Spirit Fury buff idea
Make spirit fury reduce pallet stun duration, but make it not stackable. It wouldnt be as much as enduring it would probably reduce it by like 10% or something. This way spirit fury enduring is exactly the same and is still good, but spirit fury on its own isnt completely useless.
Edit: also this pallet stun duration would only be decreased DURING the actual spirit fury stun
Enfury is a stupid combo anyways. I would compare it to old dead hard as in its an killers making a mistake but compensating with perks. Spirit fury is boring gameplay especially with certain killers. It doesnt need a buff
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its pretty easy to counter by predropping though, and its pretty fun to use at least in my opinion. i just think it would be a good change to make spirit fury not terrible on its own without changing enfury at all. Its only a very slight buff I just think it would be a nice little tweak
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Simple simple counter man- don't stun the killer, drop pallets earlier.
killer just wasted 2 perk slots.
w h o a
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Once you see it's been used, literally just pre-drop. "Oh but I get hit from it if they have Spirit Fury ready", cool, well know you know two of their perks and how to make them useless, sure you might get hit, but you basically reduced the killer down to two perks... that's really dang good.
And to be fair, there is no reason to not pre-drop if you know the killer has Enduring anyways, since it's normally better to not risk getting the tail end of Spirit Fury, that short stun duration isnt worth the time waste anyways since it's nearly instant recovery.
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If a killer wants to waste 2 perk slots so they can brute force survivors, let them. Also, being stunned as a killer in a chase isn't necessarily a mistake. If a killer is mid chase and respects every pallet, they will most likely either extend the chase to infinite and beyond, or they lose the chase entirely.
I do agree, it doesn't need a buff, especially one like that. But it is nowhere near as forgiving as old dead hard.
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A stupid combo which is legit countered by pre dropping.
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It's nowhere near comparable with old dead hard. Sometimes the killer will force you to drop the pallet on him by trying to hit you as you're on a pallet. If a survivor pre drops every pallet, you just wasted 2 perks.
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I love how this forum is full of 200 hour andy's that don't get that this combo usually gets used by killers you shouldn't predrop. Like bubba, demo and iri button legion.
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I agree that spirit fury enduring is strong, that's why i literally based the whole suggestion around it not buffing that combo at all. It's just a buff to spirit fury as a solo perk so it can be used in more builds. also 20% is a bit much I think 10-15% would be better
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i feel like the buff just makes spirit fury on its own actually useable without making it nearly as strong as spirit fury enduring. I think 10% would be good