Outbreak Breakout is the kind of achievement I thought we'd left behind in the past

20 escapes on a single map is very grindy and prone to frustration. I'm even willing to leave behind the argument on whether or not the map is good, I would be just as mad if it were 20 escapes on Coal Tower. This is the kind of grindy achievement that was such a pain to complete back in yesteryear with things like Taking One For the Team and I don't like that it's back. We couldn't think of a single new achievement to try with the new perks on survivors? Not "Complete 10 gens from 0 to 100 in a single go" to encourage hyperfocus, not a "pause survivor's hook stages X times" for Reassurance, not even a "reveal the killer's aura 100 times" which would be flexible in how to complete it, nope, 20 escapes on a single map.
As someone that's strived to keep my 100% achievement record, I'm extremely disappointed with this one, and I'm very much not looking forward to feeling like I need to play the map...or ANY map, for that matter, that many times for this achievement.
I still yet to get Skilled Huntress and Hemophobia on Console just because the grind for them is too much. So close the platinum trophy, yet so far. But I do agree that challenges like that are dumb.
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Yeah, restricting it to one realm when there are several more to choose from in the map pool is ridiculous when you need 20 ticks of progress, especially when it's exit gate opening + escaping.
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I agree. It has been so stressful and such a chore. I think I have done it 7 or 8 times so far, and that's with spending every offering I have on different characters and the sort of boosted chance with the DLC release. Most times teammates either don't do well or the Killer tunnels strongly.
My best recommendation perks wise:
- Wake Up - Quentin Perk: find the exit gate as soon as you can and open quickly. Been the most helpful.
- Resilience - General Perk: open the gate faster and benefits the whole match unless you never get hurt),
- Adrenaline - Meg Perk: Get healed, dash quickly, and can counter if they want to leave you slugged and for last. Also if they close the hatch.
- 4th Perk Choices: Sole Survivor - Laurie Perk: gives you boosted gate opening speed at the cost of all your teammates being dead. Also ranged Aura protection. I found it not that useful in my successful gate opening attempts.
- Low Profile - Ada Perk: Allows you to run and hide as the last survivor for up to 1 and a half minutes (90 seconds). Good with Sole Survivor, and just as useful.
- Hope - General Perk: Also an endgame perk, and it gives you a permanent 5-7% speed boost. In my experience this has been much more helpful helping my team and getting to the exit gate. Of the ones I used as my fourth perk this has helped the most overall.
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I say this is all relevant to someone who wants to grind out Achievements right away.
Otherwise, this is something you dont even have to think about and will eventually have it.
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Eventually get it but when? In 500+ hours?
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I don't inherently disagree but I'm speaking from the perspective of someone that does enjoy focusing on the achievements. I know it's not really a perfect example, but in Bartle's Taxonomy of Players, I'm almost, not entirely, in the Achiever category. Dopamine hit from number going up good. Back when I first committed to getting all the achieves, for a long time I became what I hated, hook rushing and trying to get 3 protection hits a game to get that awful 250 Taking One For the Team. BT and all so I wasn't screwing over the unhooked, but even so I became a weaker link in the chain and didn't care one iota about dying. I'm not saying this was the best behavior, but I'm using it as an example to how much I will bend my playstyle to get an achievement.
This achievement requires me to get RPD, have the killer not DC (which frankly I don't blame them if they do), and have my teammates be somewhat good but not good enough to be on the doors before me, OR have the killer be slow enough at getting hooks that I can get 4 and a half gens done myself, which is what happened the currently only tick on that achievement I have so far. Oh, and I need to play on RPD at least 19 more times when I cannot get a mental map of that place. I've tried and just can't. It's bad achievement design. Inflated numbers are terrible, and they've acknowledged it in the past. Even in this release they did 10 times hitting a survivor with a survivor, and 50 times vaulting a window...neither of those are too hard to do if you're consciously working towards it, but requiring at a minimum 20 games to get something you're actively working on is awful.
A good achievement is one that requires you to do something noteworthy. Adepts, for all their problems, are good achievements. Even if killers' powers never count right on release and instadown killers are punished for using their powers. The "repair this gen and escape" are good achievements because it encourages doing the gen in the middle of the map and living, but you only have to do it once. Grind achievements are worse. Grind achievements that have prerequisites to even attempt are worse still, and grind achievements that have specifics that can invalidate a tick of progress at the last second (other survivors open the gates) are absolutely awful.
Post edited by LordRegal on3 -
That achievement is truly awful. I'm allowed to say that, I know what I'm talking about, I just unlocked it:
It was not fun, and I am sure a lot of other players who were in my game also had less fun because of this achievement.
My perks:
- Circle Of Healing - to keep everyone alive longer, and so I can heal myself before waiting at the gate (more on that later)
- Overcome - there are a lot of narrow hallways and rooms so it's easy to lose the Killer with the speedboost from this. Circle Of Healing also ensures I can heal myself after I escape so I can use it again in the next chase
And now the two most important perks:
- Wake Up - literally only to open the gate faster. If you get to the point where the gates are powered you want to ensure you can open them
- Sole Survivor - if the game seemed hopeless I would hide (not the entire game, once someone was dead and the other two Survivors had been hooked twice already or so and there were 3+ generators left to repair) and just wait for the Killer to close the hatch. Then quickly open the gate and run out.
I did the first 10 or so with Adrenaline instead of Sole Survivor but Adrenaline was only useful once so I dropped it for Sole Survivor.
An example of the !!!FUN!!! games you will have while doing this achievement:
Basement camping Leatherface, for some reason the other two Survivors ran down to go for an unhook even though they knew the Killer was camping because Kindred was active. Fortunately at least one of the two Survivors who ran down there also had Kindred, and it was the West Wing map (or East? the one where the side with the library is open). After everyone except me had died the Killer immediately opened the gate in the wing while I was waiting at the gate by the main entrance, and Sole Survivor + Wake Up was just enough to open the gate and get out in time.
I lived and got progress because I ran two selfish perks and because at least two other Survivors ran a perk that helps the team (Kindred). I should not be rewarded in this situation. But I was, with achievement progress.
Can you complete this achievement by playing casually? Yes, but it will take forever. You won't always get the map. When you do get the map you won't always survive until the gates are powered. If you survive until the gates are powered you might not be able to open them because other Survivors are doing that already or because you die to NOED. Or maybe the Killer disconnects when the gates are powered and you get no progress. And then you need to do this TWENTY TIMES.
Going for risky saves at the end of the game creates more fun for everyone: Someone might be saved and can participate actively in the game again, Killer gets to do something other than camp the hook, other Survivors can go help you and so on. With this achievement, if you are on one of the maps and can open the gate you just leave immediately. You can always play normally and have fun endgames on the other maps, but you can only get the achievement progress on two maps and when you have the chance to get the progress you should take it.
The problems summarized:
- Not fun to do for the person going for the achievement (not really a problem, you can just decide not to do it if you don't want to)
- Less fun for all the other players in a match with someone who wants to do this achievement
When an achievement makes the game less fun for you when someone in your game is trying to do it then this is a bad achievement.
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This achievement is just bad.
The chance of survival is what, 50%*? And you have a max 50% chance of opening a gate (2 gates, 4 survivors), you get like 25% chance in total to open a gate in one match. And that's generous, not counting in many many many other factors.
Now, since you gotta do it 20 times, this means you gotta play on the map at least 80 times. 80 RPD OFFERINGS?! Considering you wouldn't use that many, the amount of trials becomes ridiculous (around 40 maps, 2 RPD ones -> making your chances 20 times smaller = 1600 games without any RPD offerings?!?!).
The math is probably extremely wrong, but kinda makes sense.
I get grindy achievements, I have the plat and 100% from all other DLCs (200/203 trophies on PS, with all new 3 adepts), but this one is by far the worst.
* I think BHVR was going for the 2 escapes per match on average?
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Guys, I created a thread in bug reports because the map isn’t spawning as often as it should please comment and upvote if you agree: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/discussion/comment/3164467#Comment_3164467