On Behalf of Everybody, Please Never Make These Achievements Again

Astrian Member Posts: 320
edited August 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

It was a fun little experiment, "Hey look guys we remade the map nobody liked, please play on it"

This is not fun, this is not enjoyable. This is just a pure grind.

You do not have to include 6-7 achievements with every DLC update. If you don't have any good ones then please, I speak for everybody who actually likes getting these, do not put any in.

These types of achievements are not fun, they don't challenge players in any way, they are boring, they are grindy. Let's nip this in the bud right here and make this the last of these types of achievements, because I speak for everybody when I say that they are unwanted.


  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Then don’t do them.

  • theTARNavsky
    theTARNavsky Member Posts: 152

    Since the escape rates in theory should be less than 50% and there are 4 survivors, the chances of getting a single achievement action are pretty slim. Solo Q. Let's pretend it's like 25% at max. That means, to get the full achievement you have to play at least 80 matches on the RPD map.

    I get grindy challenges, but this one is a joke.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,059

    You also have to personally open the gates - no hatch, and even in a 4E, only two survivors can potentially get progress.

    It's not too bad while RPD has boosted pick rates, but with the map's old rates? This is Taking One For The Team tier, if not worse.

  • WorthlessBeing
    WorthlessBeing Member Posts: 378
    edited August 2022

    Honestly it's not too bad compared to like, Left for Dead (As the last person still alive, activate the last generator and escape through the exit gates.) and Item of Obsession (In a public match, as the killer's obsession, escape as the last survivor without getting hit.)

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Atleast Left for Dead was one that you could get done in one match. Sure it was heavily luck based, but you could make a build around it and escape with ease.

    Same goes for Item of Obsession, except you need a bit less luck for that.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    That achievement was easy at one point though. It became nearly impossible because of the many updates the game has had over the years.

    This though... someone came up with this achievement and it got green lit all the way to production. Left for Dead gets a pass, we're 6+ years into development of this game, this achievement is unacceptable

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,059

    The issue with Left For Dead is that it doesn't fit modern DBD's game flow. You're not meant to complete generators as the last survivor, and if you try, hatch closure can stop you - if not, actually popping the gen tells the killer where you are, which makes escaping out the gates much trickier. It's also fairly rare to even get the circumstances where the achievement is possible. Took me 2500 hours to get that one, and like most people, it was with a killer that more or less let me escape.

    Item of Obsession is pretty stupid and encourages terrible gameplay, but AFK or memeing killers are frequent enough where it's not an impossibility to get it without trying.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,290

    Oh god I didn't even see this one.

    Escaping is one thing - Specifically being the one to open the exit gates? Yeah okay sure - Doing it more than 5 times turns it into an unnecessary achievement grind.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Left for Dead certainly is harder after the hatch rework, but after I set up a build for it I got it within a day. Requires a lot of luck but still better than this RPD achievement imo.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320
    edited October 2022

    I made this discussion on August 31st 2022 complaining about how stupid and tedious this achievement was.

    Today is October 9th 2022, and I finally have the achievement.

    After over a month of farming, begging and RNG praying that I get the map, I finally have the achievement and 100% again


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,200

    I really hope they reduce the numbers on this one, but they won't.

  • Maxi605
    Maxi605 Member Posts: 145

    Didn't even know this was an achievement, god this is going to be unfun to get...

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    I legit burned through every RPD offering I had saved up and resorted to begging for people pre-game lobby to bring one.

    At best after 20 tries you get an achievement.

    At worst, well... Welcome to the grind.