EAC on Steam Deck / Proton / Linux



  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    Just a click of a button away, BHVR. What would you have to lose by increasing the amount of players who can play your game?

  • Jynxy
    Jynxy Member Posts: 1

    I would love it if the devs implemented Linux support, it’s taking so long

  • benmpl
    benmpl Member Posts: 2

    This game is the last reason why I keep a windows install, all my other games I can play either natively or with Proton :/

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    any news? after last update, dbd doesn't start, no EAC logo. proton experimental, GE.

  • Dragone2
    Dragone2 Member Posts: 5

    I can confirm that after last update released today, the game doesn't start anymore.

    But instead of Pyc, I get the EAC logo and then the game closes itself, the unreal crash report window showed for a bit lol.

    I'm waiting for DbD on Linux since long time. I hope to have it by the end of this year. :)

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    ...but PapaMikey said about 45 chapter w/ proton support

  • Dragone2
    Dragone2 Member Posts: 5

    and who is him? He isn't in the BHVR team, so he doesn't know nothing like us lol. Why would you trust a random person who says a date?

  • ScoobyDoo
    ScoobyDoo Member Posts: 20

    I'm fairly certain that Chapter 45: Fortnite is merely a joke.

  • Gustash
    Gustash Member Posts: 19

    Don’t expect this patch to work either. I checked the wine64 binary for EAC and it still doesn’t exist, so it still hasn’t been enabled server side.

    I get the exact same result as last patch. Loads all the way to the first loading screen, then crashes when Initializing EAC.

  • foss
    foss Member Posts: 2

    God I hope so. I sent them an email directly linking them this thread. I doubt it will do anything but it's better than nothing.

  • +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1

  • Finnick519
    Finnick519 Member Posts: 6

    It's been 10 months since you confirmed proton support was coming (see this article). How have you still not done this yet?

  • HatsuneCthulhu
    HatsuneCthulhu Member Posts: 12

    I wish Valve would name and shame Devs not supporting steamdeck, maybe the public embarrassment would light a fire under their ass.

  • HatsuneCthulhu
    HatsuneCthulhu Member Posts: 12

    DBD should be banished to the Epic graveyard.

  • Gustash
    Gustash Member Posts: 19

    Don’t worry, considering the latest stats for how many more Steam Decks are out there compared to last month, gamers will do that themselves. In about 6 months time, if you don’t support Deck, you’ll be mostly a pariah

  • MarcMil
    MarcMil Member Posts: 11

    Ok guys, I can't play DBD anymore. I've installed a VM with GPU passthrough for DBD, and since the latest update it says "Cannot run under Virtual Machine". Welp, too bad, it had worked for years.

    Guess I'll have to wait until it's supported under Linux. Gotta play some different games for the next time. Too bad I already paid the 12 € for the new DLC and cannot even play it.

  • nikodemo
    nikodemo Member Posts: 779

    really sorry to hear that. yeah, enough is enough. they had plenty of time. VHS is right there.

  • PapaMikey
    PapaMikey Member Posts: 35

    bruh that sucks :| hopefully soon. I'm hoping for the same with r6 siege. Ubisoft is already adding for honor, probably cause it's dying, but that's besides the point. If you guys want to post here that would be awesome! https://discussions.ubisoft.com/topic/111054/linux-support-for-r6s?lang=en-US

  • PapaMikey
    PapaMikey Member Posts: 35


    this is probably one of you, but im just gonna post it here so yall can gaze at it while you wait

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    no tux no bux

    make few click so hard?

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    after today bugfix i new error:

    "in order to access this content, a network connection is requried. Provider ID: Press here to display your Provider ID"

  • Stephen304
    Stephen304 Member Posts: 27

    Can confirm, after launching it repeatedly maybe 20-50 times I managed to get to the menu too, though I spent too long trying to line up my phone to snap a pic to get anywhere besides the main menu before it exited.

    Nowadays and despite the most recent update, I still just get crashed out at the loading screen, no failed to initialize EAC like it used to do

  • Vage
    Vage Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2022

    IMHO, the fact is: enabling Steam Deck and Linux support aren't a priority for them.

    That's because this will not bring new sales. Who owns a Steam Deck is (most of the time) someone that already own the game on Steam, probably with all the DLC and stuff. The Nintendo Switch is a proprietary solution and bringing the game there, for example, equal to new sales.

    This doesn't mean that it will not be enabled in future, but is not a priority actually for the devs.

    This is just my idea about it, I can also be wrong. I also hope that It will be implemented soon, but i don't think so.

    I don't play anymore, but my gf did, and this game Is the only reason stopping me from removing Windows and install Linux actually.


  • Alphonse
    Alphonse Member Posts: 146


  • Really? I was halfway considering doing that. Damn.

    Anyways, you can play it on Stadia, which has cross-progression with Steam. I have 153/202 achievements on Stadia now, and counting... but it sure would be nice to be able to play the Steam version.

    There's also GeForce Now, but the input lag is atrocious compared to Stadia (just for DBD; not necessarily for every game).

    Probably because they had a meeting, and whoever's in charge laughed at the idea that Linux desktop support was important and then decided that DBD wouldn't be enabled for Proton at all until they had it working with various drivers for Steam Deck and then got the official Steam Deck seal of approval from Valve.

    Yeah, I deleted my Windows partition a year ago when Proton support was announced. Still waiting.

    It's weird that the only game I really play is the only one that's holding out so hard against supporting Linux. Literally every other game works flawlessly.

    Ah, well. Windows is finally dead.

    Proton is both a blessing and a curse.

    Yes, it's taken the Linux gaming scene mainstream in a way nobody would have believed possible even a decade ago, but native builds are still preferable. They perform better. I get better performance on a lot of games on Linux even with Proton, but my computer can run games it really shouldn't even be able to run when they're native binaries.

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    of course, native builds better than emulator, but we talk about steam games. all "native" builds = it's win build under emulator (dx to gl translator, etc). i doesn't see difference in performance in native game build or emulator. proton is easy way to support linux, instead building some native version

  • Gustash
    Gustash Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2022

    Wine Is Not an Emulator :)

    Games running on Proton are native Linux games. You can think of proton as a Linux implementation of the Windows SDK (Wine) and DirectX SDK implementation (dxvk, vkd3d).

    This is why the Linux community has mostly embraced Proton, because it’s essentially an open-source implementation of closed-source SDKs

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    Wine Is Not an Emulator... but not native :) via wine/proton u run win build. proton cant get performance as in win, but can get some bugs

  • Gustash
    Gustash Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2022

    It’s native in the sense that it’s running through native binaries. It’s obviously not a native build, but both have pros and cons (like the DirectX SDK being genuinely easier and more robust for developers). Wine and DXVK are getting better every day and if we can get feature parity on the DirectX sdk implementation, it’s a really nice target SDK :)

    EDIT: Wine IS native, that’s why it’s not an emulator. It not being a 100% accurate/complete implementation of the Windows API is a separate issue, but it is a fully native binary

  • Stephen304
    Stephen304 Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2022

    Bhvr this coulda been you but u playin

    (The Steam/PC version of P5 here is played on a Steam Deck in case it's hard to see)

    Post edited by Stephen304 on
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    Just bumping this again because VHS works perfectly on my Pop_OS image. Hellbent is a fraction of the size of BHVR. Not sure why BHVR is so hesitant on Proton compatibility

  • ScoobyDoo
    ScoobyDoo Member Posts: 20

    I am not sure how much truth there is to the "rumours" but apparently the reason for said hesitation is the fact that they haven't been updating EAC for quite some time, which is why it takes a while to "catch up" since updates are implemented gradually. In other words, you need the latest EAC version to support Linux.

    But again, that this is something that I read on the forums, and I have no clue whether it's actually true or not, so take this with a grain of salt.

  • davidlicurici
    davidlicurici Member Posts: 46

    Please BHVR....

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    AFAIK they wouldn't need to redistribute the game. The files for Proton support are already in the game's EAC folder. BHVR just hasn't enabled compatibility on the EAC developer page.

  • aprilghost_yt
    aprilghost_yt Member Posts: 36

    BHVR PLEASE. Provide Linux and steamdeck support! I've nothing else to add to the discussion, but I'm one more player who feels frustrated this hasn't been properly addressed!

  • mandysuxx
    mandysuxx Member Posts: 41

    Let’s be totally honest here. It’s not like they would update their anticheat to support linux when they can’t even update their anticheat to block blatant cheating from the game. Have you seen content creators lately? Everyone’s harassed by cheaters and I don’t even start with the IP leak problems.

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    we can't talk about steam deck, before bhvr can update eac and sdk for win

  • MarcMil
    MarcMil Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2022

    Note that in order to prevent actual cheating, EAC is just a band aid, not more. It's like putting steel bars on your door to prevent burglars from intruding your home, but leaving the windows untouched.

    EAC has no notion or idea what cheating means in DBDs context. Remember that EAC is used to "protect" all sort of games. The thing which EAC does is trying to prevent other applications to access DBDs process space and modifying variables. It probably also has some sort of integrity protection which tries to detect when the DBDs executables (or itself) are modified.

    However, it does not check whether some survivor's DBD client reports "Hey, I've hooked a survivor, although I am not even the killer". That has to be done by behavior on their servers.

    Theoretically, one does not even need to modify the DBD executables when one reverse engineers how the communication between the server and client works. With this method, nobody needs to crack EAC at all.

    Worst of all, EAC is guaranteed to be able to be circumvented. Since it only runs on your computer, over which you have the full control over, it is possible to patch all integrity checks (and all checks for that matter) of EAC completely out and do whatever you want. Of course this is not easy, but it is possible. From behaviors point of view, any player's computer should not be trusted - that's crucial! However, in the current state of the game, the server seems to simply believe everything the client tells them, which is really sad. Some things are easy for the server to check, e.g. the aforementioned "a survivor hooks a killer". Wallhacks in contrast, are essentially impossible to detect server-side, since all the player's positions has to be made known to all players at some point. But many flashy things we are seeing in DBD's cheating scene right now should not be possible if there are any checks in place (on the server!) at all.

    Checking on behaviors servers has the advantage that the servers are fully controlled by behavior. Anything the server prevents from being done cannot be done. Proper checking on the server is the key to prevent most of cheating - and it's the only way. Anything on the player's computer can be bypassed in some way - not on the server (unless the server itself gets hacked).

    So, updating EAC is nice, but will not help at all against this massive influx of cheating. Because for this to change, behavior has to work on this part of their code. EAC doesn't help at all with this.

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    of course, u right, but we talk about support linux. linux != more cheaters

  • mandysuxx
    mandysuxx Member Posts: 41

    Oh ######### so basically their servers don’t check at all if people catch packets and modify and send modified packets back? Oh damn that’s not great at all. No wonder stuff is going all over.

  • Dad_
    Dad_ Member Posts: 19

    That's not really the real problem.

    Put simply, Dead by Daylight was originally a peer-to-peer game. This means that in older versions of the game, one of the 5 players in a match (including the killer) hosted the game lobby from their computer. This saves money for the developer by offloading the cost of running servers to the players. The problem with peer-to-peer games is that the server host has the keys to the kingdom. If they are hacking, they can do whatever they want to the other players because they "own" the server.

    A few years ago, DBD was updated and now uses dedicated servers. There are various benefits to this, such as better average ping for players, more secure gameplay, etc.

    The REAL problem is that some core gameplay code is still using a peer-to-peer style of programming. If you YouTube "DBD hackers", you will see that many hackers can do things such as fly around the map, teleport through walls, damage players across the map, bring super powerful items, have multiple killer weapons, etc. Most, if not all, of those hacks are simply not possible if programmed correctly for dedicated servers. Search YouTube for CS:GO hackers. Notice how all CS:GO hacks are AIM/Wallhack related? There is not a CS:GO hack that lets you fly around the map in an official competitive game. Some hacks are hard to detect because they are purely client side (Aim hacking for example).

    EAC is basically a really poor bandaid to a fundamental code issue. I am sure the developers know how to fix these issues, but it likely just isn't a priority. They make more money adding features than maintaining older code.

    TL;DR A lot of DBD hacks should not be possible. EAC is a bandaid for old, broken code.

  • Ga12briel
    Ga12briel Member Posts: 2

    +1, Dead By Daylight for linux

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    day 1500 waiting for Linux support

  • yosoynacho
    yosoynacho Member Posts: 7

    i've quitted dbd because of this.

    So tired of using virtual machines to play lol

  • Dad_
    Dad_ Member Posts: 19

    Just got my 1 year anniversary badge on this forum account. I created this account the same month this thread was created.

  • Diobolic
    Diobolic Member Posts: 1

    +1 Haven't played in 8 months because of this. Please add this in.

  • Xenanthropy
    Xenanthropy Member Posts: 2

    Made an account just to complain about this. I unfortunately bought the game before checking for proton compatibility, and it's too late to refund now - please, add eac support for linux! It's such an easy thing to do (Yes I understand checking the box will lead to some issues on our end, but can't you let us figure that out for ourselves?) I will not be supporting any future games until this is resolved.

  • Monkeywrench
    Monkeywrench Member Posts: 1

    For the developer to NOT get it in gear to work on DBD to work on Linux is classified and known as Anti-consumer. It doesn't matter that the DEV says Linux users are a VERY small portion of users, WE are STILL consumers.