Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Kill switch STBFL until it is reworked

STBFL is actually ruining the game with how fast a killer can recover with the extra bonus base-kit buff. It needs to be less effective, gain less stacks and/or have stacks removed on health state loss of the obsession.

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  • Member Posts: 5,247
    edited July 2022

    There's a few ways you can tackle the STBFL issue

    Here's some of my random ideas:

    • Increase the punishment for hitting the obsession AND make it so you cannot preserve stacks. Make it anytime you deal obsession health state damage instead of basic attacking them. This would provide more counterplay to the perk, the obsession being able to significantly lessen it's impact and undo the build up.
    • Limit stacks to 6 instead of 8, lessening it's overall impact but still making it a powerhouse
    • Give it some kind of condition with regards to hooks, I don't know what this could be but the perk is extremely powerful for camping - especially right now.

    idk many if not all of these ideas are likely unpopular but they are ways to solve it's core issues i think

  • Member Posts: 241

    You're on the right track, but I think the issue is more STBFL used to start making a major impact at 6 stacks and now it comes online at 4 stacks. It's very easy to get 4 stacks before the survivors realize it is STBFL.

    Like reducing the bonus to 3.5% reduced cooldown. would make 6 stacks equivalent to the prior patch. 21% from stacks + 10% basekit ~= 30% before the 10% cooldown buff.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    kill switch is for game-breaking bugs.

    if the perk receives a large popularity and is used over all other the perks by significant margin than you might see a perk change whenever the next meta-shake up patch occurs. Till than, you'll have to learn how to play against it rather then whine about it.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Maybe alter your tactics: Try to judge when it's actually a good time to body block and don't expect to hang out in the terror radius free of consequences like you could before.

  • Member Posts: 413

    If kill switch is for game breaking bugs then why didn't they kill switch Nurse when she was and still is swinging while still in her blink phase. STBFL is breaking the game especially when some killers can avoid the negatives of it with their power while other perks have changed to work around these power damage states. STBFL allows the killer to recover and get a second hit before the survivor can even get to another tile with the new update.

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    Why does everyone want to use the killswitch? It's only for game breaking bugs, like infinite speed boost clown

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    The perk is fine. it takes until at least mid-game to build up to, and it is not overpowered.

  • Member Posts: 387

    imagine a perk having an upside.

    the perk is not OP, it does not need changes unless its statistical impact on killrates is too high.

    since we dont know them, we dont need to nerf it

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    It's no more broken than how it worked in past, probably non issue.

  • Member Posts: 271

    it isn't broken because it's useable on every killer now, it's broken because the change to the killer basekit + the survivor movement speed bonus on hit duration leads to a total change .38 seconds when the difference between the two roles are added together.

    Prepatch on hit duration of stbfl at 8 stacks was 1.8 seconds while the survivor bonus movement speed duration after being hit was 2 seconds. This lead to the survivor having a total of .2 seconds that the movement speed bonus would be active after the killer recovered from their on hit cooldown. Compare this to the 1.62 second cooldown killers currently experience with 8 stacks of stbfl and the 1.8 second bonus movement speed duration that survivors gain after being hit. This current duration leads to 0.08 seconds that the survivors keep their movement speed bonus after the killer recovers. In other words, this change led to a difference of over 60% from the previous active duration which is pretty substantial and was more than likely overlooked.

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    Honestly I wish the changes to base chase were reverted, but they can keep the generator changes. Anything to make Killer queues shorter again and make running more builds without exhaustion perks more appealing.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    So survivors still have the advantage and thats a problem?

  • Member Posts: 271

    Leave it to a killer main to try and justify a change that leads to a 60% reduction to the potential distance you gain in chase. A minor nerf would've been fine, but when you implement a change that causes a total loss that's greater than 50% its original value it's a problem. Next thing you'll say is it's bs that survivors get basekit bt to help counter hard tunneling at 5 gens. The density in that group is immense.

  • Member Posts: 1,230
    edited September 2022

    Just don't try to spin the killer on your first hit. I see many survivors spinning on first hit. As they get hit, they lose a big amount of their sprint burst, thus making them lose distance. You just have to run forward. Killer has to farm those stacks. It's not free. High reward for farming stacks seems ok to me.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    First off dont project your biases on me, you dont know how/what i play.

    You talk about a 60% reduction but do you even know what that actually means?

    Prepatch .2 seconds at 6m/s is 1.2 meters of distance

    Postpatch .08 seconds at 6m/s is .48 metersof distance

    Killer move speed is 4.6m/s

    Prepatch you gained a little under 1/4 of a second of distance

    Postpatch you gain 1/9 of a second of distance

    You are freaking out over fractions of a second not really that substantial if you ask me.

    And for the record your wrong i ver much agree with the basekit bt, especially bumping it up to 10 seconds so that OTR is a choice perk instead of almost mandatory to get out of basement.

  • Member Posts: 56

    Doing it your way would effectively bring it into balance.

    Old version at max stacks has a 1.8 second cool down.

    Current version has a 1.56 second cool down.

    Your version has a 1.78 second cool down.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    It isn't broken. STBFL requires a certain playstyle or killer to be truly effective (e.g. Pig, Demo, Slinger, Wesker). You can notice the perk at about 4 tokens (if you have a good idea of cooldown and hits the killer got so far also earlier). If you are the obsession it is your job to get in the Killer's way to waste tokens on you (with a body block or similar). That is not always easy with certain killers who can easily use an M2 on you (Demo or Pig) but it works quite well. Why? Every time the killer hits the obsession with an M1 he loses 2-4 tokens depending on the perk tier.

    I don't know why you are complaining about this perk. The killer has to play a certain way to get the full effect and it takes time to build up too (8 non obsession hits to be precise) which means 4 downs normally.

    It's completely fine.

  • Member Posts: 413

    So you are saying it is perfectly fine to not be allowed to make another tile, it is perfectly fine to have several killers benefit from a perk more than other killers. BHVR changed Tinkerer in the past because Huntress and Hillbilly gained instant power use from the perk and changed it so it would affect all killers in an equal way. BHVR changed Blood Favor to work on any injure state when it was only basic attacks so it would work on every killer equally. STBFL in its current state with the Recovery on a successful hit base buff is too powerful on killers that can ignore its negative conditions. Balancing would be to make it lose tokens on any injure state to the obsession just like how Remember me was changed to work on any injure to the obsession. Logically speaking, BHVR not changing this perk now after buffing base kit recovery speeds means they either forgot about it, haven't played their game or just want to be lazy and do nothing about it. Clown can recover fast enough to make the speed burst from the injure meaningless. Even dropping the stack percentage by 1% would balance it out.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    It is perfectly fine.

    Perks which inflict exposed are also not usable on all killers with the same effect. TR perks are almost useless on Freddy, Huntress and Trickster, because they have a lullaby you can't affect in any way.

    If you have problems reaching the next tile, maybe don't dead zone yourself. Or use Overcome.

  • Member Posts: 413

    But tinkerer is not useless on Freddy, Huntress or Trickster as it still affects them since they have a terror radius. A perk that is almost useless on some means nothing as it isn't useless. Your point is moot. Huntress has many bugs with Tinkerer causing her lullaby to be removed all match, Overcome is not going to counter the speedy recovery of 1 second and you assuming dead zoning isn't the problem because there are maps with very few pallets and you can't be dead zoned by what was never there to begin with. Tinkerer on Freddy isn't almost useless since his lullaby stops gaining intensity at around 15-20m making it difficult to track him anyway and he still has a large terror radius. Tricksters lullaby is his terror radius which does get affected by Tinkerer.

  • Member Posts: 413

    A perk needs a nerf if it affects base gameplay to severe extents and STBFL falls under this category since at least 17 killers can bypass fully or partially the negative effects of STBFL on a consistent basis. BHVR might as well remove the perk entirely and just make its 40% recovery base kit at this point. Is that what you all want?

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Are we really still complaining about STBFL?

    The perk really isn't as strong as people make it out to be. Yes survivors make less distance with STBFL, but that's the whole point of the perk. If the perk was as OP as people complain it is, I would be seeing it on every killer I play against, but I don't.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    And you are completely missing my point.

    I play almost every day since the mid chapter with all the changes. I had to adapt a bit and completely change my build, but I do quite well. Even against killers with STBFL.

    One could argue to reduce max tokens to 6 so it stops at 40% CD reduction but nothing else is really needed.

    Killers who really benefit from it have hard times anyways or need to hit a range attack afterwards (which you can still juke).

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