flashlights shouldn't stack

literally i fail to see the gameplay use of two survivors using a flashlight on the killer in normal gameplay. it's literal only use is for bully squads to annoy the killer by instantly blinding them. why is this a mechanic. has anyone ever used two flashlights in normal gameplay.
they should buff franklin's to work with secondary powers and not just basic attacks. I'm sick of these bully squads having free reign.
Please let them stack, I love flashlight squads and watching them embarrass themselves.
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look up
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The cult of Lightborn or whatever that roams around the forum just might have some advice for you...
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I promise you, 4 flashlights is better to face than 4 toolboxes
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*The light dim to pure black as candles begin to ignite all around as a cloaked figure stamds in the center of a erie circle*
Praise be to the mighty Lightborn he who keeps us safe from the evils of the Clicky Clickers and their dreaded Lights of Flash
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Jolly good stuff.
Very lighthearted!
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Fake a pick up and start slugging,it's how I deal with flashlight squads if I run into em.
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Greatest comment of the day!
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Personally i prefer Fire Up to gaslight survivors into thinking they don't have the timing right
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Honestly this is one nerf that would at least affect SWF more than solo so that's one positive. I'm not for it though.
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Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss
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Stacking flashlights is hilarious. Besides, that's even more survivors that are following you around instead of doing gens.
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"bully" them back, lol
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Evil. Unexpected.
I like it.
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Survivors need to work together, so stacking is fine.
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skill issue