Dear BHVR, This Would Improve Wesker

Before (PTB to Live)
(Note: I cannot verify the accuracy of the numbers presented above or below, someone did manage to find the hitboxes and thus showcase how small they actually are.)
After (Live to Better Version)
(Note: Intangibility was meant to be "invulnerability"; he should be sliding off of smaller objects that aren't around waist height just to make him play better. Just so this hitbox doesn't get too out of hand, this hitbox does not apply when The Mastermind grabs a Survivor, and the environment collision takes precedent over the invulnerability.)
(Additional Note: If the size of the hitboxes still happen to be too small, they should be increased until they feel right for both sides to play.)
Additional Problems that Should be Addressed
(Bold are bugs, italics are gameplay issues.)
- The Mastermind currently has an issue going up or down slopes, primarily stairs. This does not happen with any other mobility Killer.
- The Mastermind currently has an issue where he cannot activate his power within a meter of an object or ledge. This causes him to feel very clunky, especially in very tight loops.
- The Mastermind's Virulent Bound chain bound duration is too short, leading to it not being used when the player wants to use it.
- The Mastermind's Virulent Bound collision to walls and solid objects is still too harsh on him and causes him to bump in unintended ways.
- The Mastermind's throw will sometimes not cause a Survivor to be hit to a wall despite the Survivor clearly being thrown at a wall.
- The Mastermind currently has an issue where grabbing a Survivor at a specific range to an object will cause that Survivor to bounce off and not be injured, despite becoming infected.
- The Mastermind currently has an issue where he will sometimes go through Survivors while using the Virulent Bound.
- The Mastermind currently has an issue where he can get stuck after grabbing a Survivor with Virulent Bound, especially when the Survivor throws a pallet down and that Survivor is on the same side as him.
How the Gameplay Issues Can be Addressed
- Quality of Life: The Mastermind no longer has a range restriction when attempting to activate Virulent Bound near objects, walls or ledges.
- Quality of Life: The Mastermind now slides against walls whenever he is facing at least a 50 degree angle away from them, in order to allow him to not bump onto certain collision so often.
- Buff: The Mastermind can now leap off of ledges similarly to every other mobility-based attack (Demogorgon's Shred, Victor's Pounce, Hillbilly's Chainsaw).
- Buff: The Mastermind's throw now causes an extra hitbox to appear on the head and shoulders of the Survivor to detect if they are colliding with a wall or solid object. This ensures the Survivor is guaranteed to be hit if they are thrown at an object.
- Buff: The window which the Mastermind can perform the additional bound is increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.
- Change: Egg (Gold) now increases the charge speed of Virulent Bound by 20%.
- Since the original version of Egg (Gold) becomes base kit, it needs a new effect. A great effect to give it is to have it address the part of The Mastermind's kit that isn't affected currently in a small way.
If you want to address Wesker fast so more people can have fun playing as or against him, then this should help you figure out his key issues and change them so that he can be so much better.
Good job, i agree, this all seems pretty fair.
About the relocation/chain bound duration i found that it also takes more time to relocate because of the 20cm Environment Collision, since you have to take the size into consideration aswell and basically always bound next to objects it takes more time to get the angle. Aswell as sometimes clipping invisible sharp geometry of objects with a bigger collider than the mesh itself. I dont see why wesker should clip like this in generall and would think values like these could be good starting points : Collision: 16cm, Survivor: 32cm.
Since there were so many reports about this, i am pretty sure they will do something about it.
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They also have to take into consideration, that this is an dedicated server based online game, you can't expect that lag, stuttering and mismatches aren't influencing hit detection. Something so small as the current version would work better if there weren't ping and such aka a peer to peer host or single player.
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I still think the best survivor collision detection is 36cm. Besides that I agree 100% of what you typed.
Hope they fix him quickly, it would be wonderful if everything stated here be implemented.
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Something needs to be done with his infection part of his power as well. His infection has little to no value, considering how often you will actually land the bound attack and the fact that the 6 cans have two usage which makes it 12 cans in total
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This is unreal. It's been 2 days. Buff this, nerf that, rework those...I would love to see the crying that would occur if the original Mega Man were released today.
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Are you blind or just trolling?? Did you play Wesker on PTB and after? The survivor collision detection at the moment it's atrociously weak and unfair! Even with a perfect aim you still don't get rewarded.
I'm curious why BHVR didn't fix it already, all the players that tried out Wesker have the same conclusion about the survivor collision detection being horrible and unfair. I saw people posting that on PTB was too much, but I didn't even see a clip or video proving that statement because I played on PTB and felt it was perfect.
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If we let go and forget about any other buffs he still needs his bugs fixed and an increase to his hitbox detection for survivors as the current hitbox is smaller than any other killer in the game that has the similar power. Any attempt from the survivors to dodge his power makes you to miss your bound even if you are precise
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How dare people have opinions and make suggestions.
Regarding the grab with immediate release and Survivor being infected without damage: Do you happen to know what happens if they are fully infected when this happens? Do they go down in that case or does it still just immediately release them?
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i would rather not get grabbed on the other side of a gen thank you very much, that was a problem on the ptb. the hitbox would be so large i would get grabbed even if he didn't touch me. 30 is fine
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This is something I think should be done with the chainsaw killers as well, as sometimes you bump on tiny objects (and bushes).
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"why are people giving feedback on a section of a website dedicated to giving feedback?"
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I honestly think even 35cm survivor hitbox would be best. At the moment it's not even close to playable.
I very much hope bhvr implement the parameters of this post. This is honestly the best post I have seen on how to buff Wesker. If they implemented all this, he would be in a brilliant spot instantly.
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If fully infected, you only carry them if you slam them into a wall, but if you throw them fully infected you'll only deal 1 health state of damage.
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Yeah, maybe it should insta down on wall splat too when they're fully infected.
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Very good, informative post. I support it.
Your proposed changes should be implemented together with reduction of cool-downs, which i propose here.
Then and only then Albert Wesker will be alright and "in a good spot".
One thing i am not sure about though, is making Egg add-on into base kit. I think his power is more about sensing distances of Bounds, than adjusting your position between them. Also, if you don't bound while in the window, you'll be stuck for a longer time in it (proposed 3 seconds), since you can not cancel your power without suffering a cool-down. I would leave that add-on as it is. As for reduced charge time, it just should have been shorter in the first place and be 1 second (like Demogorgon's Shred, Victor's Pounce).
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I personally like the idea of base kit egg.
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Another issue of his is vault detection, it often does not initiate a vault even at a direct hit on a window.
Pallets seem a little inconsistent as well, at first i thought its lag coupled with the drop timing but thats probably not it, its the same issue that happens at the windows.
A fix should be having all 3 colliders at different sizes, the small: collision, medium: vault, big: survivor.