Bring Back The Ping Indicator In The Lobby And Add One To See The Killers' Ping

Taking it out was one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. I REFUSE to play against a VPN Killer/Survivors or against a Killer with 300 ping, smacking me around like a ragdoll while I'm seeing the person just teleport around me or freezing before I take a hit to the face. This was a stupid change. Bring it back asap. I don't get the ideaology to have a feature that helps the players choose whether to stay or leave a match after everyone is already on the borderline of dc'ing at the start of matches just to get a super laggy team or killer? The indicator lets me know if I should dodge a lobby. ANYONE who has been in a lobby past 80 can attest that skill goes out the window when you get wind shuriken'd by a killer no matter what you do at any window or pallet. Its even worse against fast and insta-down killers.
Seeing it IN-GAME does nothing for me. So you want me to deal with super trash lag during the entire match and not dc after already going against something that might be super frustrating all because you want us to play games against others who might be VPN'ing or put us in a server against people across the world? Nah, Dude. You have me twisted on this. I try to be neutral. I try to not be over-the-top but come on. This wasn't even a healthy change. You're literally screwing your players.
Note: Took my previous comment and just added it to this one since it better explains why.
Honestly all I ask for is to see if the killer ping warning in the lobby so I can dodge those matches.
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I don't care about my score. It was the fact that this dude was hitting me no matter what I did. How is this FUN? How is this FAIR? Why would you take away the lobby ping indicator and not give us one to see the killers' ping? You think I want to do another match where the killer is literally WALKING INTO A WALL THEN IMMEDIATELY IS HITTING ME IN THE FACE WITH NO WAY TO REACT? STOP THIS. Its really grinding me down. Put it BACK.
Edit: Added another picture.
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Again, ANOTHER MATCH where a Wesker slams me into another survivor with the survivor being pretty much behind a wall in RPD because again, HE's RED PING. I'm about to just go back to playing Killer again. This is bullshit.
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I'm gonna keep adding these pics every time until it gets reverted.
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Like the previous comment. Let us see the killers' ping also in the pre-game lobby.