Reassurance cannot be used in the basement, really?

I've seen this in a stream and now I just experienced it myself. I was spamming F inside the basement but stopped after I was already on the stairs. Maybe the vertical distance is bigger than 6 meters even if I stand right above the hook, who knows? And for the people who are not sure if the perk activates on different floors, yes it does. I did in The Game and RPD.
So, is the basement really that big, it this a bug or intended? Maybe I need to be dead center? This really weakens the perk and makes it a complete joke.
And just to add to the issue: DLC is expensive in my area, even more if people are on console (Each DLC costs almost the same as a brand new game). So I don't see many people playing Rebecca. And of course, the perk will never appear on the Shrine anytime soon (Maybe in 2/3 years, my guess)
I think Reassurance is an "okay" perk, but at the current state, its effect should have been added to Kinship all along and Reassurance would have another way to counter camping. At least Kinship is free, Reassurance is not, and that's why so many people are mad about it.
BHVR please do something. Increase the range so we can use it on the top of the basement. The least you could do.
ohhhh that's why they let me Rebecca let me die... I literally didn't know this
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It is meant to be a risk. Doing it through the floor is not a risk. Get closer.
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Duplicated comment. Since I can't delete I will just edit this
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Aka trash perk
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Well it is garbage perk, you should use better perks before BHVR nerf them as well.
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Well, the distance is still 6 meters. And the Killer still gets a very obvious notification that the Perk was used. Despite the Perk nerfed that much.
So, yeah...No Reassurance against camping Basement Killers allowed.
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You know you won't be able to use it when the exit gates are powered up very soon
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Being within range is being within range.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
6m mate. Otherwise how Bubba could camp you? He would be sad otherwise.
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Why it’s meant to be a risk? It’s meant to be a surv perk, no a killer perk.
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As someone that likes the perk, it is absolute bull that you can use it through the floors on RPD, The Game and Midwich.
Just like how its Circle of Healing being usable on different floors as well.
The perk is absolutely not trash.
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The other day I managed to sneak into the basement while the killer camped just outside. I used reassurance and instead of pulling them off the hook just waited for the killer to give up on camping and leave.
Felt like a good use.
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Wow, the killer gave up on camping in 30 seconds? I doubt it
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A lot of killer perks & abilities work through multi-floor levels too. Is that bull too?
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Yeah, they say that but still use scourge hooks, Jolt, aura reading perks, Eruption, etc
The double standard is actually funny
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A smart killer would stop camping once it is clear the time economy isn't there anymore.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Well they gave up after a minute, the extra time made sure they were still on first state when they gave up.