Wesker hitbox

The changes from the PTB are great so far. The only tweaks are some additional bug fixes to Wesker as well as making his hitbox for grabbing a survivor a bit wider. It went to 20cm I think this should be 25/30cm and then this killer is super fun.
I agree, the Survivor detection is a little to small, you can sometimes touch the survivor and still miss your attack.
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Exactly, it was defo too big on the ptb, but it made him so much more fun and useable. So I think an "in the middle" would be a good idea.
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Completely agree. 30cm would be fine for the survivor hitbox. If they need to increase the collision hit box to compensate 25cm would probably be acceptable for that. They always over do it with their changes but hopefully for once they'll work this one back to a nice middle ground.
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I think 25cm for collision would make him hit invisible geomeotry too often, no need to compensate for a bigger survivor detection, survivor should be a little bigger than collision.
And i don't think 25cm for Survivor detection would make a big enough difference, the issue is quite severe if you watch clips of wesker going right through survivors like in this :
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After playing Wesker and survivor for many games yesterday, watching steamers, and then reading all these forums before we talk about what kind some buffs Wesker needs(spray, add-ons, etc). THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY BUGS. Hitbox to grabbing the survivors 100% needs to increase for sure. So HOT FIX PATCHES WHEN?
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No I was suggesting 30cm for survivor hit box, 25cm for collision with objects. They're mentioned in patch notes somewhere to be separate but they're both set to 20cm at the moment. 30 would probably be fine because it was clear to me that 40 was WAY to much, and 20 feels just like just a tad too little. I actually disagree I think 25 would make the difference (if only barely) but I feel like 30 in necessary so funky ping doesn't get in the way of deserved grabs.
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The collision is fine at 20. I only suggested increasing it to have it be more inline with the increase I think the survivor hitbox should get, such that survivors hugging close around a corner could screw over the Wesker into hitting the wall. Personally I found the 20 to be fine for collision. Leaving it alone is also fine but decreasing it would make it way too forgiving. It used to be 45 in the PTB. Be happy with 20.
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Ah, sorry i misread your post, i dont think you need to compensate the collision hitbox. I suggested a decrease since you can sometimes still get stuck on sharp walls seemingly while not hitting them on some props with invisible geometry.
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In that case they should just have the geometry more tight to the models in the maps, I rarely hit stuff I didn't "deserve" to hit so reducing it feels like over kill. But yeah obviously 30cm is probably the perfect spot for survivor collision
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I agree with the part "they should just have the geometry more tight to the models in the maps".
And while we are at it, they should also put the survivor collider in line with their model while running (tilt the angle a little, so that it fits).
But both of these are more work than just increasing the ranges of his ability.
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After using him more, honestly I think 35cm might be fine. At 30 maybe I stop noticing super unfair misses but 35 might be a good call. But this does NEED to be addressed he's sometimes frustrating to use as a result of this bug. Wizzing right past or through survivors isn't ok.
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Normally I would also agree, but they are simply not going to change the geometry of every single map just for one killer. So the next best thing we can have is to have the hitboxes be improved. If they do this and fix the bugs this killer will easily be the most fun.
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I don't think a map geometry overhaul was practical either. Would be nice but I wasn't seriously suggesting it. But hopefully they improve map geo going forward with Wesker in mind.
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"Wesker is fine, you're just bad at him"
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Ikr? Clearly not a quite finished killer but to be fair to those types of people, compared to the PTB he is this close 👌 to being perfect I think. Just needs a few more tweaks. Maybe some of the wacky-er bugs won't really be considered "tweaks" but he feels pretty close to being perfect to me. Others are obviously reporting that he's SUPER buggy and finicky but the way I play him don't encounter issues so often that I'd be a surprised they haven't already rolled out a patch because he's THAT borked. They'll fix him soon I'm sure.
I hope.
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It happens often, like with pinhead's lunge bug. The killer is released, they are bugged then they do a bugfix patch a week later so the killer actually works.