BHVR just killed Hag.

Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566
edited September 2022 in General Discussions

This is a serious matter. Hag is basically powerless right now due to Reassurance preventing survivors from trading hooks early in the game, which is where Hag gets her pressure from, and the 10 sec BT, as it renders Hag useless for 10 seconds. Because the unhooked survivor has speed boost and endurance, they can trigger all of the traps in the area with no resistance from the killer.

When you combine that with off the record and COH, she's effectively useless in any lobby. Hag isn't a chase killer, and it's impossible to catch any survivor in a short period of time. The only advantage Hag has is she can be anywhere else as long as a survivor triggers her traps. But she can't pressure any survivors to do anything without triggering her traps first. She can't waste too much time chasing healthy survivors either.

