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The Ragequitting/DCing is Out of Control

Member Posts: 1,979

This is ridiculous. I just had four games in a row with players DCing and giving up on hook. All players with paid RE cosmetics from today. In all four games the killer didn’t even camp or tunnel. These players just “gave up” because they were either found first or just downed. This really baffles me as to why you would spend $18 bucks on skins then not even play the game properly. It’s so frustrating that so many players are like this, ruining the game. How are you supposed to get better if you don’t even try?

‘At this point, I’m all for making disconnects having harsher penalties/longer timeouts. And maybe players who let themselves go on hook an egregious amount of times (especially consecutively) can get a different type of penalty. Idk, I’m just over it. I want to keep playing but this ######### is deflating. Even going into this update KNOWING there will be a lot of DC’ing, still couldn’t prepare me for this. This is just a blatant buzzkill- more than usual.

‘Anyone else tired of this b.s? To the point where you just turn the game off and play something else, and hope when you return most of the quitters will be off?

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  • Member Posts: 732


  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I actually haven't seen much of it today - I think everyone wants to try playing against Wesker. But in general, I agree, it's nuts, and it makes the game miserable on both sides. Either you play with a SWF or you accept that your teammates and opponents will dip at the slightest inconvenience.

  • Member Posts: 202

    I haven't, yet. But playing against Wesker is so incredibly unfun that I'm losing my ability to care. As I said, for now I'll just not play the game and hope he becomes obscure enough not to ruin DBD for me, but since he's tying nurse for strongest killer I sadly doubt it.

  • Member Posts: 123

    why is it that you guys haven't figured this out yet but they don't care that they ruin the fun of 3 other survivors, they never have and never will thats the whole point of the dc. just give up man you ain't gonna convince them your just talking to a brick wall so you might as well just ignore them.

  • Member Posts: 187

    Dude, I just had my first match. Within about 30 seconds I see a teammate being carried (mind you, I forgot to watch anybody play PTB to get a feel for Wesker in advance and can't play PTB since the computer bit the big one). So I was like, huh, ok, adjustment period. Whatever. Player is hooked, then immediately I see another person down. Then just as one gets pulled, another down as I'm running to get hook #2. It was just a carousel of downs after that. I got 75% of 1 gen done when we were down to 2 people. All of this in a span of about 3 minutes. And I got screwed over because it was my first time on the RPD map and got disoriented due to the rework (I was an RE2 Remake player who already knew the map before the DBD release).

    I feel like today is going to be a struggle......

  • Member Posts: 732

    I had 5 games last night where the killer dc'd with 1 gen left.

  • Member Posts: 187

    I am very much going to be playing on auto-pilot and trying to make the best of that 100% BP bonus with 0 expectation to actually succeed at a good game, lol.

  • Member Posts: 413

    This isn't exactly a reply to my message but yeah killers should get punished the same as survivors, or possibly slightly greater since they have the power to insta end the match. Idk why you replied to me you didn't like... say anything relating directly to what I said. This is kind of a same topic comment that you should have just posted. What did you mean by replying to me with that?

  • Member Posts: 2,167

    Wait, what happened in 2000? Did people not know how to quit out of Quake when it wasn't going their way :)?

  • Member Posts: 319
    edited August 2022

    I know when my solo team is garbage. When the ratio of hooks to gens is high and I see my teammates all wandering around while I’m on the hook… ######### do you think is going to happen? Game is lost. And when I’m downed inside of a minute because of an OP killer like Blight or Nurse using Lethal Pursuer… Blame the devs for allowing OP killers, horrid matchmaking and no improvements to solo play so that soloing feels hopeless way too often.

  • Member Posts: 123

    we can go farther then that if you count kids unplugging a magnavox odyssey because there upset. i believe that puts us around 1972 now but hey lets try to take this farther back if we can.

  • Member Posts: 3,081
    edited August 2022

    Because they are babies.

    If they find the game unplayable, they shouldn't play it.

    The balance in solo isn't great for sure, but it isn't a free pass to bail on matches. They're not punishing BHVR by bailing, they're punishing other solo players. It needs to stop.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    What's with the weird apostraphes at the start of your paragraphs?

  • Member Posts: 435

    Couldn't have said it better myself lol, can't believe they'd release another S Tier killer with the state of solo queue and survivor in general at the minute after all the buffs they got. Might as well make the Bloodpoints bonus for survivor permanently +100% then again it already will be ;-;

  • Member Posts: 178

    Honestly the only DCs today I had were against a Legion like 1hour after patch and against a camping trapper. All justified IMO, as someone who mainly plays killers I still wouldn't want to play against a Legion on a patch day.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    It seems counterintuitive to tell survivors they shouldn’t play the game. Are you personally going to queue into solo, exclusively, to make up even an iota of the difference?

  • Member Posts: 322

    And at the same time, i got grabbed 1 meter away. Big ooof with such things again...


    Since they dont adress the core problems and unfun stuff, people will kill themself on hook. At the end, its a game mechanic. And personally, if i get selfish teammates and a killer who tunnels/camps, i rather die quickly.

    Also killer queues will be long again.

  • Member Posts: 1,979


    Oh this is more so to see if y’all are frustrated as well and if anyone has any ideas to minimize/deter egregious quitting. People will always quit, but now it’s a bit too much.

    I feel your pain.

    I absolutely LOVE this idea. @Peanits make it happen, Captain. 🙃 All kidding aside, the community needs the devs to look at the DC’ing epidemic. It’s REALLY bad. Hopefully you guys are able to track it and the amount of players who force themselves into the struggle state then let themselves go. I believe those stats would tell you a lot about the current state of the game. When the DC penalty was first introduced, it was a good deterrent and curtailed the ragequitting for a long time. Now in 2022, it’s not as effective any more.

    Then why do you keep playing and ruining it for others when it happens “way too often?” Why do you keep coming back? The players who stay get frustrated as well. You’re just making it worse for them when you force your way out. (Not trying to be mean btw, genuinely asking/concerned). We all are supposed to be a team an endure the headache together. Someone just might make it out that game, or get a little better at the game. That someone could be you. But when you quit like that, you’re definitely not going to improve- and your team has a much smaller chance of surviving.

    I don’t know- I’m using an iPad and they just pop up. If I delete them and type, they just reappear. 😕

  • Member Posts: 763

    Look at the terms you yourself are using. "Hopeless." "Not fun." "Take my medicine." "Play something else." I don't know what happened in your life that drilled the idea into you that you have to suffer like this, particularly in a game, but I'm pretty sure it's something a few years of therapy can work through. To everyone else, if things are that bad in one match of a video game, they leave the match.

    And if you're noticing it this much across multiple trials, there's a reason. As others have already said:

    Solo queue is garbage made worse by repetitive uninspired maps and the occasional stupidly overpowered or pointlessly annoying killer. Get in, grab some BPs, get out, go into the next trial. Live for the rare decent trial, but suffer no ######### ones.

    Will never happen. There's no technical way for BHVR to tell the difference between an intentional DC and one for any other reason. It's especially difficult since they don't even run their own servers, and have to use an Amazon client portal. The last thing they want is to segregate players from the main player base to cause a further imbalance. Hence the bonus BPs for whichever side has the lowest population. BHVR needs to sell cosmetics to the largest possible audience. If not everyone can see them, fewer will buy.

  • Member Posts: 193

    Nobody wants to play on the 8921301320th indoor map of the day, especially with rpd chances shadow increased and from my experience ever since the patch, midwich as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,384
    edited August 2022

    I always wonder what people who are so infuriated by DCs/suiciding on hook say to a person who plays poker, looks at their finak cards and goes "fold". Tell them to bluff their way through it cause it might work? - Granted, not a perfect example but the point is, a survivor doesn't know which killer they will get and in what configuration. If they realise very early on they got one they wouldn't have queued up against if they had known and rather get a five min time out than spend five minutes or more in misery that is fair. Neither do I blame a killer who isn't up for boon-wiggle-sabo-squads, a genrush squad or the likes. Some people view these builds of the other side as a challenge and some roll their eyes and rather spend their next five minutes not annoyed.

    Which still leaves plenty occasions where I simply don't understand why players (either side) dc/give up but increasing penalties is not the solution. (If anything it Leads to People running straight at the killer to get out asap one way or the other.)

  • Member Posts: 10,114

    They keep getting rewarded for this behavior.

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    So the players who are being good sports and have consideration for others are the ones who need therapy, and not the players who quit every time something doesn’t go their way or when faced with adversary?? 🤔 Riiiiiiigggghhhhtttt….

    I don’t get the condescending smart Alec response- we are all being civil here. If you can’t get your point across without being insulting, then move on. Not in the mood for the negativity this early in the morning.

  • Member Posts: 7

    DCs have always been a thing. Like someone said there's a reason for it if it's this bad. Maybe all the universal buffs to one side and pointless perk nerfing on the other side threw the game into a really bad state? People DCs for a number of reasons, they have to go, bad internet, pet peeve but maybe another reason isn't so much about losing but feeling like there's no chance.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    Taking your ball and going home because you're losing mind game. That could be as far back as any game using a ball/other necessary equipment is required.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    From my limited experience with call of duty and overwatch, usually the teams are larger and the objective isn't elimination. Mostly. So when someone rage quits, the effect isn't so noticeable. Plus alot of times another player will replace them mid match.

    In this game where it's 3 strikes you are out, there really can't be someone to take a dcers place.

    Im pretty sure that's why people rage at rage quitters so much in this game.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Eh, I wouldn't be surprised if they were kicked out, BHVR servers are always garbage when a new update drops

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Well it's either do gens for 450 seconds plus travel time, or end the game in 2 minutes for everyone

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    Frequent giving-up-on-hook is a side effect of instant survivor queue times

  • Member Posts: 3,477

    Bot system in the future could get a non loser bot survivor or killer to replace the loser who left.

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