It should take longer for the Killer to know that a surv has been unhooked ( 5 seconds for example)

JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555
edited September 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Since always, the Killers when hooking a survivor, the hook appears with a yellow aura and icon of the hook on the Hud, when the survivor is unhooked the Killer receives an alert that this has happened, and that isan alert that this happened, and that's exactly what I wanted to talk about, the killers really need these alerts today. need these alerts nowadays.

These alerts existed for the purpose of the killer having a control of what the survivors are doing,if there were not these alerts, the survivor would be released and they would start repairing generators and the killer would not even know anything about it

The problem today, is that because the game has lost much of the stealth factor and the arrival of killers of auta mobility These alerts encourage a lot of tunneling and camping at a distance, killers like Nurse, Blight, Hag, among others can chase and capture a surv as soon as they receive the alert after leaving the hook, and repeat this until the surv is eliminated from the game, which ends up being something boring and unnecessary.

Then you ask: "-but should these features be removed, in your opinion? my answer is: "Not necessarily!", this feature sometimes prevents the surv from healing itself or even to be fixing generator without healing and the killer not even know it, the feature has its reasons to exist, but even when I'm playing Killer I do not like this mechanic, sometimes I find it boring to tunnel unnecessarily, but if I hear a signal that the surv was I can not just ignore a surv that was saved near me and I did not even start another hunt, although the survs may have resources to help me.the survs may have resources to inhibit a chase.

So my idea would be the following: when a surv is saved from the hook, the alert would exist, but it would not be instantaneous it would take a while (about 10 seconds or less) nowadays the killers have many tools to find survs, but they are obsessed with anti-gen mechanics, but this I would like to know from you, what do you think of this mechanic? do you like it, do you think it should be changed? I think it is useful, but it is too immediate, it should have a longer interval, perks like "guardian" couldcould have this function to delay this alert, but that was it, leave your opinion there and vote if you like the idea. =)

Post edited by JoaoVanBlizzard on


  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    It won't really make a difference. Killers will just now look at the HUD to see if there status changed

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited September 2022

    You are literally asking for a complete information immunity period. That is god-awful design. Having zero info what’s happening is literally exactly what got Spirit (rightfully) nerfed. Unhooking is designed to be noticeable so the unhooker doesn’t get a scot-free unhook. Let alone a free heal or heal progress.

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495
    edited September 2022

    nowadays the killers have many tools to find survs,

    Right let´s compare Killers "tools" with Survivor tools.

    As Survivor:

    1. You have Discord (if playing the Survive With Friends experience vs the Solo Queue Experience).
    2. You have a various aura perks that notify you of the Killer whereabouts.
    3. You have the Terror Radius warning you of the Killer presence.
    4. You have offensive weapons: flashlights, flashbangs, head on, etc.
    5. You have lockers to hide.
    6. You have huge maps to hide with a lot of corn, grass, rocks, etc.
    7. You have tools to distract the killer (Diversion to name one).
    8. You have Distortion, to prevent the Killer from locating you.
    9. You can destroy hooks using toolboxes.
    10. You have Deliverance to unhook you without anyone else´s presence or help. And then destroy the hook to after unhooked.
    11. You have Reassurance, to ensure you won´t die on the Hook quickly.
    12. You have BaseKit Borrowed Time that gives you immunity after you are unhooked for 20 seconds. WOW.

    Yet, you want to literally make the HUD lie to the Killer so that you can get advantage and a free heal under the hook, too.

    Surreal stuff mate

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    Dude, it’s 4v1.

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    I could understand that none of you read the idea, when you read and understand, comment again

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Newsflash: It’s a horribly stupid idea that literally removes counterplay.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    I don't really get why you want to remove the notification that someone got unhook outside of being spiteful towards killers.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182
    edited September 2022

    Survivors are not entitled to a free x second period of time to heal/work on a gen/do whatever they want on an unhook. This change would have the opposite effect of the original intent if anything because more people would want to proxy/keep an eye on the hook since the notification and HUD would lie(and also be extremely confusing oh hey I won! Oh wait the guy actually unhooked himself with deliverance 4 seconds ago)

  • behaviourmakesmesad
    behaviourmakesmesad Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2022

    because some killers when they hear the unhook notification, they snap their neck in direction of freshly unhooked survivor which has been off the hook barely 2 sec and they go straight after him while crying and mumbling " fricking Basekit BT".

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited September 2022

    Yes. Clearly the solution is to give the unhooker a completely risk-free unhook and heal instead.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    No we read it.. it’s just not a good one. Even remotely good.

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495

    Amongst whom?

    I see you undusted The Entitled Survivor Book Of Rules.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    Honestly, this would just make the game more annoying for killer, people don't just use this for tunnelling, they use this to make decisions. So I feel like if people want to tunnel they will just sit near the hook anyway and see when someone is going in, no notification is required.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    The problem with that logic is that if this idea were hypothetically implemented, proxy camping killers would be more likely to hard camp. That might be good for reassurance value. But it does not really address the problem regardless and the last thing you need is to create an incentive for the killer to stay near hook just to see when the unhook happens. Surely, if the entire goal is to prevent the killer being near during an unhook, the last thing you would want is for the killer to feel they shouldn't leave the hook. It would just have the opposite reaction that you assume it would.

    This is coming from a face camp God, by the way. Why do you think I would be worried about a bit of HUD manipulation? It literally wouldn't affect me in any way whatsoever. It is low-key just an idea that was not really thought about from both perspectives. It does not work. It wouldn't help.

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    The killer has a perk to know this, just use it, the perks are not an ornament, you know?

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    are you creative to give negative answers, and if the devs decided to put this system as they did with the BT basekit? I bet many killers rejected the idea, in your minds anything you put in the game is bad, for you the game should be the same as 2016

  • Etherelda
    Etherelda Member Posts: 28

    Then basekit BT has to go.

  • SpaghettiVase
    SpaghettiVase Member Posts: 341

    You're really not making a good case for YOUR idea when you call everyone else bad and saying "Well you just don't get it." You came up with this, you made the thread, actually defend it instead of casting petty insults at people.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,171

    Listen, I dont even tunnel and even I think this is a horrible idea. Nothing makes a game feel worse than a delay in information/inputs. I dont care if Im no where near the hook, or if Im 2 inches, I would like to be able to get the information of an unhook when someone unhooks. "Why is it important to have this information if you dont tunnel?", simple, it lets me know that two people arent actively repairing generators, so I can use my time to engage with other survivors and slow down the repair process. Information is everything, so let me have my information.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    Its not, if I want to tunnel I will simply just proxy in the area anyway. Even if you completely removed any kind of unhook indicator, its not going to matter since someone who is adamant about tunnelling is just going to proxy in the area and watch for a surv going in for the save.

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    at least you read my idea and understood my proposal, the guys didn't read the idea and kept thinking that I wanted to remove this feature from the Killers, they just looked at the title and already complained about the idea

    I never said that the function should be removed, I just think that alerting as soon as someone is saved from the hook rewards the person who saved it a little, for example, for a clown it won't make any difference if he receives a notification 5 seconds late because even he gets to the hook there won't be anyone else there if he's in the middle of the map,

    However, an exposed nurse can easily go back on the hook and take down the person who saved the hooked one, I myself get scared to save a surv against a make your choice or devour hope nurse because of this immediate notification, I believe Nurse, Spirit and Blight would be the killers that would be most harmed with this little nerf on the hooks, the other killers would only go back to the hook if they were already close to the hook, like, it wouldn't be a wi fi camp like even tier S killers have

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    I know that and I'm aware, but that's not the idea, the problem is the high mobility killers like Nurse, Spirit and Blight, they can quickly return to the hook even though they're in the middle of the map, my idea was thinking about that type from killer

    for killers like clowns, Ghostface, Myers, it won't make a difference, because they need to be close to tunnel, like, they need to see the rescue happening

    as I wrote in the text that you didn't read, you can see that you take the base with the name of the post (my fault, I need to learn to elaborate this better), I don't want them to remove it, the idea was just to give a delay of 5 seconds and issue the alert and update the killer's hud, it will know that the surv was saved anyway I just wanted to make things less advantageous for tier S killers

    I also don't care if this idea is not approved by the devs, while we are discussing something simple, they are there creating more gen rush perks, things that in my opinion, survs don't need, the purpose of my post was to know the relevance I had in this notification, when I play killer I hate him, I like to play with all my strength, and these notifications make me want to go back on the hook and stay as a tunneler, of course it's not my fault, it's the guy who saved it, at least the BT base kit makes the game fairer on this occasion, because now I can prefer to take the guy down who saved and not what was saved

    I apologize for the misunderstanding, it was not my intention, I just wanted to expose my idea, without defending one side and harming the other.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    Ok that's fair, tbh I should have probably made mine clearer to. I had read most of your post and when I said "even if u removed it entirely" I more so was trying to go on the extreme end to make my point about the proximity thing, since I knew what you were trying to say.

    Maybe tunnelling should be addressed more but who knows? Cuz your right about the high mobility, and one could argue these killers r the issue (nurse in particular) but hell even Demogorgon if he portals near a hook he can easily go back for a tunnel since portals cant be cleansed until he has used them.