Gosh for the anti camping and tunneling patch.

Every wesker I've played against today has done exactly that. Sometimes fake leaving to just rush back. To say this is one of the most boring release days from a survivor experience would be underselling it. Which is sad because i looked forward to this patch. I hope everyone else has had more fun though.
No, you have to be wrong. Reassurance is great perk against campers, it has to be. Killer mains told me, they said "Reassurance is good perk,".
So how camping is still viable and strong.... I trusted killer mains on that :(
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You mean killers are still camping & tunneling despite the new BT and Reassurance? Well, color me surprised.
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You've been getting Wesker?
I've gotten 8 Legion's in a row.
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I've gotten 23 Wesker's in a row.
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My condolences.
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Well, I'd like to take some of those. Maybe not all of them.
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The only break from Wesker I've had today has been Artist and to say I'd prefer a Blight or Nurse at some point is an understatement
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Are people still playing Legion after Thana gutted, wow.
Spirit 4 Bubba 1 Wesker 8 Billy 1 Nurse 2 for me today.
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Every one I've played against has proxy camped, got 4 gens done, just to get camped at the end and died at first hook. No one is using reassurance yet lol
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Legion is so miserable to play against that I've stopped playing him simply because I'd get more DC's than Kills.
Eating a penalty is better for those people than playing against Legion and I feel it.
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Damn, my experience hasn't been even remotely the same. I did go against one tunneling Wesker, and even there, the basekit BT did help already, but otherwise, my survivor matches have been great.
The anti-tunneling buff surely isn't the final solution to the problem. But it sure as hell is a great first step to help survivors with tunneling. I am beyond happy about the change, and have been enjoying survivor a lot today.
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Right you sound very believable as a survivor.
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I wish I had the energy to play 23 matches in a row. The most I can do is 3 or 4 and then I'd rather go watch anime.
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Rip in peace
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I'm the first to ask for solo Q buffs and QoL improvements constantly but honestly you're forced to tunnel against good teams, play some killer games and try to play nicely for 12 hooks it only works on bad survivors, you can't blame players for a game design problem
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Sry had to try my boi hunk
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Hunk needs to get in the trunk
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My condolensces
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Rest In Peace, In Peace?
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I was fortunate enough to get a Nurse! She was AFK in a corner with only Insidious and Lightborn but she was there...
Handy Adept Ada for me though!
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You heard me
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Not again
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Because they don't reward the killer enough for leaving the hook.
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I never needed Thana to do well as Legion. Plus that new Hunk skin is fire.
Not to mention the Chase Music slaps hard even after all these months.
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You called?
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Doesn't that happen in every new killer release? Also there still isn't an incentive to not tunnel. Camping besides endgame, I think isn't really smart unless the hooked person is literally about to die.
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As someone whos already played a fair bit, its usually because we see one of your rescuers and chase them. Because of the dash we often catch up to them before they reach you though.
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I am not seeing so much Legions anymore and i am happy with that. But instead of Legion, i have a lot Nurse and Spirit, playing against them is not fun either.
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Wesker is an M1 Killer. Why wouldn't he tunnel and camp? He can't do much else
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If you proceed to use 2 reassurance on the same guy and that camp still wins the killer the game you did something wrong.
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I wanted to see how the perk played out. I want it to succeed. But you have to remember, it's a DLC perk, and not everyone saved up 1.8 mil bp like I did to get the perks on the first day, so a lot of people probably don't have the perk or are using the level 1 version of it, so it's not seeing much effect let alone much use.
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It's almost like they don't have any confidence that they can win without doing those things.
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You can't play a killer you like because people keep DCing against them? That's horrible. He's not even like Nurse level.
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Well his power is useless at most loops, and the hitbox for it is very small, so not surprised they're camping and tunneling. Being an M1 killer against good survivors is Hell without those tactics.
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I wouldn't expect much reassurance use. It is not a very good solution to camping.
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I have gotten 0...and 0 of every other Killer for about 2 weeks.....been taking a break couldn't stand how my "teammates" were as Survivor and got so random Survivors as Killer I got baby squads to SWF hit Squads ... I needed a break.
So I get my mental abuse from Rainbow Six Siege now lmao
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Reassurance won't help. I had a game last night where the first survivor got tunneled out early, and I still got hard face camped when I got downed next. Even through one reassurance.
All reassurance does in that situation is guarantee that someone is not on gens and instead traveling to hook. Maybe before the nerf it would've been useful, since one survivor could activate multiple times, but now it's useless.
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Lol, that's cute. Yeah but the real truth is people take the path of least resistance.
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As an anecdote Yerv posted a video last night highlighting how he’s having decent results against face camping with Reassurance in solo survivor queue since it gives extra time for either the gens to get done or the killer to get enough out of position to mount a rescue. 30 seconds is not a small amount of time in this game, it’s the equivalent of an extra chase.
It’s not a silver bullet and killers inclined to facecamp will do so regardless of whether or not it’s actually strategically a good idea. But Reassurance does punish it.
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all I’m having is wesker and they all play the same way, camping and tunnelling through BT it’s laughable also his hit box is like a huntress I’m being grabbed around corners it’s starting to become borderline anoying.
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Strange because his hitbox is actually beneficial to Survivors right now
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Yeah, it's a good perk. People on this forum act like Karens when they stub a toe and screech about how their leg is broken and they're going to sue that gosh darn rock. Except about everything, all the time. It's honestly exhausting.
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Before nerfing camping and tunneling once and for all you should incentive the Fair gameplay instead of punishing and nerfing killers for apply the only viable strategies...
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I don't get it, I don't get it. We push killers to playing the most efficient, which means camping and tunneling, because we call them baby killers when they get a bad result, but then we also give them flak for playing like that. You could argue that killers aren't really learning killer or improving by camping or tunneling, but then again, there's no room/time for them to grow because they lose over and over when they don't camp and tunnel.
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The reason why you feel like you are getting camped by wesker is most of the weskers you are facing are very new, are immediately frustrated by his buggy power, and realize that they have 2 hooks with 1 gen left. So they camp, it's only logical
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I had a game with two survivors with Reassurance. While I died slowly, both decided to stay on the other side of the map on the same gen. Very effective usage of that perk on their part obviously.
They equipped it though so I have seen it on someone other than me.
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Camping will always be a viable strategy.
The trick is to not make it the most viable strategy, and Reassurance is a decent start.
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It's funny because in none of those instances Reassurance did much of anything.
In game 1 he didn't get to use it until the endgame, where it had no impact whatsoever. One time he just unhooked instantly after activating it, the other time he activated it while being the last person in the trial along with the hooked survivor, Wesker just made the mistake of trying to hit him when he could have simply waited. Reassurance will usually not be useful in endgames, the only real case where it can be at that point is if your fellow survivors need more time to heal or get to the hook. Although finding NOED or waiting out abilities like Blood Fury or Corrupt Purge (or No Way Out) can also be relevant, but then again, getting to within 6m of the hook while that's happening should usually be riskier than the alternative.
Game 2 he could have simply unhooked instead of using Reassurance in the first instance, the killer wasn't there. Unhooking is the better play almost every time the killer isn't hard-camping, as that way you have 4 survivors back in the trial rather than being at 3. The next time he used it it was again just for fun, he unhooked immediately after.
Game 3 where he activated it from above the hooked survivor was arguably not necessary either. The killer was not camping, he could have taken a shorter path downstairs and still gotten the unhook before struggle. The next time he uses it he does so instead of trading for the unhook, such that... his teammate can trade 20 seconds later, with both not having been able to do anything else in that time and having spent an extra health state on that entire ordeal.
Reassurance is not a bad perk, and it can be useful against camping situationally (and the more coordinated the team is, the more reliable and impactful it will be, i. e. a 4-SWF on voice comms stacking 4 Reassurances will definitely be able to combat camping very effectively with it), but it's just nowhere near the camping destroyer it was prior to the nerf, and that's especially true for solo queue where the lack of coordination (on builds and plays) will make its already situational impact even less reliable/less effective, since you've got other survivors that still run/sit/die around the hook not knowing you're gonna use Reassurance, and you yourself are obviously spending time using it to begin with, which quite often can even be more than 30 seconds. Prior to the nerf, any survivor could single-handedly make it basically impossible for a killer to win if they simply kept camping. And many people (myself included) don't see what's bad about a perk that very effectively combats that.
IMO they should make it so that it can be activated up to twice per player per hook stage, although only up to a maximum of three times total (so if survivor A uses Reassurance twice on a stage, survivor B can only use theirs one time on that stage anymore). That way it can still be more reliably impactful in the hand of only one survivor and in the context of an uncoordinated group, while not being a silver bullet either. I mean, ideally we'd get a silver bullet, although not in the form of a perk, and not without compensatory killer buffs to make up for the global nerf to camping.
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In the roughly 3 hours I played last night, I had pretty much Wesker the entire time interrupted only by a Huntress.
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I've played against 6 Weskers so far (had a surprising amount of other killers) and none have tunnelled or camped. A couple proxy camped but they were always on basement hooks, and with new basekit BT it's not an issue getting out (i dont see an issue with proxy camping anyway but i know it gets grouped into the Camping umbrella by alot of people). All got 3/4k. Maybe it's an MMR or regional thing? I know 6 isn't a massive sample size but people seem to be doing okay with him in my games without resorting to safe tactics.