Revert the Blast Mine nerf

Did you guys just wake up and decide "hey you know what needs a nerf? blast mine" like this change is so out of nowhere and no one at all complained about this perk. For survivor you need to work for it to get it and killers rarely get affected by it and when they do its like "oh wow" and then move on. Why nerf a fun niche perk WHY


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    It's obviously a coding issue with wiretap. That being said blast mine needs compensatory buffs.

  • Pucci21
    Pucci21 Member Posts: 30

    no it's not it's an actual intended change that they implemented, it's in the live patch notes

  • prettypinkpansy
    prettypinkpansy Member Posts: 12

    It worked fine on PTB so I don't buy that it's a matter of conflict with Wiretap. Blast Mine was a fine perk in a good balance position, arguably a little weak, if anything. This is insanely punishing when a lot of killers never kick gens so it's very hard to get off and even when you do get it, it barely does anything to the killer but waste a few seconds of their time. The chief use of Blast Mine was to get stun challenges.

    PLEASE revert this - nobody wanted this.

  • Pucci21
    Pucci21 Member Posts: 30

    IDK what they smoked right before launching but apparently blast mine needed a nerf, amazing devwork

  • nivomi
    nivomi Member Posts: 15

    After tons of people have complained about how many killer perks are "gives an effect which can trigger for 20 seconds and then goes on a 180 second cooldown even if it does nothing", BHVR have... decided to do the same thing to survivor perks, I guess?

    I really, really, really don't think Blast Mine needed this nerf. What is this nerf even supposed to do to its playstyle?