I got tunneled because I broke someone's Devour

Someone forcefully tunneled me not because I was easy pickings no no because I broke their Devour when I see that exposed icon appear and Devour I drop what I'm doing and hunt after it.
It's a totem it don't just see it and think yep I'll just happily let that be It's like with Blood Favor or any hex perk that effects the game badly you hunt it down why do I get tunneled for braking a hex totem and it was Wesker a guy who can dash and pick you up easily which removes the fact Devour will appear so why do you have to tunnel just because i broke a totem.
I would totally tunnel someone who broke my devour early. No kap. I have done worse. I was using new Ruin to slow down the game a bit because I am a baby Nurse and this No Mither Claudette got rid of it about a minute in. I tunneled her because 3v1 is better slowdown than Ruin anyway.
I usually let No Mither Chads go, but this one went too far.
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Well, if devour got broken they didn't have to keep running from the hook every time to get stacks in it. Sounds like they just adapted.
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You were an offender ... never break the holy totem!
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You broke their bones. Eye for an eye.
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I don't bring Hex totems because they're always broken in 30 seconds, and then I tunnel the survivor who broke it out of spite for not even bothering to find out what kind of hex it was.
I don't play killer as much as I used to, but I really wish BHVR made more hex's spawn when the triggering event occurs, similar to Hex: Plaything (i.e. Ruin spawns when the first survivor lets go of a gen, or Blood Favor spawns when the first survivor is injured).
I can't help but feel bad when I spawn on a lit totem.
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Lets be real, as interesting as that could be, it would get monkey paw'd and they wouldn't put any types of checks on which totem it spawns to, so the dull totem next to their gen would suddenly light up at the same time as the hex notification D:
also unfortunately wouldn't really account for Haunted ground, which would kinda just have to start lit or have some condition thrown on like it lights once someone is downed or something.
I am 100% for most alternatives to its current system, even with its "improvements" (though, admittedly, there are a few occasional really well hidden ones) but they would have to make sure all their sanity checks are in place to prevent things from being worse than what we have now.
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Dude, I'd consider that a badge of honor.
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I mean the killer can tunnel for whatever reason they want.
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I don't play killer that much these days, but I would like to see something done to help hex perks.
As much as I hate spending 5+ minutes looking for that one really well hidden totem, I almost feel like a multi-step process to break hex perks would be a better alternative. Something as simple as "for each gen remaining, it takes X seconds longer to break a hex" would go a long way, or maybe have corrupt block hex totems too--idk.
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Take it as a compliment.
I'm a totem goblin, even better, i put "Totem Goblin" name when i go out for hunt, so killers can know who to get in case of their totems going poof.
If I destroy multiple hexes in one game or deny someone a Devour, I just expect them to tunnel and camp me out of the game. IF they can catch me. It's so much fun
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You broke the fun bone and now nobody gets moris. What did you expect?
Seriously, this happens all the time. I take it for what it is - just cheeky byplay. Devour is sacred, bro.
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I've been on both sides of this one.
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That usually happens. Helps to not get caught. I'm happy you've become aware of that risk.
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You shouldnt do someothing to others that u dont want for yourself...
You've killed someone's baby, now they wanna kill you, plain and simple, whats the point of this post even? Is this a meme?
I suggest you visit the Doctor so he will tell you to GIT GUD and move on.
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Yep get it,it is almost as bad as a flashlight camper getting a save, chase,down,hook repeat,no justification required.