Survivor Powers

Survivors not having a smaller/ minor Power Ability themselves IS BHVR GREATES ERROR.
Why? Survivors have no difference, its just a model and cute cosmetics.
Its a travesty that BHVR didnt do this and that they probably never will cause they are like 33 powers you would need to design and balance more. But Ill keep fighting for it cause Its the best idea ever for DbD.
Thoughts? You agree right, right? 😭
Also, No, dont suggest Survivor Powers should be passives with no choice or agency. no Thanks
Agreed I like evil dead because of how unique each survivor is
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It would be bad idea, sorry.
1) It would create a meta. Some Survivors would be just better or more usefull than others. So meta could be like 4x Megs or Dwights for gens and two Megs for chase or something.
2) It would make some characters popularity skyrocket and bad Survivors abilities would have pickrate like Twins nowdays (so 1%).
3) It would be boring to see "oh hey Its again these Survivors again.."
4) New balance issues to take care off.
It's too late for that and it would be a mess.
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1.Perks already created a meta. if its a problem, removal of multiple same Survivors selection for Trial.
2,3 and 4 basically is: "It might be unbalanced" if those were legit criticism of the idea, we would not have perks either since they can be removed employing the same bad logic.
Hell even new Killers are new balance issues to take care off so therefore bhvr should stop making new killers.
Nah, BHVR is up to the task.
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As long as Meg and Feng would become meta survivors I would be fine with 😀
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In itself it would be great, but the developers would be overwhelmed with it. Consider all the killer powers that are already not working as intended.
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No. Is a nightmare to balance and creates meta where people will feel SOL for not liking a meta character.
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Nah, that is a cop-out. No killer is kill switched atm. All Killers are working as intended, its just that some don't perform as expected or could perform better. but again, we could apply the same logic to more chapters, Killers, perks.
Developers would be overwhelmed therefore no more perks and Killers.
its a really unconvincing argument, if it held any water BHVR would have stopped at chapter 20 mate.
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My argument cannot be refuted. The devs are already overwhelmed with new killers and perks. Remember, there are dozens of bugs with every patch. Survivor Powers instead of new DLCs? I'm afraid that won't happen!
All killer powers are working as intended?! Did u try Wesker?
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Time to learn logic and arguments 101.
An argument that has not been refuted does not mean its a true assertion. There is also no way you can demonstrate that would be the case.
Repeating the argument wont make it more true either.
Yes I have been playing Wesker all weekend, been having a blastand have had no issues.
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The Dbd community is already complaining to other players in that unfriendly manner anyway. Do you really think you would you would feel a difference because of a new thing, they can complain about? Not trying to mind read you, but isn't this just playing into the abusers in our community's hands? Like you should not be forced into playing a certain way, or a certain character because people will abuse and berate your for it. That is just wrong.
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Behaviour has had trouble implementing just one new killer (wesker). You are now suggesting they add 33 brand new unique active powers to the game? Even if this idea was good, it could never plausibly happen. It would take ages to implement, balancing would be a nightmare and there would be bugs galore.
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- Wesker has been implemented, I have been stomping Survivors the whole weekend.
- Time isnt an issue, I have been with dbd since 2016 I am with bhvr here for the long game aslong as they make it fun
"But it might be unbalanced" is a poor argument that could be used against adding any new feature to this game ever.
So what if it might be unbalanced? bHVR can fix that and learn and grow from it as developers.
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Wesker is a buggy mess right now. I am doing well with him to but he has some frustrating bugs (I grab and let go of survivors very often).
Balance is a very valid argument when your adding 33 new powers into the game (that is more effort needed than if they were to add the entire killer roster to the game again). Not to mention bugs and stuff like that which again you saw how buggy twins was on their release, the exact same would likely happen with this.
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If Wesker is a buggy mess, why isn't he Kill Switched then?
The balance argument is exactly not valid cause nobody said we had to add 33 at once. There are many ways of addressing this problem, however thats not how you phrased the problem first. You said it would be a bad idea cause it could be unbalanced.
cool, then we fix those issues.
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You cant remove the multible Survivor selection for Trial, because it would be really bad for beginners. If they just lvl dwight and than they cant play dwight
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Claudette, Meg and Jake also come with the game.
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The problem in this idea is, that this Survivor powers would work like a perk. Means that you as the killer have to deal with 20 Perks and you have 5, if you count your own power as a perk.
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yeah, im not saying Survivor powers should be as strong as killer powers.
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Behaviour cant just simply fix these issues, have you seen how long it takes them to implement changes and bug fixes?
Don't use the kill switch as an argument btw. It is super inconsistent (Oni dropped way more blood than he should and they fixed it like 2 months later without kill switching him which they arguably should have for sure).
Also they would have to add the majority at once at the very least, because if they just added say one surv with powers then every single person on earth would play that one survivor since they would be objectively the best one to play.
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- Bhvr can fix anything they focus all their energy on.
- Kill switch argument is true, Oni was not broken past the point being overpowered.
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Why the devs will never do this and why its a terrible idea
- . A meta will be formed. all players will pick Everyone will pick the same character because there will invariably be one character more powerful then the rest. Not only will this make the game less visually interesting because every match will have say 4 Megs, this will create further stagnation that the devs are trying to avoid. Maybe they can do what other games do, only allow one character rper match. You think players giving up during a match is bad, wait until they start quitting when their main is taken before the match starts. Or if you put in a penalty, killing themselves on hook 3 seconds in.
- It will create massive unbalance. Now not only you have to avoid unbalance of a perk base, and unbalance when combined with other perks, but now you have to balance perks for all survivors? They can't do it. They don't have the vison for it, and to do it would take years.
- killers would go mental. A large portion of the killer main base goes mental any time survivors get any buff, even the most modest of compensations. You think we would not see hundreds of forums posts of outrage when survivors get 30+ buffs? There would be outrage everywhere and killers threatening to quit the game.
- They would lose money. Behaviour makes so much money form cosmetics. People will pick a main and never deviate. So they won't buy cosmetics for other characters. "But people already do that?" yes, and there is no reason to, is entirely subjective, and already a lot of people think like that. wait until people have a reason, cosmetic sales will crash.
Its bad for the game, and bad for business. They will likely never do it.
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- Not if BHVR fixes those balance and meta issues.
- Not if BHVR fixes those balance and meta issues.
- Not if BHVR fixes those balance and meta issues.
- No, make good survivors power encourage people to play less used characters, sell more cosmetics.
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The idea is unworkable and it is never going to be implemented ever.
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Luckily you don't get to decide this.
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Nah OP is right. Give all survivors pistols and let them shoot killer. And add sex too.
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David Tapp, Ash Williams, Jill Valentine, Leon Scott Kennedy, Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers.
All have potential for having Survivor Powers including firearms..
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Yes but you cant lvl all of them at once. As a beginner maybe you what to lvl dwight first on 40 and than other Survivors means the newbie want to play dwight more than the others, because dwight is the only on he/she have lvled at the moment