it doesn’t explain why West was never elevated to what both East and West should have been.
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All 37 of the other matches i had were West wing.
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Well you are certainly in the minority.