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Hardest Achievement For You?

What Achievement was very difficult for you to get or are you still struggling to get or have resigned yourself to never be able to get?

For me, the nurse Achievement to blink and grab I've resigned myself to not getting. I play on console and that just seems too difficult.

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  • Member Posts: 1,187

    My friend just got that one. I have all Achievments in the game and I got that one before endgame was a thing and left behind made it where you repair gens faster when you last person alive

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Yeah i got all achievements as well, except the newest ones. I honestly don't care about them anymore, new achievements are usually so easy.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Nurse achievements is easy: if you done doing it fair, just ask survivors to help you with that.

    For me the hardest was Rank 1 Legendary Survivor. The hardest in all games, not only DbD.

    Very frustrating and annoying are grindy one.

    Funny you made that post, I made just about that a minute ago :)

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I did that Nurse achievement you mentioned thanks to a potato Quentin and a sheer amount of luck.

    Definitely one of the hardest in the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    I feel you, bro. Rank 1 survivor got me some PTSD, I still shiver when remember it. I got it just before 6.0 patch, now I think it's almost impossible.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Sure, bro, sure. Just like I remember it, walk in a park.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Yeah, Left For Dead is a horrible achievement that doesn't fit modern DBD gameplay. It took me the longest by far, and even then, it took a killer letting me escape to get it.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    For me, Skilled Huntress on PS5. I'm at 34% currently with little to no farming. I try to farm at the exit gates if it's possible at the end, but most survivors are dicks and will dodge the hatchets even though they're thrown from a mile away and they're in no danger of not escaping.

    This new escape RPD 20 times while opening the gates seems even more daunting

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Probably escape 8 times as survivor without perks and repairing equilavent of one generator. At least that took most time to do or maybe put 125 traps on survivors as pig that took time to do. But all achiements have been pretty easy some just more time consuming.

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    If your trying to get it in normal gameplay that one is terrible, i got that one by just blinking 3 times in a straight line at an empty gen to get the timing down and eventually a survivor came to work on the gen and let me get the grab.

    I actually got this one while getting my adept for ada wong, was able to run away from the gen with low profile and then got the door while the killer went for hatch.

    I would add Evil Incarnate to the list as well cause people love to make it hard when they figure out your going for it

  • Member Posts: 5,977

    I got Left for Dead before the EGC was introduced. Got lucky with the killer (a Bubba) finding the hatch first and absolutely refusing to leave it.

    Did the last gen, went to the gate where the hatch was at opposed to the closest one, and managed to escape.

    Can’t imagine doing it now.

  • Member Posts: 6,844

    Oh I love going against Myers that want that achievement. 😈

  • Member Posts: 1,710

    Do you actually still have it unlocked? I was looking a while back and noticed some deleted achievements that i did that are gone.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    It's only to find a nice killer or have unprobable events in match to alight. Both a like rolling a triple 20 in D&D. I personally gave almost 30 these achievements to different survivors.

  • Member Posts: 7,176
    edited September 2022

    Left for Dead one was awful.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    Some of them stick like glue ... and I guess that "Outbreak Breakout" will be an unexpected addition to that exclusive group.

    The very first achievments in the game were all very grindy, probably because there weren't that many different killers around, so you had to make them count. I tried one evening to get "Evil Incarnate" and it was the most frustrating experience I ever had in DBD so far. No matter how doomed the survivors were, they just wouldn't let me get that last kill. I know that it is a rather frustrating build to go against, but we are all in this together. God, I really hate this achievment.

  • Member Posts: 7,077

    old Deranged Pursuit

    Its easy af now, but it was so tedious when Legion first released..

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Bro, come on, you almost there! Don't give up. Glad to see fellow achievement hunter.

    Grindy achievements - nothing to say, just play that killers, you nearly done them.

    From the void she walks - ask survivors to help (win a game, but don't kill the last ones, show that you farming, then blink around them to lull their vigilance, after that triple blink and grab, survivor won't run away, then you can release him, you only need to grab him)

    Collision course - you almost did, nothing to add, pretty simple.

    Evil Incarnate - that's the tricky one. My advice: make a certain build. I suggest Play with your food + Nemesis + Deadlock + Insidious. At first, get to tier 2 and hit a couple survivors, gaining evil in the process. You can hook couple to fool them. Stall a game as much as possbile. When nearly tier 3, run after survivors and eat pallets to gain as much PWYF tokens as possbile. After that tier 3. You'll be zooming and unstoppable. If last survivor hide in a locker, take him to the most isolated area or corner with no lockers, pick and drop him until he escapes, then you'll catch up him pretty quick with PWYF stacks. Another way is to find hatch and stand on in with insidious. Either survivor do gen and reveal his position, or come to your trap - in either scenario you close hatch and chase.

    Outbreak Breakout - .... Well, that I don't know how to do. It makes me cry 😓

  • Member Posts: 2,652

    Surprisingly taking one for the team was the hardest for me. Just the fact that in order to finish it quickly requires you to throw games is incredibly frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    This is the one that made me not care about going for all achievements. I actually probably could as I got a lot of the ones people complain about already... But this? Yeah, no... I am not about to one trick Huntress for a freaking achievement. The new RPD one is just the cherry on top of not caring. I will never actively go for it. I probably could have gained a lot of progress playing survivor while Behavior increased its spawn rate to 50% or whatever, and everyone learning Wesker would make for ez escapes. But again, with Skilled Huntress as a bottle neck, I did not bother.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Left For Dead. I got it back in 2018-2019, but it was still difficult nonetheless. I can't imagine trying to get it today, that would be nearly impossible.

    Also the "In The Void She Kills" achievement. Considering 3 blink Nurse is no longer a thing without addons, this achievement is nearly impossible to get.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,513

    Yup, Skilled Huntress and Outbreak Breakout are the two trophies I'll just never be able to earn. No idea where I am on the Huntress one, and for RPD despite going there an ungodly amount the past few days I've opened the exit gate and escaped 3 times. Freaking horrible achievement design, seriously.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    Awww, thanks for this surprisingly wholesome post <3

    Don't worry, I am not giving up and am sure that I will eventually get them all :D

    I have been grinding down the "Man in the bush" one pretty good this month and will get this one, soon. With the Nurse, I just don't enjoy playing her anymore, now that I know how many survivors dislike versing her, but one of these days I will come around and grind down that 500 blink hits. Trappers "Cripple them all" is a super frustrating achievment, though! Its nearly always more beneficial to just strike survivors down when cornering them in a trap, having to pick them up always comes with the chance of them escaping. And Trappers power is pretty weak in itself, most survivors know all the good trap spots and unless you are going against rather new players you will hear you carefully set traps being disarmed constantly. I have had whole series of matches with Trapper without advancing that achievment one spot.

    The new "Collision Course" of course doesn't count as one of the tought ones, this one is just part of the Wesker learning experience and will be finished soon just by playing the game.

    Thanks a lot for the "Evil Incarnate" tips, I will try that one out ... and maaaaybe smurf my account a bit prior to that, because stomping new survivors and brutally slaughtering them all without any chance of escape is just too much fun, right? Right? Guys?

    And recarding "Outbreak Breakout"? Ugg ... that one is soooo backwards and feels like one of the original achievments, but it just got released. Why? In that achievments nearly everything is stacked against you, lowering the chance of getting a blip with every added condition. I even made a post about it in the feedback section, and I am not the only one who has done so. If you burn no offerings and thus maybe incentivice the killer to DC during loadup, you could go through 1200 matches just to finish that one naturally and without being overtly aggressive about it. Yikes.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    Hey there, kind motivational person :) I just wanna give you a status report.

    I got nearly everything done, but I loath, loath LOATH that Evil Incarnate achievment >_<

    Not much that I can do about that one but try again and again and again and being twarded again and again by "clever locker gameplay" and "exhilarating contests of will" at the locker door. Gosh, do I hate this concept. Same about the not so hidden achievment, I have come extremely close to killing all survivors by my hand, but invariable and without fail, the last one will ALWAYS have Unbreakable and a hatch around the corner. Its like a natural law :P

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Asylum never getting hid was decently tricky for me then I found a baby nurse...

  • Member Posts: 809

    Adept Pig.

    I've done every single survivor achievement, most of the overall killer achievements...

    But that one achievement makes my blood boil.

    Her perks are SO BAD, so I basically feel like I'm playing perkless + her kit and gameplay style aren't the easiest to score a perfect game with.

    I tried so many times and gave up after hours of trials...

    I completely lost hope in ever finishing it

  • Member Posts: 396

    Mine was getting the adept trickster achievement xD , the nurse grap achievement i did it without knowing that was an achievement for real xD

  • Member Posts: 1,012

    took me like 5 games mainly because i pressured too hard, and MMR did its thing, still got it and proud of it :3

  • Member Posts: 396
    edited September 2022
  • Member Posts: 7,669

    Anything that starts with "Adept".

    Or that Nurse one where you have to blink 3 times and then grab someone off of something which you mentioned.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    Any and all Adept achievements... just NO in my book

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    I believe in you, because it's an achievement. You also got "Outbreak Breakout" to 5, which is 4 more than me, and I play mostly only a survivor because of that, and I HATE playing survivor.

  • Member Posts: 747

    I don't mean this to sound mean, but I got Adept Trickster pretty easily. First day, if I remember correctly, and I think I didn't use his power once that game. Not sure if I was going against a bunch baby randoms or I'm just that good, but it was unbelievable for me.

  • Member Posts: 1,564
    edited September 2022

    A lot of the Killer Adept ones. They are so broken when actually using the Killer's power hurts you.

    This is OhTofu, a Fog Whisperer with all the Legacy outfits, but he never bothered to try for the Adept achievements. So he's going through and doing them.

    I have said and I will say again... all survivors have to do is escape. They can evade and sneak around all match, not do a darn thing, then have the hatch spawn right by them and bam. Adept earned. Yet a Killer has to have a perfect +2 Pip game. It really needs to be get a 4K by any means. Like one example, one of my very first Pig games I ran Video Tape and Crate of Gears. The survivors didn't bother to even try to remove their traps and all 4 heads popped. I didn't get adept because I didn't hook them enough times. I literally used Pig's power, to it's peak.... and that doesn't count? I did get it later, but it was by ignoring her power all together. That shouldn't be necessary to get an Adept!

  • Member Posts: 73

    Achievements? I'm still trying to learn how to use a flashlight!

    Also nurse is too hard for me. I'll never get any of those achievements

  • Member Posts: 115

    So far it seems to be Evil Incarnate, since every time I get close some boring survivor will just refuse to leave their precious locker so I can't get the last mori. Maybe when the new endgame mori change comes I'll get it.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Those are the two I still have left to go. I'm finding Skilled Huntress hard since there are so many objects that get in the way. I'm escaping more now from RPD so I'm not too terribly worried about that but I think I'll need to play Coldwind offerings to speed up Huntress.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    I finally got (nearly) all achievments! What a ride. I must say, the most frustrating one by far war the Myers Evil Incarnate. That one got provibited by lockers so much. I can understand that its not fun for the survivors, but locker plays just to frustrate the killer, when its certain that you will die, will only subject another group of survivors to this playstyle. Ugh, what a bad achievment design.

    The only one left is "Outbreak Breakout" at 6/20 :V Oof ... thats also something. This one is such a slog and so utterly grindy. Yikes.

  • Member Posts: 525

    Outbreak Breakout is a new level of dumb, hard, and tedious. I've played 58 games of RPD (including 46 games in a row where I burnt offerings) and am still only at 18/20 for that achievement. Now I don't have any RPD offerings and almost never get RPD randomly. It's like we're going back in time in terms of achievement sanity.

    Back in the day, the "have 4 players escape through the hatch" achievement was the one that really haunted me. Took me years to wrangle a solo queue lobby in order to finally make it work.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    Dun dun dun! As of today, I have finally collected them all! Phew, feels really good and kinda liberating. Now I can just play any way I want. In a couple of weeks we will get 4 or 5 new achievments, but I recon that they won't be as asinine as that Outbreak Breakout one. That was a real slog and every bit as frustrating and unfun as predicted.

    How are you doing? Whats on your menu?

  • Member Posts: 510
    edited November 2022

    How am I supposed to get this one when I never kick gens, hardly ever play stealthy killers and hate "Tinkerer & co" perks!

    Literally my latest unlocked achievement (with RPD exit gate) ...

    I should get this one late 2023

  • Member Posts: 27

    Evil Incarnate

    Which, by a particularly cruel twist of fate happens to be GLITCHED and didn’t proc for me or many others. The patch on the 18th broke it, along with Grand Sacrifice.

    So in a strange way, I don’t have the achievement for an accomplishment I performed, lol. It’s difficult since survivors can just locker jump. You gotta pray they don’t. Then, you get to the last and you gotta pray you find the hatch first.

    Stars really have to align for this and damn…I feel robbed

  • Member Posts: 2,280
    edited November 2022

    Open a door and escape the Raccoon City Pain Department. Multiple times. [BEEP]. this. achievement. (With doc's stick!)

    Holy hell, we just noticed this is from september...

  • Member Posts: 278

    The open the gate and escape rpd 20 times…. F that challenge right in the pooper!!

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I'm working on the new RPD escape one, and eventually I imagine I'll get it.

    The only achievements I'm still trying to get are the Skilled Huntress and The Nurse one to yank someone off a gen with 3 blinks. The Huntress one is more cruel to someone on console like myself -- we need 100 hatchet throws from 24 meters, not 20.

    That's ... that's going to take a while. 😥

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