Can we bring old DH back? Killer is too easy.

As per title. I honestly,unironically,think that Killer is way,way too easy right now. I'm winning so many games it's becoming a slog. I can go up against low prestiges,high prestiges,high hour players,low hours players,90% of the time it's stomp,stomp,stomp. I'm not that good at the game for this to be normal. Killers really seem to be wildly,wildly on the overpowered side ATM.
We need something for the game to tie it back over,imo. Playing survivor has been boring because of tons of solo queue losses and playing killer has been boring because it's too easy to win. I like 4Ks as much as the next person's way too ######### easy this patch..
A lot of people of course disagree with bringing Dead Hard back,which is fair enough,my opnion is a niche one here. I'm just noting that..Killer is kind of easy if you try a little. Remember when Otzdarva tried this 30s AFK challenge PRE 6.1.0?
He got 3 kills on average. Now,with the Killer-Buff that patch 6.1.0 even such really average Killers as me can go,pick up a Killer and extremely well over and over and over in their matches if they just decide to play for the win,even a little bit.
Which is what I'm doing because..I like to try and be the best at winning? And.. as I said it's way too ######### easy. Anyone complaining about the Killers being too weak vs that one god SWF with 14 green medkits and on cowshed.. you're not facing that every game. Killer is easy. Survivors need a buff right now.
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Then we just need to revert the baseline killer buffs lol
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New DH is fine. Patch 6.1.0 would have been fine if they did more to combat tunelling and camping, or strengthen solo.
Post edited by BoxGhost on25 -
Old DH was absolute hell and should never ever even be remotely possibly considered even being thought about maybe deciding to potentially bring it back.
While Survivor side could absolutely do with a little bit of love right now as the scales balanced a bit too far with the big meta patch, bringing back old DH should NEVER even be considered. That perk made playing killer absolutely miserable and I'd seriously consider dropping the game if they chose to bring it back again.
EDIT: Apologies, I quoted the wrong post, which seems like a hell of a feat on my part since there were only two posts...
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honestly, I started running bond and I would say a lot of it is just due to survivors not doing gens. I can loop the killer for quite a while and very often I just see my team running around doing nothing, crouching nearby me while I’m looping around a tile/car, or one of my injured teammates just crouching at the edge of the map. I’ve been regretting running bond because I can see why gens never pop during the 3-4 minutes I’m running the killer before I finally go down. Sometimes I debate running straight to my teammate that is doing nothing while the killer is chasing me. I don’t though.
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I honestly dont get the old dh hate compared to the new DH,getting hit by the new one is way more frustrating in my experience. (I play Huntress and PH/Oni a fair bit and I hate the new one way more)
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No, it would cause an uproar if old dh got added back into the game.
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Survivors barely loop me,I get downs so quick it's not even funny anymore. I sometimes get a bad chase in mid game because a good survivor gets to loop me for a while but like that aint enough lol
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No bring back old blast mine instead
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good,i think killer is in too good of spot rn lol
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make blast mine stun the killer for 90s
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you know bhvr won't do that even though some of those buffs are just bs.
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I agree i think killers need a nerf or survivors need a buff but old DH was awful because it made the game feel so uninteractive and that's the worst possible thing a game can have. You could predict that they were going to use several seconds before they do and there's nothing you could have done about it, because they would use the distance to make it to a vault or pallet.
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Then I would also say I made a similar post last week. I never play killer because I just switched not too long ago to PC from PS4. Last week I decided to try killer on keyboard and mouse and I was stomping survivors which felt nuts because on PS4 I usually 2k’d. I was getting really bored because on pc I was just 4king over and over and over. People in the comments just claimed I was at a lower MMR and it would eventually go back up to the survivors I would face on PS4… but after dozens of wins… come on. I dropped killer and went back to survivor because of exactly why you wrote this post. It’s not fun to always win.
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"How are you doing, fellow killer mains"
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Personally I never minded it too much. What I do miss as a survivor is the i-frames - if they added it without the dash and just the i-frames,no endurance speed boost,no nothing,I would honestly run the perk all the time lol.
I suggested DH being brought back simply because I feel like I'm getting downs way too fast and Killers need a nerf to their chase,it feels.
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i've been playing killer for a long while and it was more fun when DH was validated compared to now. I lost way more,but I didnt feel my hands being held the entire way through. Fight me.
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god please no
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Hell no
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feels like people just want the killer sided patch to last as long as possible lol
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Hmm I think maybe a few of the base kit buffs could maybe be dialed back a tiny bit, but overall I think it’s just the quality of the survivors. I feel this way because of running bond as a survivor haha it’s just so bad to watch all your teammates running around and crouching. Why the heck is my teammate crouching on the opposite side of the map while I’m running the killer nowhere near them? All. The. Time.
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The solution to one problem isn’t to bring back another.
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Play Killer and show how us it´s done in red ranks. If it´s easy.
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lol no
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I think the speed-boost + new bloodlust is just kind of silly especially tbh.
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Old dead hard was op so no
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Man's living in 2018 goddamn
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i want to live in 2018 ngl
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Whatever, you sure are smart enough to interpolate red rank to the top of the current MMR rank or whatever word you want to use it.
You must have a hard time in general if you read everything literally.
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If games were hard for you because a perk was busted... I think that means you werent going against good survivors. Even then a game being "tied" because of a perk isn't healthy design anyway.
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Honestly i think buffing other survivor perks instead of nerfing killer perks is the way to go tbh, but i do think old DH was super unhealthy for the game and it shouldnt be brought back in any manner, and if it does need buffs, i think adding 0.25 seconds to the DH window is what i would give it currently, but i dont think it needs it right now. There is another topic on it, but i do think they should revert DS back to 5s would help survivors out a bit, but keep it being disabled in the collapse.
I also think an issue that is plaguing the game and is affecting how the game can be balanced rn is the vast rng of tile spawns in the game. You either have nothing but deadzone, or multiple t-walls that lead into god pallets or shack. You either loop the killer for 3 to 4 gens or you go down within 10 seconds, and that can lead to frustrating gameplay on both sides outside of a couple specific killers who can negate it, but for the rest suffer from poor RNG.
I do think the game needs something where instead of new content within one of the 3 month periods where we get it, BHVR instead focuses on cleaning up core issues and cheating that is been steadily rising as of late. Sucks for lack of new content, but i do think the game needs a good period of time where they just clean out the issues and make it a better experince for everybody
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You must have a hard time wording things correctly. Also if I'm getting tons and tons of kills I PHYSICALLY cannot be at the mid-range of MMR lol. I got a legit Prestige 100 player recently.
But yes sweetie,I'm sure I'm low MMR.
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I honestly just want the game to be challenging again,it's boring
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Correct sentiment. I just kind of went to the most obvious tool we could bring to the survivor's toolkit to nerf the killer's chase potential. Plus I just want an i-frame perk back - it was funny DHing through static blasts and traps.
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Only if we could bring back old nurse
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nurse is still the easiest killer to win with,got buffed with 6.1.0 and I forgot her range got nerfed when I played her for a daily because it didnt make a difference.
she needs nerfs,nothing else.
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survivors are stronger than killers, so nurse needs more buffs
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Lol, no.
It's not. The goal was to increase kill rates and to shake up the meta.
You mean...strengthen solo, naturally? The entire purpose of the patch was to weaken SWF.
The recent changes to the baseline BT were a pretty strong nerf to tunneling.
Even top tier streamers have tough games on killers still.
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Then I wish I would receive a faster MMR boost when constantly 4king…?
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No, seriously, I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say here.
If you're winning easily, your MMR will increase until you aren't. And no, you aren't at the MMR cap yet.
MMR increases slowly, and does not appear to always increase immediately (I have a theory that it updates once every 24 hours).
It'll happen though. I know I went on a winning streak on Cenobite yesterday, and got my cheeks clapped hard this morning.
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One of the most broken things in the game needs a buff???
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Do solo survivors need buffs right now? Yes. Should that buff be Dead Hard? ######### no. There's so many better ways to try and improve the game than by adding the most broken perk shy of original DS or MoM back in.
You'd be way better off looking at weakening tunneling and camping than making everyone have 3 health states or free loop extension again.
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Challenging for the opponent you mean, right?
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Oh, yeah. Strengthen solo, not SWF.
And let's be honest here, the patch did absolutely nothing to SWF.
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challenging for me because playing killer on the spectrum of hard things to do seems easier to me than 4 BNPs SWF ATM.
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I started under grades, and simply dealing with multiple 'red rank' 2-4000 hour SWFs in a row as a brand new player thanks to the monthly reset alone was ridiculous.
Despite being new, I was pushing into purple ranks within 2 weeks and, again, facing people with thousands more hours than me.
You cannot possibly think that that was good for the game - unless all you're really after here is being able to roll over new players.
SBMM certainly isn't perfect, but it's a huge improvement.
The recent buffs to baseline BT were pretty effective at helping make tunneling weaker.
The big problems right now are instadown killers camping and Nurse...well, Nursing.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
swf are the ones who deal with all the killer regression perks just fine while solo survivor suffers,correct..
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my thread being about: game too easy rn can my killer matches be harder
your outtake: mmm,yes,she wants easier matches and stomp noobs. I'm doing that right now and it's ######### boring lmao.
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The goal of the patch was to increase kill rates. This can easily be inferred to be targeted at SWFs, as the escape rates in higher MMR SWFs is pretty absurd.
Solo needs some help, but it needs to be done carefully as not to further buff SWFs.