Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Wesker's Power hitbox on survivors needs a SLIGHT increase *My own clips included with proof*

Member Posts: 18
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

First off let me be clear, I think the team did a great job making Wesker and his power is really fun and I completely understand his hotbox in the PTB needed to be brought down as it was waaaaaayyyy to forgiving. But the live version currently is so small that I am actually passing right next to survivors and I am not getting any type of grabs. The videos are links below, I saved these from my xbox so please forgive me if there is problems looking at it.



In both clips you can clearly see I go right through them. Please make the hotbox just a tad bit bigger and I think Wesker is in a perfect spot. There is some other smaller issues like his Chaser Emblem not working properly and sometimes when you through survivors an object that isn't a wall like a window, sometimes they don't take damage and just land normally like if they got thrown into nothing. I want Wesker to be playable and fair but from these clips you can clearly see his hotbox is just bit too harsh. Please consider making it abit bitter. Thank you <3

(Also let me know if you agree with what I said or maybe if I just suck and need time to imporve his dashes but these two clips happened in the same match, I feel like its just too small of a hitbox to where you will hit someone but the game won't count it)

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  • Member Posts: 18

    I totally agree, hey im even willing to try 25 and see if that works, hopefully they will take a look at the feedback and see what they can do.

  • Member Posts: 50

    Honestly i would try 30 and if it's too much, maybe 28 then 25. Just to find the perfect spot

  • Member Posts: 237

    U are not alone, his hitboxes are terrible now, I know that on ptb his hitbox was broken, but his hitbox now is a joke, but if u became good with his power with this ######### hitbox, if BHVR fixe this, u will became a god with his power, I played like 10 or 15 matches with him, and I started to think "something is wrong with his power hitbox", but everyone who played against or using him tell the same, his hitbox sucks.

    But for now I will play with other killers, I don't want a M1 simulator if I have a good power, and a bad thing is that he don't have any pressure without his power.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Im hoping this its be resolved in the next hotfix but who knows. I hope they are made aware of this and they don't see this as people just trying to get him buffed for no reason, this is an actual issue where is power does not work

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I 100% agree. My frustrations when playing this killer stem from not being able to use the power upclose. Not being able to do this means it's hard to apply the infection, and that leaves me feeling weak.

    Also his power on open maps like father's campbell chapel is really frustrating because it's very hard to hit survivors and then when you do you just end up throwing them out in the open. This would be reduced if it was easier to hit survivors and then it would be further reduced by using the chalice and lion medallion add-ons.

    So yeah... just increasing his hitbox a little bit would mean a lot.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I like it. The infection is definitely a threat it just needs to be easier to apply.

    It's really fun to slam and throw survivors, i just wish it happened more often.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Also wesker has another big issue... sometimes the bound gets completely rejected. You bound at them, they get infected but immediately released. This is really frustrating and affects his strength considerably. No other killer has this kind of issue either.

  • Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2022

    That ive experienced with, mostly its with slamming survivors into not a full wall so like a window or a half wall or something, ill do the throw animation and nothing will happen. That is more of a bug that im sure will be fixed, I am more concerned with the hitboxes because although this bug does hurt him, the hitbox can be adjusted just by tweaking some numbers and is a relative easy fix to implement overall. So in short im sure this will be fixed but im worried the hitboxes won't be fixed since they're not a bug and technically they're working as intended but obviously not a good choice balance wise. I have a feeling this killer is going to be a balancing nightmare with some claiming he's OP and others he's incredibly weak.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i'd like to also point out that pallet vaults while bounding are still very clunky and often don't work, and there are still a lot of visual issues with clipping. i've noticed that sometimes the second bound won't activate (although this is temporary unlike the ptb bug) and that hits don't register despite the survivor being slammed or thrown into a wall as well.

    wesker is a lot of fun but unfortunately still feels pretty janky. with the state nemesis is in a year after the first RE chapter, i'm worried none of this is gonna be addressed.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I noticed that you can't vault pallets that have been recently dropped. So for example if you bound at a survivor who just dropped a pallet in time, you'll just slide on that side of the pallet or you'll be stunned. Feels pretty bad.

  • Member Posts: 59

    Nah man it's not because you suck his hitbox is actually a joke atm I don't know how behavior thought this hitbox is the suitable one because there is just so many times you literally hit them with your shoulders and then slide off its even smaller than demo's hitbox which doesn't make sense at all they definitely need to increase the hitbox a bit so you can actually use your power it's so easy to dodge it as survivor right now because even if he hits you a lot of times doesn't count and even as survivor you understand it should have been a hit

  • Member Posts: 589

    Yeah, that's just a joke. He still bumps into every pixel possible, but now he also can't grab a survivor if they are standing just a little aside.

    I thought I'd have more fun playing him, but I'm only experiencing frustration as I just fly past survivor who is standing right in front of me in a straight line or how I get stuck in a collision instead of vaulting pallet/window, etc.

    I guess I'll just get him to P3 for perks and put into the "never play again" killer list.

  • Member Posts: 565

    Exactly, i noticed this aswell, you can touch the survivor and still miss, i hope they increase the Survivor detection a bit.

  • Member Posts: 565

    Now just a slight mismatch from lag or your angle or position can cause you to miss. Also you can not hit around any obstacle or corner, since the width is to small for that.

    On the ptb version you just had to get used to his bigger hitbox, for me it worked quite well.

    Why not let the collision detection stay the way it is right now, but increase the survivor detection to 30cm for example ?

  • Member Posts: 18

    30 or maybe even 25, it just needs to be made bit bigger and then Wesker is perfect

  • Member Posts: 106

    yeah i agree they should up it to 25 and see how that feels first. if it's not enough try 30. i'm sure there's a sweet spot in there somewhere where it feels fair to get hit but can still somewhat be dodged. it's fun dodging his leaps but i don't think i should escape being grabbed point blank lol

  • Member Posts: 357

    I know what you are saying. Today I used him and sometimes I would hit a survivor (colliding with them altered my trajectory slightly, that's why I know) and simply slipped by.

  • Member Posts: 232

    No, it absolutely needs to be 30 minimum. Currently, it's almost impossible to hit against survivors who dodge. It doesn't need a slight increase, it needs quite a bit. They should try it at 30, and even consider trying moving it to 35, along with a few other buffs to his charge times.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Although I REALLY want him to be fixed, they need to be careful with how big they make it so its not like PTB where Wesker is part Jedi and force pulls people. 35 may be bit too big, I honestly like like max should be 30 I think but lets see what the devs have in mind come Tuesday if a balance change can be made before the 1st bug fix.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Whats sad is this isn't just once or twice within like 10 matches or so, this is the SAME match. It has happened more then these 2 clips too. But these are the very extreme and clear examples of him basically brushing past them

  • Member Posts: 232

    He wasn't a problem on the PTB. You could argue it was too big, but if things like Nurse and Blight can exist, then it shouldn't have been a problem. I understand why people think 40 is too big, but it definitely needs to be at least 30cm.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I can show you like 20 different clips of his grab literally grabbing people off scream. On PTB his grab was a problem simple and easy. Also the arguments of Nurse existing is a terrible argument because tbh I don't think she is healthy for the game in her current state. An example is one of Wesker's perks being nerfed because of starstruck nurse. If they made her blinks not basic attacks then I think that would make her fair but im not talking about the balance of the super top tier killers because Wesker isn't a top tier killer. Lets focus on trying to fix him and not make him broken in terms of being bad and OP.

  • Member Posts: 106

    I mean 30 is fine too lol, I don't object to them upping it that much. I have no idea how much a single unit affects his hitbox in practical situations.

    Why a buff to his charge times though? While playing against him his power feels pretty strong but you at least have a chance to react to it. Does he feel clunkier when you play him or something?

  • Member Posts: 547

    From all the clips I have seen, it seems when a survivor turns to the side, it makes him miss. Like their hitbox gets way smaller in profile or something.

  • Member Posts: 232

    The main problem is that at high mmr, his power is next to useless. Therefore, it should be smoother and available more often. In order to beat Wesker, you just put an object between the two of you. Even if you just run around a tree or a small rock, it's enough to render him powerless and reduce him to an m1 killer. High mmr survivors do not allow him to use his power, so he's extremely weak. Therefore, the hitbox increase and charge times are necessary to give him a fighting chance.

  • Member Posts: 232

    The point is that the game is survivor sided at its core, so having more top tier killers is a good thing. It should be a levelling up philosophy, not a levelling down one. His grab was not a problem at all - if people are caught in a direct line of Wesker and remain there long enough for him to actually hit them with his bound, they deserve to be punished for it. This is because a competent survivor has no excuse to ever allow Wesker to even have a chance to use his power. His power is countered so easily that in those few instances where he's allowed to use it, it should be easier to hit it, like on the PTB. This is why 30/35cm would be ideal, since it would stop the baby survivors who somehow let him use his power from crying as much, yet would allow him this bit of power he desperately needs.

  • Member Posts: 413

    Yeah gotta agree. I think between how it was in the PTB vs how it is now this is the lesser of the two evils but putting it right in the middle from how it was and is now would be the sweet spot imo.

  • Member Posts: 106

    They really need to put it back up to 40. I played him on ptb and he felt good not op but just like a good killer i would say maybe a bit like pinnhead in the way how good he is. But now you can only use the power if you are right behind a Survivor otherwise they will dodge it 100%. He got nerfed so bad its just sad.

  • Member Posts: 565

    They reduced it from 40cm for a reason, but it only needed a few cm imo and not -50% to 20cm. Should have tested it a bit more before they push it like this.

    I am beginning to think something like this could be a good ratio:

    Collision: 16cm

    Survivor: 32cm.

    Of course some testing would reveal the "sweet spot".

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